Name a single flaw in either two games of this series.
Hard Mode: Unrelated to the cast of 2
Name a single flaw in either two games of this series.
Hard Mode: Unrelated to the cast of 2
The "intelligence" part is missing in "artificial intelligence"
>playing a co-op game with bots
That's not a flaw, you're just retarded
jockeys are not fun to play against
L4D1 was superior in every way, especially atmosphere.
>L4D1: Horror movie atmosphere
>L4D2: Shitty Zombieland comedy atmosphere
>superior in every way
The new special infected even the jockey and melee fatigue are good additions
>Unrelated to the cast of 2
3 out of 4 of Left4Dead 2 cast was good.
2 out of 4 of Left4Dead cast was good.
Don't know why people seem to think otherwise.
>2 out of 4
You don't seriously dislike Zoey and Louis, do you?
No, I dislike Louis and Francis, both boring and forgettable as fuck.
Lemme guess, you don't like Louis and Francis
>internet is flooded with Luis "peelz here" and Francis' "I hate everything" memes right after the game is released
>Easily forgettable and boring characters
You retarded?
I can't believe people go out of their way to make versus matches on a 6+ year old game unbearable
I made a versus lobby w/ some friends and we were having fun, I forgot to make it a friends-only lobby so some other people joined in and we were having a gay old time
Then this faggot with hacks on joins in and proceeds to fuck up each match since then
the level set in Savannah didn't look like Savannah
Yeah because memes = good character.
Get the fuck out of here.
L4D2 was really a victim of Valve's push to le reddit xDD humour.
I agree with you about atmosphere. I really dislike Left 4 Dead 2's survivors and maps. However, L4D1 maps in L4D2 are god tier.
>Shitty Zombieland comedy atmosphere
Circus is the only map like that.
Rest is just normal horror bayou atmosphere.
>moving the goalposts.
It looked alright to me.
Explain how I'm moving the goal posts.
Your post makes no sense.
They have personality at least. L4D2 has only Nick who hits the bare minimum.
How the fuck does coach nick and ellis not have personality? They're fucking oozing with it.
Can't say the same for Louis or Francis.
Imbalanced versus
Right here you say they're forgettable.
points out that they became huge memes.
Here you complain that memes don't make a character good. But in your first post, you say "forgettable", not "not good".
1 is perfect
2 is unnecessarily hard by adding more things to an already perfectly balanced game for the sake of being a sequel
What a stupid thing to say. The special infected added to the game were added specifically because 1 wasn't perfectly balanced. Corner camping, chokepoints, and melee-ing were unbalanced.
Hey fuck you I kind of liked Nick
I absolutely despised Ellis and "Muh Keith" stories
>perfectly balanced
except the spitter is what l4d1 was missing
Rochelle and Coach are literally nonexistent, while Ellis is unbearable with his imsorandumlol retardation
They're zombie games.
You never said anything about "good characters". Just that they were forgettable.
And they certainly weren't. If anything I find Rochelle and Ellis more forgettable than the entire L4D1 cast.
>Corner camping, chokepoints
those are the main fucking concepts of the game, now there's just more ways to fuck you over
The guns feel like laser pointers instead of guns
Those strategies were too good to the point of being unfun for either team.
You're not seriously saying that Left 4 Dead is too difficult, are you?
ITT: people with less than 100 hours thinking they know shit an easy 1k hour game
Shitty 4 maps and that's can beat the game in like an hour.
Swamp Fever is a boring as shit campaign
I can't even remember any of it aside from one flooded house and the finale
No Mercy best campaign. The level design of that entire shit is 10/10
We were promised a more dynamic experience with the AI director. Instead it's just random spawns based on number factors.
Hell, maps don't even change paths other than the graveyard in 2
jockeys aren't even fun to play as.
L4D2's cast is literally about Nick trying not to lose his shit around those 3 retards
Put so many hours of my life into that map on VS and Expert. It wasn't too long, wasn't too short, had the right amount of action, and the finale was absolutely perfect.
The only campaign that even comes close is The Parish and that's only because the Finale was very unique.
>Implying Heavy Rain isn't the best
>he doesn't play realism vs
Jockeying someone and noticing the others scramble around looking for me is just hilarious.
The whole gameplay between the zombie players and human players is so boring, it all boils doing to just lock them down at the same time.
on easy maybe
Survivors in general
Shoving T1 shotguns to skip pumping
T2 weapons
Those shit CS weapons ported because of strayan shits to that show up in every other modded server
Charger's health and damage
Smoker does no damage and his tongue can be cut
Jumps killing momentum with Tank
Random rock throwing with Tank
Bunny hopping
Absolutely terrible sound design that leads into this disgusting metagame where you have to fling yourself at high speeds while spawning to actually puke on someone
Shit mapping all around, inconsistent invisible walls
All the lobby shit does is connect you to a server, anyone can still connect to that server through the server browser.
The first half was bland.
I think the extra infected choices can shit up the infected team, no proof of this since I never played it often.
I do remember occasionally getting a golden 3 hunter 1 smoker setup in L4D1 and you can't get that anymore in 2.
i only play L4D with friends, not like I have a choice anyway.
If we make a public vs lobby, anyone who joins leaves almost immediately if we dont start the game the second they join.
>Literal backtracking in the entire 2nd half
I admit the dynamic weather stuff was cool tho
I love L4D2, but it has the worst online community ever.
Now it's all coming back to me how fucked up versus was. Stuff like the tank spawning while survivors go down the elevator in dead center. Community was also horrible.
Realism expert mode > versus especially if you're playing a custom map for the first time and don't know the layout
I can't seem to get the timing right to shove them off like I can with hunters, is it just not possible? It seems to be down to pure luck
can someone tell me where this gifs/reactions came from? when I google this shit, appears stuff that it's unrelated. I want to see more or this cool as monkey.
>welcome to every valve game community the post
100+ hours in l4d,
500+ hours in l4d2 here (both mostly pub versus, I like pain)
The flaws of l4d2 (versus) are
>some tier 3 weapons compared to tier 2 weapons are downgrades - balance
>Dark Carnival finale is HEAVILY survivor-sided due to its open design with easy spawn-blocking. - balance
>no server blacklist feature - game feature
>death charges/pulls; you should not be able to kill a player with 1 move unless you are a tank - balance
>as special infected, spawning takes longer than the countdown due to the fact that you have to set yourself up ahead/out of the survivors' line of sight. special infected should have the ability to walk around after dying (instead of going into spectator mode) so they can set themselves up to attack. - game mechanic
>defibrillator is debatable - balance
>the cola bottles can get caught in impossible to reach spaces - glitch
>some events have never-ending hoards - glitch
>booming doesn't always spawn a hoard/can sometimes miss at point-blank range - glitch
>iframes for survivors getting up in spitter acid is debatable - balance
>some other shit
>tfw pulling off the death charge on No Mercy finale
>when you wipe the enemy team halfway through the first level
>they call a vote to restart
>all of them rage when vote fails
Left4dead3 better have a disconnect punishment back like halo 3 did or else this is what the game turns into. Versus games are impossible to finish since the other team just leaves once they die once.
Also tier 2 weapons should always be single spawns, not enough for the whole team. The minute an enemy team gets 4 hunting rifles playing as infected becomes awful. T2 spawns should always be 1 sniper, 2 ARs, and a shotgun. Ammo management should be an actual thing, since t2 combined with huge open map spaces makes infected play un-fun.
None of this matters though since valve apparently doesn't make games anymore.
>tfw punching survivors off the building as tank in the no mercy finale
They're overrated trash
THIS is the real magnum opus
that's the most nothing I've ever seen out of a game
>game is free
>740 player peak
>Less 25 damage pounce locations
>Atmosphere was boring and unpleasant
>Maps aren't as good as the first game
Seriously I can mentally run through 3 entire levels of the first game in my head but for some reason I can't remember any of 2, and I played it more.
>jockeying the lone survivor away from their 3 boomed teammates while they fight off the hoard and can't see
I don't see how that's possible, as I never played with friends and remember both quite well.
did you play 1 with friends more?
>They're gonna blame me no matter what
Source engine
I don't really get the grip with swamps as much as dead center, dark carnivale and even the parish, i think too much water made it very slow and the really small crescendo events.
We played L4D a lot, for us it was our first foray into PC games because we all quit Xbox that year and got PCs, we probably put 1000 hours each into the first one and maybe 1500 into the second one
I have never had more invites from females on Steam before or after playing these games. What games do girls and she(males) play these days?
The cast of the 2nd one is the reason its better.
Just imagine how it would be to play without hearing coach laughing at every tragedy.
>mfw punching them off the roof of the hospital on No Mercy
Monsters are shit but all characters are good thats right ALL HUMAN (and robot and insect) characters are good
It always boils down to
>Entire teams hype up for you, screams like crazy trough the mic to kill them all
>Don't hit anyone, spawn to far from the survivors put you in fire and cordinate to shoot you and kill you very fast
>You actually fuck shit up
>ping jumps to absurdly high levels when this shows up
>rubberbanding like crazy
>get kicked from match
>end up hitting your teammates
>that moment after the tank dies
anticipate 2 outcomes
>"shitty tank" *ragequit*
3 outcomes********
That's really dissapointing to the team
Also, post yfw you first became the Tank
1 looked, felt, and played better than 2.
The guns in 2 don't feel as good as they did in 1.
A lot of guns in 2 sound really awful.
Defib, boomer bile, lazer sights, special ammo, and adrenaline are poor additions to the game that just upset the balance.
Heavy Rain is a great idea for a map with poor execution.
I love the southern aesthetic of 2 and that maps take place in the day, but the maps themselves feel kinda lackluster.
1 was an amazing game. The infinite shoving was pretty bad though. If 1 had just the Spitter added to it it and melee fatigue it would be better and nearly perfectly balanced.
Rochelle. And Francis
Funny enough, chilling as the tank and delaying the survivors is one of the best things you can do
one of the most autistic online communities
i'm pretty sure some of the people that play versus literally have a second monitor just to immediately check the hours of whoever joins their team and then kick them if it's under +700
and that's if they're reasonable, otherwise they'll just kick you cause you've offended them by joining or getting the infected they wanted
i for real haven't EVER gotten one of those turbobutthurt autismo "you're shit/ you're a noob/fuck you" group invites until i started playing l4d2
>Coach is literally nonexistent
Bad replayability. No campaign is worth playing more than once
>when you realize this is the same guy who voiced Coach
maybe if you play singleplayer
This might sound dumb but are the l4d1 missions in 2 just as good as the original? I noticed the first one had different looking zombies and different looking weapons but I use mods for l4d2 which make the zombies also more scary and realistic + graphics etc.
So is the problem that l4d1 the game had a better atmosphere or the campaigns compared to l4d2 campaigns
>leave game because teammate is berating me in team chat
>get invite to "ragequitters" group by someone from the opposing team
>le reddit xDD humour.
I really like Evolve but the matchmaking is completely broken, especially with
>l4d2 backwards compatible on Xbox one
>buy it for 20$ digitally because I was never allowed to play it when it came out
>it's okay I guess
>no dlc
>steamsale summer 2017
>literally 2$
>runs really well
>Graphic and gameplay MODS
>dlc was free
>10v10 lobby's
Wouldn't normally say it but PC is really superior when it comes to this game and I feel ripped off
it was a console port, so it makes sense that is works better on the platform it was intended for
Vote-kicking. Had a terrible time with this on both games and it's still just as bad when I replayed 2 recently. Why? Why do people do this? It's not fun losing someone who just joined 20 seconds ago to a vote kick.
That and TF2 were the games that made me switch to PC. Good times back on the terrible xbox versions.
Never expected there to be such a big difference
I can understand