What was the best one?
What was the best one?
well meme'd
the answer is london 1961
For story or gameplay? Gameplay is V, story/world is SA
Come on
London on ps1 was literally my first gta and it sucked so much shit FUCK
Ballad of Gay Tony
V is the funniest game ever made. And is very well made.
literally, unironically fpbp
Vice City Stories
Saints Row 2
5>SA>VC>4DLC>4>3 but they're all good
GTA IV is the greatest video game ever made, actually.
do you think they could remake this in actual 3D on PC??
V is pretty trash compared to 3-4
What in your opinion was better about 4 than 5?
Honestly V, I don't understand why Sup Forums hates it, it's pretty damn fun. Also the story really isn't that bad, it's the first GTA where you actually feel like the characters have sufficient motivation to do what they're doing, and not just doing it because the game demands it
Technology, characters, story.
All the characters would have to be remade from scratch, but it could be done.
The car sex
Thats fair. 4 definitely had a better engine. But I thought driving is vastly superior in 5. most cars in 4 felt like a half full bathtub to me. I thought 5 also had better characters but not necessarily a better story.
Yeah, but some work would have to be done. The map was done weirdly - it's made up in blocks, and each block has a duplicate of a block next to it - so the map model itself would probably have to be reworked, and then there's , but that'd mostly just be drawing some new sprites (which they've done before with the HD/Android release), the rest of the sprites (like props) look fine turned on their side.
They could literally port IV's map, minus Alderney, as that's the map of Chinatown Wars.
5. I prefer the online part of it. It's never-ending and I get to autistically self-insert. Vice City and San Andreas are both 10/10's, though.
Unfortunate how they fucked contact missions so hard that they're worthless as a means of making money.
>disable frame limiter in gta 3
>makes audio cut out halfway through npc dialogue and character fly out of default safe house
>enable it
>game feels the opposite of smooth
>apply silent patch mod
>does nothing
>can't find any sort of fix for this shit
God damn it
VC is a close second. SA is a meme for kiddies that use cheats.