ITT: franchises with no bad games
ITT: franchises with no bad games
Pic not related
>promo art CT fisher
most handsome man of the year
>ingame CT fisher
*kill national guard* duhh sorry lambert it was an accident *makes turkey nosies*
joke thread
Double Agent is the only bad one.
Conviction is hardly a Splinter Cell game but it isn't bad
Conviction is not a bad game.
I still don't understand what they were thinking with those terrorist base segments in Double Agent. The other levels are fine (even though there's not enough of them), but those base levels are a fucking slog to complete and instantly kill off all my willingness to replay the game ever again.
Not good either.
Everyone looked like Bogdanoff in that engine.
Thanks for ruining the game for me, now I'm stuck with that thought the next time I'm playing it.
Some of those don't even look like the same character.
This is objectively true
it's both a shit stealth game and a shit action game
Every FromSoft game where Hidetaka Miyazaki
Is director
Not so fun fact: The wait between Black List and the next Splinter Cell will be the longest between any two SC games so far :(
It's sad that Blacklist was not a financial success, because I think that game was just brilliant.
He turned gay after 2006.
Any franchise around long enough will have a clunker.
I love MGS, but both 4 and 5 were duds.
4 was 90% cutscene, and yes, MGS was always long winded, but MGS4 took the fucking piss. Also, the gameplay was incredibly weak, deal with it.
5 wasn't awful, it was just empty feeling. It was devoid of any real personality. Like walking around the maps was a dull experience. It was mostly empty sandlands, with small pockets of enemies every now and again. Then they try to hide that by sprinkling generic pick ups in these vast empty environments like diamonds, plants, or even animals. But that was just busy work designed to hide the cracks.
It's a shame, because when MGSV is good, it's great, but those moments happen too infrequently to hold my interest and make it anything particularly special.
>Armoured core 4
Try again.
Pandora tomorrow and Double Agent suck. Conviction is absolute dogshit. D- for effort
>why didn't our last gen game competing against GTA V sell 5 million copies?
Would you shoot an old friend?
Well if you don't count the PS3/360/PC version of double agent, sure.
Blacklist, conviction and the double agent games made by ubishit Shanghai are complete dogshit.
3 is shit, tho
4 had the best gameplay until then, but there was none of it. Like how long does a big boss run take, 4 hours?
5 was the pinnacle of MGS mechanics but forced you into abysmal environments for most of the game. Not to mention it felt like MGS4 had sucked all the story out of the next games.
>MGSV is good,
He made games other than souls games?
PS2 version of double agent was the best
No mather what series you say, Sup Forums is always going to pick the weakest game and say it's shit, even though it's actually good, but not as good as the others.
Why even bother making this thread?
>Put the A team, who made Chaos Theory, to make the the old gen ports
What were they thinking? seriously
Oh for fuck's sake. Fuck off.
I'm thinking about playing some of these. Can someone rank them? I'm more interested in the stealth elements than the action ones
>those eyelashes
Why is he so dreamy?
Chaos Theory > Double Agent (xbox/ps2) > Pandora Tomorrow > Splinter Cell 1 > Double Agent (360/ps3/pc) > Blacklist > Conviction
>Pandora Tomorrow that high
Not with that awful level design.
It's been a long time since I played it, since it's not on PC, so I just took Sup Forums's word for it.
Metro. Redux doesn't count since that's a remaster.
Red Alert. Not C&C as a whole because of you know who but RA is great. All of it.
It is on PC, it's just not available anywhere for some reason.
What is Dead Souls
From Dark Forces to Jedi Academy, all were great.
Sierra City Builders.
Each one better than the last.
you already knew which one to pick out of the list though
dead souls was fine tho
3 was great, faggot. 2 was the bad one.
You also forgot Portable Ops, Peacewalker and Twin Snakes.
> the gameplay was incredibly weak
Not it wasn't.
Is Blacklist the same Fisher? What is Ubisofts canon reason for him suddenly looking like a 25 year old?
kek, 2 is great as well. If anything Disgeaeaea's problem is that the games add too little from one installment to the next but because of that they're all fun and they're consistently well written
conviction is pretty good beat all the co-op missions a few times
Only the Wii/PS2 version of Double Agent should count. It was a pretty good game in these platforms.
The only redeeming factor of Conviction is that it's the best Jack Bauer/Jason Bourne/John Wick simulator
When in doubt, say "soft reboot".
was it different on other systems? I remember I beat the shit out of it on 360 i think and I went to play it again and the game was way different
Not with those framerate drops
Can I get a quick rundown on the Splinter Cell games?
>Double Agent (xbox/ps2)
This is a meme. Just because it's in the same engine as chaos theory doesn't make it good. It feels like a shitty fanmake hack of ct with all of double agent's bad features hacked in
Still much better than whatever the fuck next gen Double Agent was supposed to be, if not a hot mess.
Most franchises have no bad games.
Sup Forums just has absurd standards where anything below a 8/10 is shit
Metal Gear, but Uncharted.
thx bby
>Most franchises have no bad games.
Name 20 franchises that don't have bad games then.
It's 90% the same damn game, but shoehorned into an engine it wasn't designed for.
Sam doesn't look that young in Blacklist.
sly cooper
gears of war
need for speed
the sims
max payne
king of fighters
street fighter
ace combat
monkey ball
I think this is more indicative of how fucking long and expensive modern games are to make.
I mean if they applied that budget to making a good game with shitty graphixxx like the new Hitman, we'd have one out this year.
hitman doesn't even look bad at all
The same reason why Grim now looks like a Bond girl.
The PC/360/PS3 versions was different from the
Xbox/PS2/Wii/GCN versions as the latter was made by the same team that made Chaos Theory while the former was made by the same team that made Pandora Tomorrow.
It looks like it could have come out 2-3 years ago, not bad (some of the art direction is great) but certainly not cutting edge or up with the times
>ace combat
>What is Ass Horizon and AC3 (US)
>Frog posting and defending sonic
Oh my
I think that it has strong art direction, and sacrifices were made to get 100+ characters on screen at once. Which was the right decision.
This is weird to me as well. Grimsdottir should look like a 40-year-old project manager.
If you pick any 20 franchises at random, most won't have one.
Sonic, Spiderman, and batman have all had bad games.
Well, it's not like I particularly mind.
Fuck off maldon
name I one bad spiderman and batman game. knock off games don't count
Bored of this meme
MGSV was unfinished
What was there was good
Are we counting ports?
Ultimate spiderman and that PS1 batman game i forgot the name
wrong answer
ultimate spiderman is pretty good
decent beat em up.
It's like the pokemon formula but done right, and thus it allows every game to be great.
Ironside was replaced by a generic Hollywood actor, I'll never forgive them for that
I think they were going for the whole 'timeless characters' thing like lots of pulp novels and action movies do. James Bond is James Bond, no matter if the year is 1960 or 2005.
I just think they fucked it up royally through trying to maintain some level of continuity - fisher talking to his daughter, the forming of 4th echelon under Fisher, ect.
I unironically enjoyed parts of Blacklist's story and characters but they need to sort this all out even if it means getting rid of Fisher as a playable character and maybe plopping him in some sort of advisory role. Hell, maybe the entire next game should be about a new crop of splintercells and their tech support being groomed by Grimm and Fisher.
With the best gameplay in the entire series, best graphics, second best group of characters, and damn nice cutscenes? How is that good game exactly? You're upset the game didn't conclude the best it could have, and I agree with that, but how is it a bad game?
*How is that a bad game exactly
Are people that bothered by the issues with continuity? I treated Blacklist like some sort of a fresh start, like a Bond reboot as you mentioned. The daughter calls were a bit ham-fisted though. I would have no problems with the same lead cast in the next game + Vic and Kestrel, though for the love of god, give them better lines and make conflicts between them actually mean something rather than "we will now argue about how to proceed for no reason".
Doom 3 was pretty shitty. I actually just played through it a few days ago and did not enjoy it at all.
I'd like to fuck her hard on the sink and after that give her something to drink if you catch my drift.
What would Jeromey Romey Romey Rome think?
Ironside WAS a generic Hollywood actor