Why in the fuck is this game so popular? It's at the top of the list on Twitch (where I'm an affiliate) and all of the little trendy partnered streamers play it nonstop. The game looks like complete shit and it is way too over hyped.

>oh wow, parachuting from planes
>oh cool, scavenging for items
>lel battle royal horror MMORPG

It's basically a game created by a modder who got lucky and now I have to try and see these idiots make the game entertaining.

>using a tripcode
>where I'm an affiliate
No-one cares faggot. Kill yourself.

bruh its just fun with friends why you have to be mad

You cared enough to reply and bump the thread, autismo

Games geared towards casuals and normies will ALWAYS make more money than anything else.

I'm not, I just hate new game hype.

True. They can't handle anything that isn't something geared towards their softcore gamer asses

It's DayZ without all of the things that required you to use your brain.

Because it's quick to pick up and play, games usually last 30 minutes or less, but it's slow enough to not be lost on normies
Can play with up to 3 friends
Simple objective (survive)
Anyone can win with a bit of luck to go with skill
Tension ramps up as you get nearer the end

I'm kind of bored with it, but it's fine to play for a round here or there with friends

tl;dr no one wants to watch you play weebshit or assfaggots

>I'm an affiliate
Have fun with those 100 followers and 2 concurrent viewers you dumb fucking tripfag

>doesn't even know how to not bump threads
Again, kill yourself.

>no one wants to watch you play assfaggots
how i wish it were so

>where I'm an affiliate
Stopped reading there

No one gives a fuck faggot, drop the trip

What are the odds of this officially releasing since the dev got a pile of money?
The odds of getting a post-release content update?

30 minutes is a fucking warm up. My average stream length is 3 hours and 51 minutes.

Try over 600 and an average of 30 concurrents, nigger.

Such saltiness. Are you too autistic to make money playing video games?

I'm sure "content" will be released once the income starts to slow down

idk, it's pretty fun

Which should be around Q3 or Q4 17

So do all you play this for your mass audience, pewds? Or nah

>30 minutes is a fucking warm up. My average stream length is 3 hours and 51 minutes.

then play 7-8 games of pubg and increase your viewer count faggot

don't complain because other people are enjoying things you don't

I started two weeks ago, actually. And Pewds isn't that famous on Twitch. He's not even in the top 10.

>I'm an affiliate
why do people feel the need to say stuff like this? why not just say twitch?

So are you shilling your channel or what?

Nah it's good you just suck at fps user

Why would I fucking play that dumb shit? I don't play MMORPGs. I do variety streaming. I play what I want, not what's fucking popular or trendy with the partnered streamer normies.

That makes them feel much more important. Think he will tell us his name?

>i HATE games! grrrrrrrr xD

w8 30 concurrent viewers makes mad dosh?

shit man I better quit my $70k/year day job and start streaming

All you guys complaining about tripcodes, just download 4chanX and choose to make everyone anonymous



FPS games aren't even all that popular on Twitch. GTA V has a higher viewer count than CS:GO. Explain that, rookie.

>streamer normies
So you're not a normie but you stream? Makes sense

Someone makes this exact post every day
Now its a tripfag

it's like previous attempts at the idea but well executed, making it novel in a stale genre


Because it's a legally binding contract with the company, that's why. You file taxes of whatever you earn from the site.

Just google Twitch Affiliate Agreement, user.

How long have you been making $70k a year?

is it wrong that I just like video games and don't monetize my stuff?

I don't stream the most popular games. Like today, I fucking played Sleeping Dogs and RE7 Biohazard. I gained fucking over 200 followers in just one day.

>is it wrong that I like video games

>all of the things that required you to use your brain.
But user eye Hand Coordination/Critical Thinking and making better decisions on the fly
Or are you just bad at the game?

Probably about as long as you've been sucking dick.

So that makes you better than the other "normie" streamers?

3 years

it's a dead end job but it's something I can do for the rest of my life

and I'm not sure if $70k is very accurate, 55-60k euros while the same job in US big cities probably nets 100k+

How do I watch OP's stream?

I too was totally against it and felt it was another H1Z1 trash game, after constant begging of friends to get it, I agree it is a blast and is the 1st early acess game I feel is worth the asking price.

Press Ctrl+W.

All of which DayZ did better and required more of.

Sounds like you live a boring ass life.

Bet you have your "girlfriend" robot call you master too.

Fag is too scared to tell us his name

dayz was a sandbox without any objectives, they're not comparable at all

>thirdperson camping
lmao fuck off

Pic related

>autism intensifies because they can't answer a question

>can't figure out exchange rates
Fucking retard. In 3 years, I would likely have 31k followers which seems low to me and would have partnership making just as much though. It's comical thinking that your dead end nothing job even matters.

my channel is brainforc3

Then maybe I'm biased.

That's like masturbating to the sound of Siri's voice. Fucking retarded.

It's somewhat enjoyable.
It takes that Arma-lite style of gameplay and polishes it a bit, which already makes it better than 99.99% of early access games.

That's great, but DayZ will never be finished and is still a buggy broken fucking mess

pubg is early access and more finished than DayZ will probably ever be

>falling for blatant tripfag bait

forgot pic

Didn't post a pic idiot

Same user, I make 60k, work 24 hrs, and have 48 hrs off. I run a PC business on the side building computers for people out of my garage, literally just sold one to a hot chick an hr ago. I also host LANS every week in there.


all the people ive befriended since moving from my hometown, that play video games, play practically exclusively this and overwatch. are they skinnerboxes? are they actually worth buying a game for let alone playing almost exclusively?

Brandon, no one cares about your little LAN party. None of those virgins are even pro gamers or even close to being streamer material.

> Being so stupid that you think a Sage is bumping your thread.
> Using a Tripcode and demanding respect after calling everybody an autismo, when Tripcode in itself is autistic to use.

If you want to get free up-boats and internet credit with your pretty little name, fuck off to >>>/Reddit/ gay cunt.


What the fuck are you talking about

neither are grindy/pay to win (only cosmetic unlocks) and are two of the few notable fps games in the past few years

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

It's less about exchange rates and more about the machinery size / overall wages

~75k before overtime is pretty much the highest I could earn here but murrican wages easily go over 100k

correct me if im wrong, but practically the only difference is zombies, an enclosing game space, and an actual objective to kill others?

>now I have to try and see these idiots make the game entertaining
it's already entertaining.
maybe if you don't act like you're cool hating on popular games, then you could actually enjoy playing games.
fucking tripfags

>Sup Forums

It's 2017, not 2005. Grow the fuck up, manchild.

>an actual objective
as it turns out this makes a large difference in how games are played

The game is entertaining maybe. The streamer isn't. Part of being a streamer is being. fucking. entertaining.

Enjoy your 10 cents from ad views and the $5 in bits some retard throws your way a week. You're really making it big time

So, you belong on Leddit then


while he's kind of a faggot, i would say that tripfagging is about on par with his faggotry. hopefully your stream isnt brainforc3, or you might be inviting even more faggots to shit up your stream. ive never watched a twitch so you dont have to worry about me, but if i was there i would probably shit your shit up, too

These types of shitty games are just streamer bait.

user leave him alone. He's a streamer and he's better than us. Duh

how does that go with the tax man anyway?

NEETs in my country get roughly that much without doing a thing


Please try. I would ban you in a millisecond.


Reverse psychology. This fag wants more people which is why he's baiting everyone here. Fuck this idiot

nobody is forcing you to watch the streamer.
you fucking retarded piece of shit.
also, there's thousands of streamers out there.
find the one you like and stick with it.
not go to the popular one then complain about how it doesn't entertain you.
you fucking tripfag

Mmmm I suck cocks ;)

That's not money, faggot. Apparently, your reading comprehension is abysmal since those are viewers.

What's your username? ilov3d1cks69?

Por que?

eh we will see, I will have computers for each person along with streaming gear to switch on the fly, i'll see how it turns out, hoping to have a stream weekly. Wether we are playing player unknown, destiny 2, or WoW, as long as we are having fun together I don't care. It is a blast playing with friends. That pic was well over a year ago.

fuck, I thought they were dollars

how embarrassing for both me and OP

>not filtering tripfaps
you're doing it wrong

>how embarassing. I have no fucking clue how Twitch works

Kill yourself.

But I have literally no idea who is a tripfag anymore, to me it's just a retarded internet poster


why all streamers think they are some sort of celebrity or queen?

>Why in the fuck is this game so popular?

because its "popular" every game site has some stupid post about it every other day

>knowing how twitch works
Kill yourself


>Inb4 op is a AAA or Indy dev and is mad for not having made a battle royale game first

Gameplay > gfx, stay mad nerd

It's worse when their fans think they're the second coming of Christ.