he literally did nothing wrong
He literally did nothing wrong
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Get out
As a 14 year old I hated him
As a 22 year old I respect him
I prank called him once in 2006 and while microwaving some popcorn and the bag of popcorn caught on fire, I didn't notice until after he hung up on me but the microwave was fuming smoke.
I had to explain afterwards to my parents that I ruined the microwave because I was crank calling a lawyer I saw on TV.
Then get the fuck out, you have nothing to do here.
How? I'm 25 and I still hate him. He bullshits his way through the "cases" and deserved to be disbarred
he's Sup Forums personified.
He helped promote GTA and turned it into a cash cow that is ruining the industry with microtransactions and shit multiplayer.
I'd rather have people like him than SJWs.
Didn't he get disbarred for mailing gay porn to a judge?
Sounds like /ourguy/
Considering there are many people nowadays who genuinely consider Anita Sarkeesian to be an important visionary, this opinion doesn't surprise me at all.
He wanted the government involved in morality policing.
I'd rather have the SJWs as they are less threatening
I never really disliked him, I kinda like the guy now.
He was from a time were calling him and nut who didn't know what he was talking about was ok, he went on podcasts to shout back and forth with 20 something jorno's.
The guy's far from someone I'd argee but he was hard to hate.
I wouldn't. Thompson is one nagging voice in a crowd. SJWs are a brainwashed cult with their tentacles spread far and wide.
If Anita got the same mockery that Thomson did and was willing to try and argue with with her critics people might be a bit more neutral towards her.
If you don't like something and instead of accepting that you try to stop everyone else from enjoying it you're a shitty person.
I would rather not have either one.
ah, the Sup Forums boogeyman guy. there he is, right on cue.
Thompson had the family values demographic and Hillary Clinton on his side you newfag, it wasn't just him alone
I liked to think that his rampant shitting on violent games made people stay away from vidya at least somewhat.
Thomason isn't Sup Forums the only people who think he is are retard goons based on one random something awful piece.
He came pretty close to calling Bully racist over a screenshot of Jimmy beating up a black student.
You truly are lost if you actually think this guy was right.
SJWs or what ever the fuck they are all the same
>I'd rather have people like him than SJWs.
How young are you? What he was pushing was WAY fucking more threatening to games, and it was playing into an already overly-exaggerated older generation fear of games and "how they warp the minds of our children".
Jack was an SJW if you think about it
red pill me on this guy
You're too young to be posting here.
Clinton was angling for something much smaller than Thompson. The former wanted more red tape around sales to minors, and the latter wanted companies to stop producing games that were morally questionable entirely, to the point of taking them to court.
Lawyer who actively tried to "take down vidya" because "muh family values, muh violence" mainyl goin againts GTA
Got disbarred due to too many frivolous lawsuits about vidya
I'm not saying I want him to be a respected voice, but most of the media treated him like a crank and he never got anywhere, he'd talk to people like Sterling and Ses who would both argue poorly on easy to defend views, and who would in turn get called the savors of gaming by there dumb fanboy's, JT was bad but the doublethink that surounds Anita is a lot more obnoxus.
Keyboard fucked up ... mainly going against GTA
why can't leftists come up with their own memes?
you literally just stole this one and changed his hair and tattoos
>I'd rather have people like him
With people like him there would be no videogames, you ugly cunt.
Thompson was a soccer mom before soccer moms became all 'videogames are bad for muh children'
He did everything for his own fame. People say he was the SJW of his time, but the reality is in many ways he was worse because his bitching actually had an effect on the industry at times. Congress paid attention to what people like him said.
>he literally did nothing
That about sums up his entire life
more like no more ultra-violent AAA garbage which i'm okay with
He exists, there are still video games, GTAV sold over 80 million, idiot.
Underage kekistani shitheads are pro censorship, what a shocker.
Well he got disbarred or whatever so he probably did something wrong.
And just as importantly - even though his actions may have been fine, his reasoning was not. Same as Anita. She didn't do anything "wrong" in the sense that she has every right to make shitty videos. It doesn't mean her premise is sound or that she was being intellectually honest.
People forget that he went on one man crusade against Bully.
Of all games FUCKING BULLY!
He was an oldschool moralfag. A massive moralfag who pushed his moralfaggotry on everyone.
What part of "people like him" are you struggling to grasp, you shortbus mouthbreather? I'd rather have thousands of Jack Thompsons killing the industry with libelous lawsuits than 1 retard like you who can't read.
So you want all games to specifically cater to your tastes. Got it.
Not him but I don't want ANY games to stop being made. I want everything to be made.
name 5 games that were affected by sjws more than jack thompson affected a game
Because using altered Sup Forums memes upsets them the most.
You could clone 1000 of him, give them each 10 million, send them all to law school and video games would still be a thing and doing well.
It's one thing to have an opinion. But another to force your opinion onto others and make others conform to your view.
So basically everyday here on Sup Forums
SJWs, Jack Thompson, Islamisms, it's all the same thing. They're what CS Lewis called moral busybodies, people who felt they had a moral obligation to judge the perceived moral failings of everyone around them.
SJWs affected more games directly but JT changed the market as a whole
He tried to discredit the attorney arguing against him in a disbarment hearing by printing out and submitting as evidence a bunch of explicit gay porn ad images he'd claimed to have collected from the opposing attorney's personal page (he apparently had Google Adsense) as proof the attorney was acting on the wishes of the vindictive gay agenda to have him disbarred. The irony is that as a result Thompson himself was responsible for entering gay porn into the legal public record for everyone to see.
Name 1 thing Jack Thompson did that affected games.
GTA Online is fun.
>looking back now i realize he was right
*blocks your fun*
People assign SJW to mean leftist. But people like Jack Thomson and Sup Forums are just as much as SJW, but for their own opposite politics. Sup Forums wants social justice for whites, for men, and for their nation.
Benzies was a bit of a dick for being the guy focusing on online, but without him, all the updates have turned to total shit.
There is room for all types of games. It's fine to be tired of a trend, and it's fine to want a different type of game than what is available.
It's not fine to say a certain type of game "can't" or "shouldn't" be made. You don't have that authority, and mostly likely do not have a justification for it beyond "I don't like it".
Wasn't his counterpoint against a senator who said his arguments were bad just "you're a lesbian, so your opinion is invalid"
>but most of the media treated him like a crank and he never got anywhere
Your memory is very off. He was being used as a "legitimate" expert on the matter in mainstream media, including CNN (I know, I know, but the target audience would've taken it seriously, especially during those years) and such.
That's why people were very upset with him, because he was for some stupid reason being taken seriously by the news corps.
Remember when the games industry used to condition gamers to be against the kind of people that could hurt their profit margins? Now the barbarians are inside the gates.
name some games that were effected by JT
Fire Emblem Fates
God Of War whatever the second PS3 one was called
Might Number Nine of all things
SJW's all had a direct effect.
They quite likely had an effect on reboot Tomb Raider, the second Bravely Default, the newest Fatal Frame
The newest Berserk game
I can likely find more.
>studies show a conclusive link between aggressive behavior and video games
>In Louisiana, Thompson helped draft a 2006 bill sponsored by state representative Roy Burrell to ban the sale of violent video games to buyers under 18 (HB1381). In an effort to avoid constitutional problems, it avoided trying to define "violent" and instead adopted a variation of the Miller obscenity test: sales to minors would be illegal based on community standards if the game appealed to "the minor's morbid interest in violence", was patently offensive based on adult standards of suitability for minors, and lacked serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors. The bill was passed unanimously by the state House and approved by the Senate Judiciary A Committee, despite industry opposition and predictions that it too would be unconstitutional.
Attention whore who tried repeatedly to ban the GTA games.
Eventually the courts saw through his bullshit and ordered him to stop harassing Rock star.
He eventually got disbarred too and has thus been consigned to the realms of forgotten vidya history
It was Janet Reno, and it was a race for Florida State Attourney. His thing was basically "If you're so straight, do you find me attractive?", and her exact response was "I'm only interested in virile men. That’s why I'm not attracted to you." Then when she became Attourney General, he kept saying she can't be allowed to have the job on the grounds of being a lesbian.
>Believes video games are hurting children.
>Does something about it.
At least the guy was well intended and did not just do it out of malice.
Info on what he's up to now. Some good reading.
You're acting like it would've stopped there. At the time, politicians were chiming in on video games and how they could "influence" our children, and the dangers of it. They were looking for censorship, and Thompson was playing into their fears. It was the same shit the music industry had to deal with much earlier, until that thankfully ended with a compromise with the rating system for music.
Actually accomplishing what they wanted to push is far more dangerous than agendas being pushed that isn't liked. Imagine if SJWs could outright make the government FORCE companies to do things with their games. That's the sort of shit that people like Thompson were aiming at.
SJWs are just being annoying and trying to get some message to look the way they want. Thompson and politicians of that era were looking to eradicate actual free speech in games, over fears of "think of the children!".
I didn't vote for Trump (Jill Stein voter here) but the good thing about him being President is that all the anti-gamergaters were unhealthy numales who relied on Obamacare to stay alive. With Trumpcare going through they'll likely die off.
He's Unhinged!
>At least the guy was well intended and did not just do it out of malice.
>In 2005, he wrote an open letter to Entertainment Software Association president Doug Lowenstein, making what he described as "a modest video game proposal" (an allusion to the title of Jonathan Swift's satirical essay, A Modest Proposal) to the video game industry: Thompson said he would donate $10,000 to a charity designated by Take-Two CEO Paul Eibeler if any video game company would create a game including the scenario he described in the letter. The scenario called for the main character, whose son was killed by a boy who played violent video games, to murder a number of industry executives (including one modeled on Eibeler) and go on a killing spree at the Electronic Entertainment Expo. Video game fans promptly began working to take Thompson up on his offer, resulting in the game I'm O.K – A Murder Simulator, among others. Afterwards, he claimed that his proposal was satire, and refused to make the promised donation.
This guy railed against everything. Rap music, videogames, Howard Stern (which by today's standard is so tame).
He also argued the Florida Bar Association wasn't constitutional when it turned against him.
Fates, numorous changes, one of which was has direct links to a SJW freakout.
DOAX3 SJW given by employees as the reason for its lack of a western release.
Might Number Nine
SJW staff member claims to have made a fuss in order to get changes made to a DLC characters design
The whole Tracer pose thing.
GOW6 name changed to a trophy
Yes 3 out of 5 of those mean very little and didn't do any harm but the point was that you can clearly link them SJW drama to effects had on the game or it's release.
Source? How is that malice? Or out of spite?
he is totally right
only underage redditors hate him
Sup Forums wants to ban videogames?
>studies show a conclusive link between aggressive behavior and video games
They don't show aggressive behavior beyond the same aggression that comes from other accepted activities such as sports. And in some cases they reduce aggressive behavior.
Now if we want to make the deal that all sports go away WITH all video games. Fine I'll make that deal. But otherwise video games don't cause aggression out of the ordinary. Posting inflammatory posts to get angry reactions doesn't prove your point.
Violent videogames were near realistically at threat from people like JT though. All that was media hyperbole to get clicks.
There were numerous cases and lawsuits against violent games, this is true, but none of them went anywhere.
In short, videogames are protected by the same freedom of speech and freedom of expressions as movies, book, or music. No cases is realistically going to change anything to any great degree on that regard.
Not only that, he was right. Video games are harmful to youth. Look at what Valve, Actiblizz and others are doing - they use video games in order to peddle gambling to minors. They are the proof that it's a sinister hobby.
Don't forget pic related - it's all about microtransaction bait now.
How much of an underage fucking newfag are you? Get the fuck off my board you dipshit if you don't remember Bald and Piglike donating the 10k when Thompson fucked off.
He did to the GTA series what Obama did to AR-15s.
Paul Eibeler also never selected a charity and he did so much claim it as satire and it was satire, just ham handed satire, I guess him and R* at least have something in common.
Nah, not really. Mostly it just makes people think you're not intelligent enough to create something of your own and have to sponge off the achievements of people who came before you. You're basically a nigger.
Thread is probably meta enough already but I believe video games offer no benefit to society and are a waste of time.
>He also argued the Florida Bar Association wasn't constitutional when it turned against him.
Because he thought the "gay agenda" had taken over the Bar Association and was harassing him for his religious beliefs. Maybe he'd have a point if he said that today, but this was in 1993, when the vast majority of american society including lawyers didn't like the gays.
Hey hey! Didn't know Polygon was here today. Or are you Kotaku?
It's t gambling aspect that's the real problem.
Fuck any game with micro transactions, yes, even if it's "just" cosmetics
>Asks for source out of curiosity
>no u
>Jill Stein
Fuck off with your pinko bullshit
You have no clue who I'm even referring to when I say Bald and Piglike, do you.
Fucking faggots. All of you.
>waste of time
i'll never understand what this means. i worked all day, am i not allowed to have free time because (((they))) said so?
old Sup Forums would ban most of them for being shit.
I don't see the problem with gambling. Granted I live in a place where it's legal, but if you take the ability to do something away from people then they'll just do it illegally.
Normally I hate the faggots who demonize people asking for sources, but this was huge fucking news. If you don't remember it as it happened, you really aren't old enough to be here.