>"What other video game series would you like to adapt?"
>"Dark Metroid in the same anime style."
If they get the ok from Nintendo to do it, what would you like to see in a Metroid anime?
Castlevania producer would like to adapt Metroid next
Nintendo would never let it happen though.
>Nintendo okaying something cool
>Nintendo okaying an adaptation of one of their properties by anyone
>Nintendo okaying something taht everyone would really really like
Metroid Fusion adaptation would be fucking ace. That or adapt Other M and fix the shit out of it.
Samurai jack style of show portrays isolation and atmosphere pretty well.
>Nintendo okaying something taht everyone would really really like
They literally confirmed both MP4 and a new 2D Metroid in the same conference.
But there's no religion in Metroid to take the role of antagonist and Samus doesn't have testicles what would the plot be
I guess something like Hunters would be cool, give me some animated Kanden and Weavel.
Only because normies were starting to catch on that Nintendo is incompetent and doesn't know what their fans want.
Shit, I can't believe I forgot Hunters. That's the perfect material to adapt, and not to mention it could even be used as canon since Sylux is definitely showing up in Prime 4.
Keep that liberal cuckold away from Metroid. If Metroid anime happens it should be written by japanese.
Galactic Federation.
And do you seriously think that Castlevania's theme is "Religion is evil"?
A story about Samus getting a black boyfriend
I remember him
You haven't seen the show I take it
>>Nintendo okaying an adaptation of one of their properties by anyone
They just let another company use Mario for a crossover, so I wouldn't put it outside the realm of possibility.
god no, I dont need samus saying PISS FUCK SHIT CUNT ever other scene
>Adapt Other M
If there was any time we need womyn empowerment, it's to fix that piece of shit.
Fusion, The amount of fucked up shit that could come from an animation of Fusion is endless.
Wasn't Other M initially a movie?
Nintendo said they wanted to start doing anime
But I did. Did you miss the bit with the holy water?
>More anime Metroid
How about they do something different from everything else on the switch and go back to it's Alien inspired roots.
Or the bit where the demon straight up says god hates what the church is doing
>Other M
This. "Adapt" it by fixing all of the problems and eliminating the game from canon.
Maybe if they tone down the cursing, I'll allow it.
And use tracks from the games! The music was bad!
If you took out all the problems, what would be left of the story?
>the grotesque aura that could be made from the decaying bodies of the researchers
>the tension that could be built up every time Samus gets within SA-X's vicinity
I can see it being highly successful
It has a movie mode. It doesn't make much sense because there's sometimes long stretches of gameplay that is supposed to connect the cutscenes, and movie mode cuts those out.
Yes look at how well written Other M is
Pretty good bait but I have to call you out on it because someone might believe you.
The thumbs-up sign had been used by the Galactic Federation for ages. Me, I was known for giving the thumbs-down during briefing. I had my reasons, though... Commander Adam Malkovich was normally cool and not one to joke around, but he would end all of his mission briefings by saying, "Any objections, Lady?" He was joking, but others weren't... At the time I felt surrounded by people who treated me like a child or used kid gloves because i was a woman. And yet, with Adam, I was grateful for the nod... My past has left me with an uneasy soul, and as a result, it touched me on some level that Adam would acknowledge that past by calling something delicate- like "Lady." And I knew more than anyone that every word from Adam was deliberate. My thumbs-down was a twofold response- a sign of derision at being called a lady, and a signal of my complete understanding of the mission orders. The other soldiers were always willing to support me with easy smiles despite the fact that I clearly had so much yet to learn. Among them was Anthony. In the face of his well-meaning behavior, and that of the other soldiers, my response was to become increasingly bitter. I was a child, always with something to prove. A chip on my shoulder.
>more Adi Shankar edgy bootleg reboots
let me guess. the church is bad and it created metroids
Did you miss the 3 episodes shitting on religion?
>Begins with Ridley destroying K-2L and Samus being taken by the Chozo
Just adapt the beginning of the Manga and Metroid 1/Zero Mission. End It with Samus being hired by the GF to kill the metroids on SR388
>shitting on religion
Is that a problem?
Samus goes to the Bottle Ship, cooperates with GF fags but doesn't take orders from them, she briefly thinks back to her time training under Adam where she definitely wasn't a spoiled brat and he definitely wasn't an asshole, Madeline Bergman isn't a fake Mother Brain but rather just some crazy scientist or something, Samus wrecks Ridley for the millionth time because he's a faggot scrub, ship self destructs yada yada Adam sacrifices himself and Samus doesn't go back for his helmet because that's retarded. Maybe she drinks a space beer in his honor or something.
I don't see it happening just because Netflix audiences would want Samus to be talking to a side kick or something constantly.
They could just adapt the manga.
beat me to it
I vote we rename the board to "Sup Forums - Netflix"
Which is why you do Hunters or Other M.
Yes it is.
Nintendo should just get bought out by Disney and start having the Nintendo Cinematic Universe as movies
>Metroid 2 remake is a new Metroid
>People asked for Metroid Prime 4
You're retarded. Fuck you, faggot.
that Castlevania anime was shit though
Was Castlevania netflix good?
>people thinking this 5fps edgy "le church is evil" *tips fedora* cunt shit fucl piss fuck garbage is good
How about grow up. You're not in middle school anymore.
It's alright, too short though.
Apparently a second season order of 8
episodes now. Hopefully it tells more.
This just started....then stopped.
Probably more people were asking for Prime 4 than a new 2D one desu. I wasn't one of them, mind you, but Prime was usually brought up more often.
Take your (You) and leave
>would want Samus to be talking to a side kick
Samus & Joey adaptation confirmed.
Shitty on the clergy, more like
Oh god no.
You clearly did not pay attention to the dialogue.
>western Samus anime
Mistranslation fucko
Pic related
Soon after this, the transcript was posted on the japan sight, the jap that said this was a mistranslation was correct
Did you?
It's pretty clear the demon taslking to the bishop is straight talkign about his corrupt, shitty ass.
Else, when the other priest bless water it actually works.
It's not complex, God has the back of the believers, but not of those of profiting shitters who use the church for their own ends. It's a fuckign old trope still
wow. god fucking dammit nintendo
>Doesn't watch netflix
>Probably doesn't have friends
>Or have a cell phone
Blame the fuckhead that mistranslated it. Though this isnt the first time.
>Anime was a mistake
>It's better than nothing
It was great!
Us true gamers are happy to have such a great service like Netflix to produce such quality content!
Why don't you try Netflix for free and see if you like the show?
It's only $9.99 a month after that, too!
What a deal!
>Paying for kikes to shove marxism and multiculturalism down your throat while doing everything they can to single out whites and religion as evil
Kill yourself, beta cuck nigger loving kike enabler.
Oh man, I can't wait too see how people will react when Adam appear in this series.
For some reason Sakamoto wants make him an important part of the Metroid Lore, that is why he is making a cameo in Samus Returns.
If you say this, The autists can't have their muh liberals killing God the Muslims are coming fantasies
kill whitey
Well i for one would be extremely glad if the middle east an any country arboring more than 5% muslims was nuked off the map, but it's fucking evident in that encounter. The bishop was a shithead and probably thought that him being a bishop and him being in a church meant that god was there, while the bible make clear that THE PEOPLE are the church, not the fuckign real estate. He believed that the ''real estate'' had power, not the people within, and thus got slurped
Which are the best Castlevania games to play? As in the most fun. I'm not attached to lore or anything because I've never played any.
Yes a demon the thing God rejects is talking about what god thinks about the church.
Yes; someone qualified to know what God hates from a personal involvement with him.
Qualified? when they are not even in contact with him how the fuck would they know?
You do know that in Catholic canon all demons were once angels right?
Yes I'm aware I'm also aware they aren't in contact with god so they don't know the opinion he has about the church.
I just don't see this working out with any narrative structure and don't want to see attempts made to make it fit a series.
I don't care how good it looks... and judging from the climax fight in S1 of Castlevania; I don't think that's a serious danger.
For Classicvania go with Rondo of Blood or Super Castlevania 4. Symphony of the Night is considered a staple game, it defined pretty much every 2D Castlevania after it. All of the GBA and DS games are good, you should probably play them in order.
I think the both of you are getting off track here. I was a little but blasted they seemed to be demonizong those who believed in God too, but then a character straight up said no it's just evil people pretending they have God's interest for power over the people. Even when they burn Vlad's wife, she pulls a Jesus and starts telling either God or Drac that they don't know they're being manipulated by the evil priest.
Then again I'm not catholic so maybe that's why I'm less offended as a Pentecostal? I dunno.
would be interesting if after how well received the Castlevania series is Nintendo decides to do it, but i doubt it.
i'm not sure Metroid really works for a longform series though. Other M showed the series works better without too much story. a 1-2 hour movie adaptation of Super Metroid that was light on dialogue could be interesting.
personally i would rather see these guys do Metal Gear.
I think everyone here universally agreed all that CASTLEVANIA show is missing is the original tunes right?
I would pray if he ever touches Metroid he wouldn't make the same mistake
Let's skip arguing the point that God and Satan definitely repeatedly communicate with one another in scripture.
Since demons are fallen angels; they would know God's dogma from their historical existence.
Further to actively behave demonically would require they know what they should as a purely opposition force to it.
While that can't be demonstrably shown: the Bishop is shown to be wrong about every other one of his assumptions..
>Was told to work on an official power rangers move and refused
>Banned from Hollywood
Best classic style is either 3 or SC4. Ignore Rondofags. Best Metroidvania style is CotM, although Symphony is close. Best 3D is either Curse of Darkness or Lords of Shadow 1.