It's not our fault, its ______ that is causing the shortage!

Just like it wasn't your fault with the NES classic...

And just like it won't be your fault with the SNES Classic...

Other urls found in this thread:

don't care. as long as there are shortages, i get richer from scamming nintendo kiddies

The NES Classic wasn't a shortage it was a limited run. You knew that, right? You're not really this stupid, right?

I think there is no shortage at all. They just don't have money to build enough Switchs so to save face they blame everything.

This is the dumbest take yet, thank you

They haven't actually blamed anyone, it is media covering the components shortage that found it out.

>Have access to Nintendo for questions.
>Ask about the artificial scarcity meme.

You'll buy it anyway.

>theres no shortages, there's just

I don't blame them for this. I blame the people that are angry because they cannot buy their toy now. Like kids having their tantrums.

They didn't plan/want to make more NES Classics. They do want to make more Switches (because then they can, you know, sell them for $300). Kind of a big difference.

How fucking retarded are you? Nintendo has has multiple billions of dollars (not yen) in cash reserves.

I blame the mining companies for being the choke point. This was a long time coming and they should have been scaling up faster

I spotted the Sony Pony, everyone!

You are aware that some of the people buying your stuff aren't always fanboys, right? Some of them are lower to middle class working parents trying to buy their kid a toy.

>Nintendo discontinues the NES classic mini, a system that was in massive demand, hugely profitable and never stayed on store shelves for more than 5 minutes
>Reason: "We can only make so many things"

You know they're going to reject scalpers by the bulk right?

Imagine being this retarded

It's not too far off. Both are made with ARM parts.
It's just that Switch happens to use NVidia's tech on top of that.

I believe it's a combination of them being cheap bastards and competitors like Apple and Samsung and so many other companies using the same components they are but ordering them at a much hirer and more profitable volume

SNES classic begs to differ
always fanboys. i'd show you my list of buyers but i dont want to lose repeat business since im 100% sure they browse Sup Forums.

so far made over 1200 bucks from 6 switches. can't imagine how much the SNES classic will earn me

>tfw some guy working a shitty job just wants to buy his kid a Switch but scalpers make it $500

It's difficult to tell the true demand of Nintendo products. They attract scalpers because scalpers know Nintendo does extremely conservative production. So if Nintendo had produced enough minis to meet legitimate demand, they might have had an excess of units and lost money.

IMO it's hard to determine the true demand right now for the Switch (in NA) just due to scalpers watching stock like hawks and lapping them up, preventing actual consumers a chance to buy them.

Is for the better.
Nintendo consoles turn people into brainwashed autists. That kid was saved from a grim fate.


Mexican detected.

So why aren't you scalping iPhones?

Apple is too powerful.
They have ninja assassins hunting scalpers

these pictures don't tell enough for anyone to conclude what you want them to conclude. for all we know, that autist happened to be there at the right time, and those Switchies in the cagies got purchased by the end of the day.

Really makes you think

I mean, the Switch uses NAND memory, and there's an industry-wide shortage of that at the moment, it's hardly a secret. Are we just supposed to pretend that's a non-issue?


and no, it really doesn't. we can actively check local inventories right now with brickseek and istock, so your meme pics mean nothing.

The same thing can be said about the PS4, I mean, look at how brainwashed the fanbase is.

Not really.
I still have to see the Sony fanbase crying over the company's CEO's death.

>It's not our fault we used a highly sought component in our console, it's Apple!
>It's not our fault we charge for online multiplayer, it's Microsoft and Sony!
>It's not our fault games cost more on Switch, it's production costs for using cartridges!
>It's not our fault we stopped production on the NES Mini, it's the scalpers!
It's so fucking cringeworthy seeing people defend Nintendo. And before you shitpost, I own a Switch.

>Nintenbros are manchildren or literal children.
>Sonybros are brainwashed or subhuman niggers.

Nobody wins. know he worked as a developer for a lot of loved games right

you have no idea what you're talking about

ignore him, he's full-blown edgy

Do I?

First of all, the shortage Nintendo is having with the Switch is the eMMC flash memory (the "hard drive" that stores the OS and any eshop games)

ARM is an architecture, like x86. You can't have a shortage on a particular architecture. If there was a shortage that affected SoCs, it would be something like a silicon shortage that would be affecting all chips.

You're right.
There is absolutely NO WAY that a company with a net worth of 752 Billion dollars may have a higher component/product margin than a company who's net worth is 32 Billion dollars.

No, It couldn't possibly put a compliance distress tug of war on hardware manufacturers.

I believe them. If it was artificial scarcity, they would've stayed silent. Why is everyone in denial that the Switch is doing well? Was it autism?

I think Kimishima is just stingy and wanted to buy components at jew prices. I'm pretty sure they have money to outbid other smaller mobile companies.

This post is a pure 10, cant get dumber than this.

Thanks for this.
I was actually kinda unhappy today, but now that I know I'm not this fucking stupid I'm good.

>its ok when nintendo does it

I hope you do well my boy.
Just remember that I love you.

>If there was a shortage that affected SoCs, it would be something like a silicon shortage that would be affecting all chips.
oh like how ps4 had a cell in it for backwards compatibility, and ps3 is still produced today?

it's just silicon, after all

There's not a switch within 60 miles of me. Nice


You've been usign this for a month. Why don't you go to the store again and take a fresh one, dumb autist

what you think is completely irrelevant. And seeing as you are apparently dumb enough to believe it's nintendo vs smaller companies i doubt that fact will change.

Just for you OP,

Date/Time Status
Jul 11 - 10:37 PM EST Amazon CA : Switch w/Gray Joy-Con Out of Stock
Jul 11 - 10:25 PM EST Amazon CA : Switch w/Gray Joy-Con In Stock for $399.99
Jul 11 - 10:25 PM EST Amazon CA : Switch w/Blue & Red Joy-Con Out of Stock
Jul 11 - 10:20 PM EST Amazon CA : M EST Amazon CA : Switch w/Gray Joy-Con Out of Stock
Jul 11 - 10:15 PM EST Amazon CA : Switch w/Blue & Red Joy-Con Out of Stock
Jul 11 - 10:10 PM EST Amazon CA : Switch w/Blue & Red Joy-Con In Stock for $399.99

Switch stayed on stocvk for a whole 12 minute. it's DEAD i tell you

It's also retailers faults because they don't prevent scalpers from buying them all

my manager even said the following "A sale's a sale" they literally do not care and make no effort to put any policy in place to prevent scalpers from doing their thing.

I don't even give a shit about these systems because for one I know emulation exists, and two the switch has no games and thus no value.

I can go to any store and find a Switch. How are scalpers making money?

Did this faggot really start this console wars thread again?

i dunno, Clearly you are a retard for not doing it since it's so easy

Poor dum dum

If they're spoiling their kid enough that they buy a game console at markup higher than it's regular price then they deserve to lose all their money.

false, most stores just want their sales, a scalper's money is just as green as anyone else's.

Just wait for the revision


Who's making up the "shortages" boogieman?

Are people connected to tubes in their home that only Amazon exists to them?

The Nintendo Vita?

>selling someone an item that they're willing to pay for

This is a retarded revision, good thing you don't work for nintendo

>Just like it wasn't your fault with the NES classic...
I honestly think they understimated the demand. Seriously, why so many people wanted that shit?

>sell switch for twice the price
>not scam

After the Wii U, they expected everyone to be over Nintendo, so they under estimated everything.

I don't think a revision's happening for a while, not until 2019 at least.

Also needing a phone app isn't a hardware issue, it's because DeNA is a smartphone developer who only knows how to make phone shit.

>joycons permanently attached
i'm sorry but this will never fucking happen, it removes the entire wiimote-style motion control capability of the console

yeah and doing that would probably bring the price and manufacturing costs down

without knowing how many units were sold in those 12 minutes, it's meaningless
we already know that nintendo has shipped far less switches per month than they did in their initial month, and that was 2.74 million

I wouldn't be surprised if got only a few thousand units at any given time

should have preordered if you really wanted one.

its still a zelda machine for me but i paid the curiosity tax of the full launch price to have it first hand. It was very nice to play breath of the wild in tabletop mode while in bed. cant wait to play mario odyssey day 1 with no worries of grabbing a console as well.

I don't see how that's a scam. If a customer is willing to pay more than the MSRP for something other than a necessity, then it's their choice.
If that's a scam then Nintendo's practice of demand-pull inflation is equally as fraudulent.
>capitalism is a scam

Undoubtedly, but it introduces compatibility issues where the switch pocket wouldn't be able to play the entire switch library.

More importantly, it abandons the Switch's central concept and introduces consumer confusion. Which really fucked Nintendo up with the Wii U.

I think it could happen eventually, but that particular revision won't be coming for several years at the least.

I mean there are dozens everywhere, apparently. Except not there. aha, woops

I could care less about console wars and think that nintendo puts out some quality content, but it's inexcusable to still have a hard time finding a Switch. Expect them to churn them out around Christmas.

september should be the time where they actually can ramp up production, simply because Apple will have released their shit and probably will slow down producing them

I'm not having a hard time find Switches. I see them in every store I walk into. People are creating a false narrative because Amazon is out of stock.

>Undoubtedly, but it introduces compatibility issues where the switch pocket wouldn't be able to play the entire switch library.

what? It would be able to play zelda, mario and others that don't use the gimmick

>>It's not our fault we used a highly sought component in our console, it's Apple!
>>It's not our fault we charge for online multiplayer, it's Microsoft and Sony!
>>It's not our fault games cost more on Switch, it's production costs for using cartridges!
>>It's not our fault we stopped production on the NES Mini, it's the scalpers!
>It's so fucking cringeworthy seeing people defend Nintendo. And before you shitpost, I own a Switch.

Just so you know you do know more than just Apple uses 32 gig emmc/UFS storage . LG, Samsung etc all use in their devices as well and our 10x-20x times bigger than Nintendo.

Who you think manufacturers going to listen to first a small console maker or conglomerate companies like above who can guarantee they need over 50-70 million units of this for use in multiple devices.

Sheit niggah, i mean, i never seen one on the shelves myself, but apparently you did, so woah

>Not having a job
>scamming others out of their hard earned money
>inb4 "I have a job I just like making extra money for no work"

>small console maker

Exactly. It probably only has shortages in very specific localized areas. Most the world can buy them if they wanted one.

Yes, but there are still games it wouldn't be able to play, and it would be necessary for Nintendo to address that somehow.

Plus, how much do you think it would REALLY save? I don't think all the redundant joycon components add up to more than $30.

400 Canadian bucks

gotta fatten my wallets boyo

what are you gonna do about it?

Compared to apple, samsung etc, yes

You seems unaware that Apple is worth about 20 times + more than Nintendo.

Yeah they should be asking the important questions, like WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT 3DS KIRBY GAME SUPPOSED TO BE


that niggah

>joycons permanently attached
More like bag, putting that thing on your pants will for shure break the analog stick

Scalpers are sitting on warehouse levels of stock on the NES Mini to this day, even if Nintendo makes more of that shit the scalpers will just lap it up again. To be frank, Nintendo's fine with that because it means that they're getting their money either way, it's up to the scalpers to then try and sell off their units.

Nothing, I got a Switch day 1 and didn't pay a scumbag scalper
I'm just letting you know you're a piece of shit

You have been posting this one for almost a month now

>nintenbabies keep calling the switch a console
>the shortages are because it uses the same components as a phone
It's a handheld with a dock.

noted but not heeded

Why the fuck can't Nintendo just sell directly?

I'll tell you why: This isn't about making money. Not the NES, anyway. The NES was made to sell out and be a hot item that made headlines for Nintendo. If they were really interested in selling it, they WOULD sell them directly and they would never be discontinued.

Just use your brain. It's the only consistent explanation

Nintendo has forced themselves into this future since the amiibos.
Nintendo could be making 50 million units, and they would all still get scalped.
The only way out is to make way more units than the demand will ever be to stabilize scalpers to have to sell below MSRP.