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Can't wait for valve to nerf the pyro to hell in the PYRO update. Screenshot this post

No it isn't

wait the pyro still hasn't had his update?

it's been a decade.

the devs pretty much said the update wont be out for at least another month or two

it's not tonight
it's never going to be the night


September 9, screencap this

Stock is better than the Degreaser
Flaregun is better than the RS
Backscratcher is better than the Powerjack

The Scorch Shot is better than the Reserve Shooter for fuck's sake

False. Scorch shot is pretty much a direct downgrade from shotty or flare gun


They're still letting map developers work on their shit. This update's coming out in the fall and by then every player will be too busy with college work to plug in again.

Pyro's been getting nothing but buffs for the last 2 years of updates.

They still have the 10th Anniversary

>tfw as the update nears release I start voting hats on the workshop to avoid any meme, out of character or just terrible looking hats from entering the game
Is it worth it?

Well the fun lasted until more hackers came on and turned it into a sniperfest. Seriously we just had a VAC wave too yet they just keep coming in.


I feel like it's not coming out until the 10th anniversary. It's been way too long

>Heavy was supposed to get new shit after Pyro
at this rate that won't actually happen right?

Used to be but that last buff made it so it does more damage than the flare gun if you can corner somebody into taking both the direct hit and the aftershock.

Well yeah, he needs them. He's the weakest class.

Is Valve ever going to officially discontinue big tf2 updates or will they go the Half-Life route and just quietly stop

2 years

>there are people still playing this game

But doesn't it do like 50 damage total on a fire crit? The good thing about the flaregun is the 90 damage per hit

t. overwatch streamer

Name a better FPS that isn't dead

It's less about occasionally doing 90 damage crits to single targets and more about lighting up the entire team constantly.

Also it's great for hitting scouts by just shooting the ground near their feet.

Heavy is mechanically fine but his weapon variety is total garbage, he's the one who needed an update.

Pyro is mechanically kaput, but it has plenty of item variety. It needs a mechanical rework.

Afterburn is too weak though. Nearly every class can easily put it out. Much more efficient to get the crits and pretty much instakill any class with 125 hp or less
Seems like a crutch for people with bad aim.

Cod 4



It's not about getting a full kill.

And considering you don't need to aim with it by the time you've lined up and landed that long range flare you've already lit up the entire enemy team with 3 scorch shot flares.

Yeah and accomplished jack shit. Afterburn won't kil anyone with more than 10 hp.
At best, you could use it to harass snipers, but if you can aim well the flaregun works just as well


>not better

You're talking about followup damage on already lit enemies as well as crit damage. The standard flare gun does 30 on a naked direct hit, the scorch shot does 20 but the flare also explodes for mini-crit damage of that for ~46 in total.
The normal flare gun can be the better choice but in most cases when you're fighting large groups of enemies it isn't going to be possible to line up that critical flare to take them out. Also the scorch shot crits for 60 not 50, but that doesn't matter because it only guarantees mini-crits.

>X is a crutch weapon!
And so the thread begins to devolve in quality because some dumpass couldn't keep his SPUF shit out of here.

Eh, agree to disagree then. At least we can agree pyro is fun

t. f2p

Stock and Degreaser are even

Pyro's update is having a bunch of other shit bundled with it, that'sa why it's taking so long.

Heavy's update won't take as long as Pyro's did.


>better than anything

Sure it won't.

Holy fuck I stopped playing TF2 around that time where the vote was happening.

Just like end of the line, they announced it but the update actually happens 1 year or more later

well Pyro's update is also the Jungle update. New maps, a new SFM, new contracts, changes to Matchmaking system.

Heavy's update doesn't have any of that bundled with it so far as we know.

>The normal flare gun can be the better choice but in most cases when you're fighting large groups of enemies it isn't going to be possible to line up that critical flare to take them out
It's also a choice between likely killing one guy, or forcing all of them to retreat. It's really a strategic thing, unless you care about points more than teamwork.

would you prefer they announce it only before release, say nothing else, and everyone just thinks that Valve isn't working on any updates?

Yes, but friend you're making the dangerous assumption that they won't just be lazy and take another year for kicks.


Your scouting license has been revoked, not enough lime

My desktop doesn't have a graphics card. Can I play this game ?

Fuck off. It's never the night. I want to believe so bad. But we all know the truth. Nothing. I expect nothing for a while. Why? What happens between now and October? Nothing. What happens in October? Scream Fortress.

I can bet you the Jungle Update and everything else will be molded into a Scream Fortress as there way of saying "The biggest update ever." Until I get some concrete announcement I can't believe that "Tonight will be the night!" user. It hurts too much.

>tfw that screenshot's from 2013
good times
not well unless you have a great CPU

Hey Sup Forums

>guys this update's going to be big
>shit the 10th anniversary is coming up, we can't release nothing for that
>let's just set that as the deadline
>[10th anniversary comes and they haven't got it ready]
>shit, let's just wait until the 20th anniversary to release it

Backburner and flare gun master race

They are understaffed as fuck due to Valve's incompetence but they aren't lazy.

Shotgun is better than RS, 6 meatshots do more damage than one crit combo

You sure seemed to know an awful lot about their work ethic. When's the update Uncle Valve?

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens.

Very interesting indeed.

There has to be a cosmetic item that puts a tiny desk engineer on the sentry and buildings which explode with 100s of engineers dancing and yee hawing.

>explosions fucking everywhere

>tfw still not the night

I'm glad I can still laugh at dumb gmod stuff.

post gmod reaction images.

>6 meatshots do more damage than one crit combo
doesn't matter. You don't need 6 meatshots to bring down a player when 4 minicrit shots will do it quicker


I want to eventually get to this level of Gmod


>players spending all their time at point blank
why not just use your Flamethrower in that case?

Reserve Shitter beats out stock because at midrange you can puff players into the air and get 126 damage meatshots as opposed to 90 damage meatshots

2 RS shots will kill a Soldier and 3 will kill a Heavy. Now try doing that with Shotgun.


Just a few weeks ago started playing tf2 again, and i'm the kind of person that plays with some custom mods installed.
Too bad the only way to bypass sv_pure on valve servers is to use lithium.

Can't you just go on itemtest to preload them?

>When's the update Uncle Valve?
The night is... tonight.

holy smokes.


The last time i tried that it didn't work. That was months ago though.


Valve should really launch the update until then, and maybe release a Beta Pass so we can test shit until then.

I haven't played tf2 in 5 years, what did I miss? I left when they added some robots or something.

They gutted Quickplay and replaced it with Matchmaking Lite, while also adding Competitive Matchmaking

>tf2 used to have a separate beta client
why did you have to remind me

If I ever make a game I'm gonna put in a character that smokes comically large cigarettes.

>update is taking so long because it will have content for Pyro, Jungle, Anniversary and Halloween all in 1
>it will be the bare minimum for each

Pic related dropped me some minutes ago. i thought hat drops were removed.

>only include jungle textures
>make the jungle map yourself faggots

they were for awhile but then people bitched.

Just goes to show valve has no clue what the fuck they are doing.

A friend of mine got a Big Chief a few weeks ago

>isn't dead

>download a gcf repacker
>replace content in the gcf


Are you gay?

how do install?

>Cheaters flooding the game
Wait a second.
Does that explain the recent drop in tons of players?

You have zero fucking idea how to read a graph. Every game on Steamcharts displays that drop at the very end.

>recent drop
>x axis is over 5 years
>y axis starts at 50k
Why does that site attract all the people who can't read graphs?

Everyone get into the party van server.
Password is the usual.