What went wrong? Seriously, what did go wrong?
What went wrong? Seriously, what did go wrong?
ur dad's attempt at pulling out of your mother
rekt lmao
here's a list
>attempting to appeal to casual/new players
they ended up alienating the pros and not allowing for anything cool like daigo vs justin to ever even happen
>appealing to spectators rather than players
the game is shit to watch because we all now know they care more about us seeing new characters being top tier every patch than actually balancing the geimu
Capcom.sys still makes me laugh, what the everloving fuck were they thinking?
Let's save some time. Here is a complete list of things that went right:
Whenever they try to make a game more appealing to new players, they slow it down. Fair enough, new players have a hard time following the action. Thing is, new and experienced players alike will get frustrated, and that's made worse when the game is slower. Hell, simple party games like duckgame, divekick, and lethal league all play extremely quickly. Sf5 just feels sluggish and tired and it makes the game less exciting on a casual and competitive level.
I'm going to add
>mechanics that limit the playstyles to rush down and and maybe keep away
>anti air jabs
Someone at Capcom told whoever designed this game "Make something that appeals to casuals, but something that appeals to tournament players too. And you can only work on it until the Sony money runs out."
And that's how you get a buggy mess with shit online that has the worst features of both casual (simplistic execution, shallow options, slow) and 'hardcore' (no single-player content of any value) fighters.
>appeal to casual/new players
>have basically no single player content on day one
>game rushed out the fucking door to appease the FGC
>servers broken as shit on day one
Yeah, they really hooked the casuals this time...
They went full esports, and that's the root of SFVs core problems. Including why it's not fucking fun to play.
>Megaman got shat on
>MvC is a joke
>Resident Evil 6 was shit and 7 too short
>SFV is going shit
>Monster Hunter is next
>no new Breath of Fire
Capcom went wrong
Hey! Don't forget that Lost Planet and Dead Rising have also been ruined.
Daily reminder Capcom wants to make MvCI even more casualized then SFV.
What's super funny is that Pokken of all things actually did the "accessible for newcomers without sacrificing the skill ceiling" thing SFV was trying to do, except actually executed decently
People bandwagoning saying it's bad just because it's not 100% USF4 just with new characters.
It's honestly a fun game but people won't give it a chance now that the meme has spread.
Pokken did? How so? Been trying to justify buying the switch version
No singleplayer content at all. Fighting games used to sell well because of their singleplayer content, nowadays all the focus on is tourneyfags that's only like 0.01% of the actual players
>attempting to appeal to casual/new players
God forbid new people join the series. Also you know what I'll just say it, fuck the pros. They make up a minority. By far the people who play these games are dudebros and siblings playing against each other at home. If it helps make the game more accessible for these types then it was worth it. The "pros" can get a life and find a real job if playing a stupid video game isn't enough fun for them anymore.
>The "pros" can get a life and find a real job if playing a stupid video game isn't enough fun for them anymore.
1. Most of the pros are contractually obligated to play SFV
2. Most of the pros do actually have jobs outside of playing fightan
As for "If it helps make the game more accessible for these types then it was worth it", the problem is that the type of people playing casually with family/friends already has loads of options, and as we've seen SFV's attempts to court them failed miserably.
not the same user, but the "superior limb based combat" is pretty easy to get into, and the phase shift mode prevents infinites and puts more emphasis on mind games.
Because it lacks the single player content other games like NRS ones have. It's not so much the gameplay is bad but the amount of it is lacking and not worth the money.
SFxT, SFV and MvCI prove that the pros will suck Capcom's dick regardless of quality. Because they have a vested interest in the game selling well and in turn getting them more money. The pros will always just push whoever puts dollars in their hand the hardest.
Apparently Capcom forgot how their old games let you choose what speed to play at
I honestly think the core gameplay is great. I liked it a lot more than SFIV in that regard.
That said, Capcom fucked up so hard when it comes to content, presentation and netcode.
Thing is, most Street Fighter games never had that much content to begin with. Even USFIV only had Arcade Mode, Trials and Bonus Stage stuff that next to nobody played because people aren't playing Street Fighter for those kinds of things (Trials maybe for beginners). Earlier Street Fighter games had even less content, yet still sold millions.
NRS games sell quickly, but when it comes to people actually playing them interest drops off within a month, and EVO barely revives them. And they already exist as an option for the gamer who wants single player fighting.
"Make inputs easier" is really the only way the game tried to appeal to casuals. Knowledge of frame data is a lot more important in 5 than it was in 4, since (a) Capcom did a really poor job of making it obvious from animations whether something is safe or not and (b) DPs are weak, so wakeups are a meaty hell.
And what do casuals like? Shitloads of single player content. SF5 still doesn't have an arcade mode 18 months after release.
I thought Daigo lifted. Why is he JUST now.
>Monster Hunter is next
>Even USFIV only had Arcade Mode, Trials and Bonus Stage stuff that next to nobody played
Everyone played arcade, what are you going on about? Early SFs had less content because they were on a fucking Super Nintendo. Oh, and on the Super Nintendo they still had ARCADE MODE. It was mind boggling to people that on day one SFV didn't just have an arcade mode you could play at different difficulties.
Fuck, NRS even goes further by putting in rotating challenge towers, basically just arcade modes that change up every once in a while. I still don't understand what exactly makes adding an arcade mode after the fact so hard for Capcom, it's doesn't feel like it would be that different than a shorter survival mode with difficulty options (instead of just "do 50 fucking fights for a costume").
Does anyone think Rising Thunder would have done the "appeal to casuals" thing right? Looking back on it, I liked it a lot better than SFV, and it only had like 6 characters.
Unless they don't go full retard, which knowing Capcom they will, they're going to do something really stupid after it fails to sell which it's almost guaranteed regardless of the game's quality.
>How so?
I'm actually not sure how to explain what about it makes it accessable, beyond the fact that the move inputs are simple (all are just single buttons plus a direction, except for grab and focus attack (which it calls counter)) and the game in general is very fundamental and mindgame focused with relatively shorter combos;
But it's much easier to explain how it doesn't have a low skill ceiling: Despite the fact that the inputs are simply and combos are relatively short, the actual timing and spacing on a lot of the more optimal, high damage ones are still demanding (though, it differs per characters, braixen, Lucario, and mewtwo are stupidly easy). The height attack system is actually more complex then it is in most other fighting games, as rather then a given attack merely having a offensive height in terms of what height of block the other player needs to use to block it, tons of moves in pokken have a sort of defensive height as well that have iframes (not that other fighting games don't have movies with height based iframes, but almost every single move in pokken has them) towards other attacks of a given height, which means you can use them to punish on reaction or go under/over moves. There's also more levels of height then in other fighting games. The whole 2d/3d phase shift system also offers a lot of complexity both because some characters are better in one phase or the other and play very differently, which makes matchups more complex,, and also because you need to factor in and keep track of phase points in terms of your combos as you play. So, for optimal, high level play, you need to know more combos and have different bnb's to account for maximizing or minizming the amount of phase points you want to rack up in the situation to keep the game in the phase or out of the phase that's most beneficial or detrimental to you.
There's more but i'm out of space.
Pokken isn't anything like Tekken
Is anyone looking forward to the SFV team vs Smash team at arms?
I still personally like the game, but to name a few things wrong with it:
>It launched with only 16 fighters
>"Artstyle" is less than stellar
>Having to buy or "earn" new fighters
>Barely any single player modes
>No Classic Mode
>Everything about Story Mode
>Only ~5 new characters a year, we won't see a roster like USF4 until 2021
>Simplified as fuck
At least Rashid is cool.
>I honestly think the core gameplay is great. I liked it a lot more than SFIV in that regard.
But they just made every character SF4 Cody.
>Capcom has shown that they constantly fuck these things up
>No one's allowed to be the least bit skeptical with World
>If you are, you get labeled as a Nintendo fan or some other shit
Whoops, switched up my replies to and here
Anyways, If you are interested in pokken i'd say it's worth checking out for sure, the main issues it has is just that playing locally is a fucking bitch due to the phase system necessitating having two screens.
The competitive community for it is all at discord.gg/pokken (which is where most of the disscusion actually happens) and Pokkenarena.com (which is where most of the resources are kept), if you have questions
>dumb down game for new players
>they still complain about it being too hard and quit with very few newcomers sticking around
>dedicated fans still win but aren't satisfied with simplistic gameplay
Nobody wins
Rashid would be even cooler in MvCI, but I think Capcom doesn't want people associating it with SFV.
Just play T7, OP. It has everything you really want.
Rising thunder was great, although it was pretty much just SF4 without input barriers.
>hey guys, let's take the tried & true formula of making arcade releases, being humble and loyal to our fans, and making decent gameplay with enough challenge to keep the competitive scene alive....and LET'S THROW IT ALL AWAY FOR FREEMIUM AND CASUALS INSTEAD.
Is Rising Thunder actually better than SFV guys? That's hilarious if so.
And then don't give casuals what they want. They should've done more market research.
why do that when hardcore fans will buy bikini alt costume #2343
Is it even possible to not be ripped off with Street Fighter? I was waiting years for the final version of SF4 to come out, and then here comes SF5 one year later. You were able to upgrade your SF4 via DLC at least, right?
>A women
"Was" user, you mean was.
it's just boring. you can learn everything about any character in a couple days. there's no creativity allowed. they put too much emphasis on the 50/50 mindgames stuff and not enough on making it fun to play and watch.
>tekken only had a 2-hour story mode but was dicksucked with shit online just like sfv launch
noggins my noogles
t. Bronze shitter
Pretty much everything.
>it's another r/kappa thread
Everything! Because Capcom loves forcing Ryu's tiny cock down our throats.
>play against Karin
>shes going to full screen you because her frame priority
It doesn't fucking matter who or which character you play against, they all do the same shit. That's why SF 5 sucks.
>play against FANG
>get poked
>play against Ken
>get rushed
>play against Dhalsim get shenanigans
>play against Guile
>get turtled
There's no deviation. It's all the shame shit. Getting rushed down by a Dan player in SF 4 is a rush because fuck, the dude is playing Dan, a trash character and it gets into your head.
Sakura not playable.
Wanna know how I know you don't even play fighting games?
Made too many concessions for casuals while, some how, making too many concessions for the pro e-sports scene. absolutely nothing good comes of it
Don't forget that the game didn't fucking work at launch. Took about a week and a bit for the online to work.
Which was STUPID because the game only had fucking multiplayer content. Survival was SP but it was tethered to online servers which,as I said, weren't working.
First impression was bad and the game itself was shit. Since then there have too many shitstorms with the game and its PR.
MvCI gonna be shit too.
Do tell, I'd love to hear your opinion. I really would, It'd make my night because you will stop responding once I show my points. Please do.
>accessible for newcomers without sacrificing the skill ceiling"
Tekken and Smash have already been doing this for decades
There is no such thing as "frame priority". You're making up terms in an attempt to not look like a dumbass.
Well, so much for that.
Welp, you're a dumbass. "frame priority" means safe block, idiot. Not wasting my time with you, fuck off.
You didn't say that. It's almost like different words have different meanings.
Also, it doesn't make any sense in context. Karin's only safe move from full screen is tackle and it's slow as shit. You literally don't know what you're talking about, shitter.
Kill yourself.
>Get meme'd into buying Tekken 7
>it's fucking worse than SFV
I'm considering buying guilty gear at this point just to get ready for DBF
>this mad over being wrong
Why even respond
lol bodied
>same things
>being so mad he uses image macros
>Karin's only safe move from full screen is tackle and it's slow as shit
Wrong, Karin has moves that are different priority based on distance. Full screen Karin will be punished harder than one who is closer.
This is a big one.
There's also the fact that Capcom launched said title for $60 when it felt more like an early alpha. Especially considering half the featureset was absent.
>everything about that post
Show your CFN so we can laugh at you more.
Post yours so we can laugh at you. I think you forget this isn't Reddit. Link your PSN so I can stream you getting humiliated. Cmon, don't be shy.
>dodging this hard
What a pussy.
Link it, or be a bitch. Choose.
You're the bitch, you didn't link. Bitch.
Link your psn. Cmon, just do it. I have Steam, too. I'll buy SF5 just to humiliate your stupid ass.
How can a single post contain so much false information?
>still dodging
Cmon, dude. I got a lot of followers that loved people being trolled. And you're the ripest I've plucked in the longest time.
I wouldn't want your followers see you getting blow the fuck up. Besides, you still haven't posted your info.
I'll post mine if you post yours. No fake shit.
I don't understand that much about game mechanics/vocabulary and even though 3S and Alpha 3 are my favourite SF of all time i played this and seemed fun, my problems are that everything is paid and gameplay feels slow and repetitive allowing little innovation from the player, watching it makes me tired seeing the same thing over and over, what are your thoughts?
lol and now he fucked off for good.
gg no re you loser.
>capcom rushes out a turd to try and grab an audience they already have, and just end up pushing away said audience
>we almost had a two bumfucks play but both of them were to scared
Oh Sup Forums, don't pretend to be good at fighting games
>those arms
I don't think he ever lifted, that's post-hospital tier