Nintendo Switch Battery Draining at Shocking Speeds

>Before the Nintendo Switch launched, many fans were worried about the console’s battery life. Some Japanese gamers are now reporting that their console’s battery life is quickly depleting. In a handful of videos posted on Twitter, the Switch’s battery percentage can be seen decreasing at a ridiculous speed. It’s common for batteries to weaken as they become older, but this seems very early.

4 months old and it's already fucking literally dying
There is no saving this one, it's gonna die even quicker than the Wii U
Either that or Nintendo will release a Nintendo Switch 2 next year
Either way Nintendo is beyond doomed, oh but still, please try to come up with something to defend it this time

Other urls found in this thread:

So what your saying is that the Switch is worse that the Vita here in America?

Another Sonyfag thread. Shut up already.

>thread on an imageboard linking to an article about another article about a bunch of twitter postings
This is a new kind of cancer.

My switch doesn't have that problem

Still runs for about 3-4 hours undocked with wifi on and the brightness a little over halfway.

Op is a fag for the Nintendo is doomed bullshit, but as someone who would use the Switch almost exclusively in handheld mode, I have to admit I was worried about this sort of thing. Will wait for more reports before deciding if it's bad enough to hold off on buying one for now.

How was there ever any doubt? Even when Nintendo is supposed to be kings of handhelds they still can't compete even with Sony's biggest blunder

Fuck off retard.

>t. Assblasted Ninten-yearold
>Works on my machine :^)
Why would you even CONSIDER buying one when the PS4 and Xbox One have been out for many years?

>another "sony pony spends his day researching meaningless twitter posts while he waits for his ps4 to get games" thread

Wew lad

>nintendo fixes all of them within a week for free and gives some goodies to the people who had an issue

>both of them turned out to just be faked by neogaffers

hmmm... what to think about this battery problem...

It's like when people started saying they bent in the dock. They don't. Just more Sonyfag shitposting.

Fuck off console war falseflagger

What do you have to say about the Switch selling like literal shit?
Is that also made up lies?

sony are going to get one to kill a kid
screenshot this

The source says that the problem fixed itself before they knew it. Nice bait.

They said the battery will last based on the video game that you're playing.

We know BoTW has a decent battery life.
But...what other games are there on the switch?

We get it. You own a PlayStation.

>For one guy.

Just wait for the revision

It's coming within a year or 2

What reality do you live in?

How typical of Nintenbros to always come out of their pestering shitholes just to defend the turds Nintendo feeds them daily
How more miserable can you people get?

>>Works on my machine :^)
Your argument?

My switch is proof that those reports are false.
I mean, I know you're trying to hurt the switch's success, as did other people Sup Forums praises like crowbcat with the initial launch propaganda, but clearly it's not working nor will it ever work since the switch is a massive success selling faster than they can actually make it and put on the shelf.

Face it user, it's over.

Not a problem.

>I bought a PS4
We know.

>smaller joycons not compatible with proper switch

Son, are you retarded?

>My machine works, therefore all others must be purposely tampered with :^)

My Switch has this strange issue where it sometimes loses battery charge even if turned off (not Sleep Mode, turned completely off) after a fresh 100% charge. With that having been said, it's personally a minor issue at worst for me because mine is either docked or tethered to a battery pack.

>use switch almost daily
>use it almost exclusively in handheld mode
>put it back on it's dock every night regardless of it's current charge
>still has ~4-5 hours from 100%
I have no idea where this battery thing is coming from it's had the same battery life since I got it.

They still have a lot further to sink until they're as sad as you

>removing the whole console/handheld gimmick


I dunno, I'm pretty happy since I own a Switch, PS4 and PC so I don't have to shit on other consoles to validate my own choices

Seriously, has no one ever tried sending their stuff back to the company it came from to get it repaired 'round here?

Hi Sony

Well no shit the batteries when to shit, they are essentially being constantly topped off when you play it in docked mode. Rechargeable batteries need to be allowed to discharge some before they are recharged.

You need to turn the power off dummy. Hibernating still consumes power.

Why do that when you can instead use your busted machine and wasted money as console war ammunition on Sup Forums?

The same number of people who did not confirm that the problem immediately went away.

>Another nintendo shitpost thread

That's because you're not 13 and getting physically angry because the company you don't support exists

ah well what do ya know, google translate is trying to defend the switch

That's about what I expected on a system that uses smartphone technology, but then rechargeable batteries are known to eventually start to wear out and drain faster, the average one only lasts for 500 charge cycles give or take.

Just like how the dock was causing the Switch to warp from heat?

>It's not okay when the shitposting targets Nintendo
But I guess it's completely justified and deserved when it's against Sony or Microsoft, right?

I did say in my post that I turned it off. Hold the power button, wait for the menu to appear, Power Options -> Turn Off.

Ah, good point. This is Sup Forums after all

Yeah, especially if it's a problem in this short of a period. This is a big enough issue that if it turns out to be real it'll get picked up by larger tech outlets

>anecdotal evidence is proof that everything is bad

>Not waiting for the Switch-lite/Advance/XL

or how is scratches the screen up

>911: The dying person didn't call back so he's not dead

Aside the click bait titles. How the fuck is a trashy porn centric site as this have more ethical and less lazy as standards that whatever the fagity shit op posted?

I feel like if they did this, they would have to use slide pads again, otherwise it wouldn't fit in a pocket even halfway well. Also a glass screen to stop it from getting scratched up in said pocket.

Incidentally, for all those who don't know, this is what Barneyfag does when he's not calling people Argentinians.

Nintendo has some pretty autistic fans but the Nintendo haters have THE most autistic poster amongst their ranks

>I love Sony

I know user

well OP

you know your wrong, i can't help your shit thought pattern but hope that you die or somehow have a fucking brain shock that makes you think correctly, like the other 99% of people in the world


Why does Nintendo constantly insist on gimmicks? Cant they just put some hardware in a brick and call it a console like sony and Microsoft? What was wrong with the game cube?

If this thread isn't proof of Sup Forums being NintendoGAF I really don't know what the fuck else kind of proof you need

>Why would you even CONSIDER buying one when the PS4 and Xbox One have been out for many years?
Portability, duh. You're not very bright, are you?

>Console wars
>This thread is going to archive
Mods please.


>Hello everyone, i like Sony

But why do you keep saying this?

Maybe the Gamecube losing in sales by a huge margin has something to do with not wanting to repeat the same strategy.

The PSVita has been out for many years, user
What the fuck is your excuse now?
How much does Nintendo pay you?

I very seriously think people like you are hugely unintelligent. Congrats on buying a gimped PC, please stop asking Nintendo to make shitty products, too.

>Hello everyone, I shill for Nintendo

Do you do it for free?

It was a failure financially. As was N64. Making a console that competed on hardware didn't reward nintendo at all, while the DS and Wii gimmicks printed money. Wii U sold like shit but the 3DS sold well and the switch is selling above their expectations.

Better than a guy getting mad at what other people purchase on an anonymous message board

Btw, I own a ps4 and a switch. Quit being such a poorfag and you'll be much happier

because of the wii
for 11 years they've made their money off being the weird one. The one that explores niches and hardware most would not touch. Financially that's been working for them. So they're going to keep being weird as long as weird keeps paying the bills. It's also generally means less direct competition because it's going to have a lot of games that can't exist on other platforms because of the peripherals.

that explains a lot...

What's with all the nostalgia for the Gamecube?

During the Gamecube's heyday, people were saying the same shit about it that they say about all Nintendo products. It was the "kiddy lunch box" and the "real hardcore gamers" played PS2 and (if you were American) XBOX.

All batteries die quickly, have you ever owned a laptop?

Fat fucks like this don't need portability because they have nowhere to go. Even if they did they couldn't fit through the door frame.

Say it with me, everyone!

>Something bad happens in the nintendo toddler


Every time.

Neither of them were financial failures, they just sold less than Nintendo wanted.

How huge of a shill are you?

It's a bug with the percent indication function. You'll still be about to play at 1 percent for hours.

They're not even being "weird" they're just doing interesting hardware design. I don't understand why Sup Forums can see how important it is to innovate with software, but is so utterly befuddled as to why a hardware manufacturer might be smart to do the same thing.

Not making the battery replaceable was a huge design mistake by Nintendo. They can't expect us to treat it like an iPhone that gets replaced every two years. It's not a problem for me because I only use the Switch plugged in.

More like.
>Sonyfag shitposting lies about Nintendo
>Sonyfag gets called Sonyfag

>All batteries die quickly
Cheap batteries do.

>symmetrical sticks
literally for what purpose

I doubt the Switch's battery is cheap, they spent too much space in its design to justify that

You forgot to say

I'd call it "weird" when they go in a direction that the rest of of the industries are not. It's not bad it' s just weird. Also we're in the early days of the VR dev proliferation so going that way now is even stranger.

>Wii u analogue stick placement
Playing smash on that is almost impossible

I had a feeling this might happen.
If you leave your Switch in your dock all the time it is constantly getting charged and constantly charging electronics when they are at 100% generally kills the battery life.

>when you're given proof right on the fucking OP
Nintenshills moving goalposts once again!
Do you do mental gymnastics daily just to cope with life?

>bunch of twitter posts
We get it, you own a playstation.

It stops charging at 100%. I guarantee these people are playing handheld 6+ hours a day which is why their batteries are dying so quickly. If you want it to last longer, play docked sometimes.

>the old tickle charge mythos
it's not 2004 anymore

>one guy has a faulte switch
>hey let's blow it out of proportion

Right, nobody cared that the Gamecube was running more powerful hardware than the PS2. It's all about the perception. It was "kiddy" because it was made by Nintendo, and it was small and purple.

jokes on you i only play on my sega saturn bescause its the best console ever and i think it has the best games you can no tp robve me wrong even tho you will try for posts and post all you say is LOL you have a playstation well guess what i have a sega SATURN not your pussy ass chad shit i only play the REAL stuff sega doezss waht you FAGGOTS dont you got that? now run along and play with your baby shit while the real men play radiant silvergun over and over and 1 CC it

>Why would you even CONSIDER buying one when the PS4 and Xbox One have been out for many years?
Why would I consider buying one of those when my computer has existed since 2011 and plays games better?

>trying this hard
Yes, bloodborne is a PS4 exclusive.

So...send it in to get repaired...? For free?

Reddit already confirmed that this is not a battery issue, but a bug in the latest update that makes the battery indicator give you funky numbers
The actual battery is fine.

You can fix it by turning the status indicator off and on.

Sankaku is great.