Hey Sup Forums, can I get some good comfy role playing game recommendations...

Hey Sup Forums, can I get some good comfy role playing game recommendations? Just lost my job and need to escape for a bit.

Heard about this one. I'll check it out. Thanks user.

Why don't you escape to Word where you can update your resume and find a new job

Already did user. Just finished my job hunting for the day too. Looking for games to unwind with for the night

Cool, what's your line of work?

Not OP
Not I work on IT.

Divinity Original Sin might be up your alley OP. It's good, graphics are modern, no need to stuff around with mods and fixes, and the tone is pretty light-hearted and comfy.

Stardew Valley is on Steam. It's probably the only comfy game I own.

God fucking damn Bastilla is healthy as fuck. Those hips, those thighs were made for birthing.


how did you lose your job?

Dragon's Dogma and Pillars of Eternity both have some very comfy moments, make sure you get your hands on the expansions to both however, as they make the game much better.

People like you make me feel creeped the fuck out and I'm not even female.

If you play VTMB make sure you get the wesp5 patch, otherwise the game is borderline unplayable.

OP here. I was a server. Middle of summer so I wasn't getting lots of hours anyway. Time to move on, I needed change.

The restaurant was just moving forward so they let some people go. Wasn't a performance issue or anything.

I agree user. She was my OG waifu when the game came out.

Visas is and always will be the superior waifu.

>those thighs were made for birthing.
Everything is left to bear isn't it?

>acknowledging that someone is more than worthy to bear your child is creepy
the absolute state of numales

Agreed. Girl fetishists are fucking gross.

Monster Girl Quest