Name a jrpg character who's not a total edgelord or a positive upbeat kid

Name a jrpg character who's not a total edgelord or a positive upbeat kid.

>tfw Cloud went from the former to the later canonically in the span of a couple of days




The Lady Valkyrie.

He is a positive upbeat kid.

fei and pretty much every xenogears character that isn't chuchu
luke fon fabre and most tota characters

P5's Joker is a fusion between the two. Does that count? He's basically in the middle of both.


Lloid and Teddy
Steiner, Garnet, and Quina

Stocke from Radiant Historia.

I think he meant /hardmode/ meaning main character.

You could have literally said anyone else in P5 cast besides Ann, and Haru to answer OP's request.


99% of SaGa MC's


I misread and thought he was talking about MCs only.

>mario rpg developed by squaresoft isnt a jrpg

How is Squall an edgelord? He is just antosocial.

>Not playing SMRPG

>What is Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario and M&L?

You could really argue any silent protagonist, but in this case I'll say Lucas. I hate people who think FF is the textbook example of what every jrpg is like.

You're incredibly stupid.

Faggots just memeing, user. He probably never played FFVIII.


Rudy in Wild Arms

Literally Isabeau

>what is super mario rpg

>what is paper mario (excluding SPM)


Fri Fong Wong

P2 EP's cast

>one of his first lines is telling his teacher "I'm more complex than you think"
>not an edgelord

you posted one

You're stupid, user.


Where does Cynical Sarcastic cunt fit in?


I dunno.

>a teenager has trouble with emotions and acts cold towards his teachers

Wow, so edgey and unrealistic.

How far underage are you?


I love Tidus. He is so lost and naïve in a world that thinks he is crazy. His character arc from coddled mother's boy to the team's backbone is great.


You just posted one

...Does it count if they're a silent protagonist?

First thing that came to my mind were the warriors of light from FF1

Zidane is pretty much a positive upbeat kid but even he has self-esteem issues being a commoner and overcompensates for his loneliness in life by being a womaniser.

He seems to vent his own issues by telling comforting stories to the naive Garnet and the youthful Vivi

It is edgy.
>b-but it's okay because it's realistic!
Not an argument

>tfw cloud will always be portrayed as an edgelord from now on instead of the slightly aloof wise cracker he was in ff7

How is it edgey? In what way does that resemble characters like Donte, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Reaper?

He is being defensive because he doesn't want anyone to get close to him.

Neku of TWEWY gets there. He's kind of a deconstruction of moody jrpg bois

>tfw cloud was only a dick during the start of midgar
>writers let that define his character in the compilation

Fucks sake

If anything his angst during Aeris' death scene fucked him over more.

>my mouth is dry
>my hands are trembling

Terrible writing

Pretty sure we can thank Tetsuya Namura for that.
He got a cameo in KH1 while wearing Vincent Valentine's costume. That series's biggest theme being light vs dark, and cloud being portrayed as struggling to fight the darkness off. That darkness manifested into a physical being, him being the one of the games toughest optional bosses, Sephiroth.

It's an edgy story, and most players remember THAT version of cloud, followed by his movie adaptation which was based on KH Cloud.

>That post-game content where he's running around as an overly bubbly upbeat kid

Shit was great.


thanks nomura. i love your edgy cloud. i never beat ff7 so i don't know how he is usually

Just helping the (You) chain here. Don't mind me.

He is a smartarse

>pass all of disc 2 and 3 on a character arc that makes go from having a mental breakdown to him making peace with his past and get Tifa's pussy
>disregard all that in any other material and he's just brooding forever

>wise cracker
Why are people still taking the shit translation as canon?

How about Lucas, then?

Do you dumbasses really think that turned based combat = JRPG

Neku is the generic cold and mean character who gains friends and gradually starts to like them and understand other people.

>being this BTFO

I've been replaying the retranslation of FF7 and this still describes him perfectly despite being as close to the japanese script as possible.

He's a bit of an aloof selfish smartass. Not unlikable, but that's cloud in a nutshell.

If you wanna go further down the rabbit hole, his personality could be considered fake....The events that took place in the end FFVIICC really fucked him up. It's touched upon barely in the original game in a hidden cutscene that has little to no dialog. He's repressed a bit of it to the point of making up a whole new personality.

Anything from the Compilation of FF7 is a rabbit hole that shouldn't exist.

This. His outfit and sword are kind of misleading, but he isn't edgy at all. He's also not an upbeat kiddo, he just acts calm and professional.

Ehh. I liked Crisis Core. The movies were....well SE never really had a good track record with movies, did they?

Seriously. Even when he was RPing as Zack he was still very an aloof, snarky, sarcastic but lovable shithead. After he stopped RPing as Zack he just shifted to being a more sincere and earnest aloof, snarky, sarcastic shithead. Hell his battle cry was "Let's Mosey." The guy is a country bumpkin at heart.

I don't remember Endir being presented as an edgelord and he certainly wasn't upbeat

He's not upbeat he's a creepy mute and stares at women's hips on the elevator.

You posted one.

I liked the way he prayed to God at the end of the game. Something along the lines of "what up, God. Thanks for another great day"
He was just a chill dude that was happy to be alive at the end.



Were any Final Fantasy protags total edgelords?

>he will always fight instead of mosey



Only Pre Paladin Cecil and start game Cloud.

He's not an edgelord, just a dick.

>Name a jrpg character who's not a total edgelord or a positive upbeat kid.

Does Delita count as a protag?

>Don't blame us. Blame yourself, or God.

You can make a case for Firion, Squall and Lightning. But "total" is a tall order, that only Lightning would pass. No one else considers genocide a viable solution. There are some emos though.

>Pre Paladin Cecil

All he ever did was cry about Mysidia and Mist.

>There are some emos though.
did you seriously use that as an actual word not describing music?

my nigga

>Name a jrpg character who's not a total edgelord or a positive upbeat kid.


why the fuck is his legs to chest ratio so screwed up? His pants come up way too high

>steel-toed but heels exposed
Literally why

Even Lighting isn't edgy. She's an idiot but she's not edgy.

Yes, since it wasn't the main issue. But to make it better: People in a slump, depressed people or fiercely self-guiltying people then. Also the people, who are pretty upbeat, but whine when they're alone and not burdening another, like Zack.

Firion at least would have a fantastic excuse for being an edgelord, he lived in a fucking hellscape planet completely ruled by an effeminate wizard who could summon cyclones and demons and he and his friends get skullfucked after having their village destroyed.

Honestly Firion should have been edgier if anything.



>murderer vigilante with a Sif wannabe sidekick
>not an edgelord