It's time to discuss the greatest RPG ever
It's time to discuss the greatest RPG ever
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Dark Souls thread then?
It was pretty cool
It was fun.
I need to replay it with a stealth build.
What makes it so great OP?
not even an RPG
not even good
the combat is ass and you all fucking know it
>tfw we will never experience spy kino like AP ever again
Is this actually worth playing?
>obsidrone thread
burn everything
Dialogue system was great though
Do you like well-written RPGs with lots of branching choices? Do you not mind mediocre third-person shooter combat? Do you want to beat up a cokehead while listening to this song?
that's not Resonance Of Fate
How video killed the radio star
That boss fight was fucking awesome
>Obsidian game.
Lets see
>the combat is ass
>Dialogue system was great
Yup. Sounds like an obsidian game.
Unfortunately, everyone at Obsidian who could write either got poached or pushed out after F:NV.
How's the writing in PoE?
Great game but not great RPG.
>mediocre game that Sup Forums overrates
Game is a 6/10 at best.
It does dialogue and decision making better than the witcher games.
Wasn't the writer for Randall Clark one of the ones who left, or was that Sawyer?
Sawyer is still there at least. Avellone left as well.
I personally liked it. Not the best but was pretty good imo. Out of the two party members Avellone was writing, one is really good and the other is fucking nothing. Apperantly he was also pretty pissed off because he wrote far too much shit and a lot had to be cut.
Party members as a whole were pretty good. Zahua, Edér and Durance were the best of them imo. Two of the three dlc companions are terrible though.
I thought Avellone had come back to Obsidian by now
It's fine if you play with pistols and invisibility.
So Steven Heck was /ourguy/, right?
Stealth pistol build plus full asshole choices (killing everyone, even friends) is the most fun.
Okay. I'm still mad you can't romance Mission!
Of course.
>pretending to be retarded
yep, he's Sup Forums's guy alright
He hates obsidian these days. Last I saw he helped beamdog with the enhanced edition of planescape torment.
Think he helped with tide of numenera as well. Not sure on that one though.
>betray all your friends in the end and fuck over that jew leland
fuck yes
How's high school treating you?
>make this character
>can't bang
what the fuck Obsidian
Mission is suppose to be like 12-14 years old. She is clearly a under age female.
you dirty pedophile
That game sucks
Why does Sup Forums love Mission? I hated her. Is it because she's 14?
Also seeSis was also suppose to be underage. She was like 15 years old, meanwhile Thornton was like 30 years old.
It's a shame. A sequel with more polished gameplay would have been amazing, but we'll never get it. They could have expanded on Sis' story.
Sis was late teens, early 20s.
Last I checked, Avellone is working on that Pathfinder kickstarter game.
And then SIE proceeds to rape you.
How old is 14 in Twi'lek years? Also, age of consent might differ between planets. Kashyyk is just full of furry tribals, so I doubt they care, and Korriban is probably safe too; Sith are into all sorts of crazy shit
Heck was an absolute madman
Shit game by a shit dev.