I am trying to find a new game to jump in and out casually, I got sick of TF2 and PUBG. I saw this game getting a lot of positive reviews lately, is it worth investing my time in it?
How's Dirty Bomb for a free to play?
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It was pretty fun when I last played it. But getting characters is a grind
sick of pubg?
why not actually be good at the game?
I got 2 chicken dinner in a row, its enough until the vaulting update
not OP, but how is APB reloaded? is it okay to just mess around in?
No, I tried it years ago and it was already shit. now its just worst
lots of fun but I hear it's dead. had to give it up due to shitty rural internet
it's also the only game that will give you the genuine scoot experience
I played it quite a bit and had a lot of fun with it honestly. Getting characters is incredibly slow. Slower than LOL. It's obvious they want you to spend money, but the mechanics are good and it's a fun fast paced game. It's free so what have you got to lose.
DB is fun if you're good at online FPS games.
for that matter, it's also the closest you'll come to a crossbow medic
I'm just gonna dump webms because this game is severely underrated in my opinion
it's also great for bullying snipers
>tried to play with a friend
>no party system
Is it worth getting the new 50$ DLC? It gives 15 character and other shits
It's been at a stable playerbase (2k players)
Now since turtle got released it's apparently doubled to ~4k now.
I havent played in many months, I wouldnt have even seen many of the characters. unless they slowed progression I found getting new characters not too grindy at all. I had probably six when I stopped playing, plus they have (or had, in beta) a rotation of freebies that changes weekly or so
Initial grind is a bitch, but they do have starter pack shit.
Best people to get at first are sawbonez/sparkz, fletcher/bushwahacker, Fragger/Nader, arty/stoker and don't get anyone in "recon" (snipers and phantom) when first grinding.
and I'm out
>tfw I still have my /dbg/ folder
is /dbg/ still around?
>made a few edits I was pretty proud of, they're scattered unfindable across my hard drives
fuck you faggot
>turtle finally came out
Finally, a fucking engineer that isn't gimped like Bushwacker, plain shit like Proxy or I already have 200+ hours played like Fletcher.
dont be so slow
>not best merc
the mine nerf was a real ball buster though
>turtle is finally out
oh...THANK GOD...too bad I don't play the game anymore.
Proxy is only good against people that cant aim or on a really close quarters map like Bridge.
The 90 hp gets fucking decimated by people that can track and you'll never be able to survive more then one firefight against people that both know how to aim and how to play as a team. Dont know what this mine nerf is because I haven't played this new update yet but they were never really that much of a problem aside from the suicide attacks some smart players did.
nerf was some time ago, they used to be active the second they left your hands
Damn, that must of been a really long time ago because I never recalled them being like that before.
Now is the best time to get into the game. It was handled by a skeleton crew for a really long time and they launched into OB 2 years too early, but they were acquired by the people who bought DE which meant money to hire a full team. They've put out 2 maps in 2 months (compared to 1 map in 4 years), there's at least one other in the works, and they finally released a new merc after a long fucking time.
I remember having fun for a bit, getting my face blown up by this quick female scout character a bunch of times, and quit because I couldn't stand the giant grind of getting new classes.
>implying the sticky bomb man still wont be top tier
I feel bad for Bushwacker and Proxy because Turtle and Fletcher do exactly what they do but with more offensive capabilities.
It's fun. Characters take a long time to grind tho. The gane drops loot crates like tf2 but theyre free to open which is a nice touch.
Pretty goddamn good OP I'd give it a try.
They aren't even the same type of game you shitposter. There's nothing wrong with going to a more arcade style shooter.
the movement was really nice. there's some learning you have to do before you can just wall run and jump around the map like a monkey though. it's worth it
Alright alright I'll try your fucking game already
Been playing it a bit more recently just on a whim. My girl Nader is still ludicrously broken.
proxy and aura aren't meant for straight up engaging. they are for going fast. you can't do some jumps with other mercs as fast. you can easily flank with proxy and aura