Any funny Overwatch experiences?
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t. baby's first multiplayer interaction
Yeah this one time i was playing as 76 but tracer pulled me aside and asked me if i could rub her feet.
dumb me, forgot to add: ps4's OW fanbase is the most cancerous out of all of them
No, because every match is tryharding, even on casual
And the fun modes barely have any players
It's the least engaging multiplayer game I ever wasted 60 dollars on
who is this directed to
nevermind saw op's name
>team tells me to switch to a healer
>switch to Roadhog for self healing
>Pick Healer
>Team goes 5 DPS
>>Need Healing!
>>Need Healing!
>>Heal can you stop dying?
When I get told to heal, I pick sombrera
Proper response
>playing Winston
>run into enemy Winston
>nobody else around
>"hi they're"
>"hi they're"
>part ways without fighting
Every time, monkey bros run deeper than blood
>pick all mei on volskaya defense back when it was just qp and you could have multiple of the same hero
>bully the enemy team to the point where half of them stop playing and start swearing at us
>continued hysterical laughter on voice chat for the entire match
Watching Blizzard set fire to the esports scene they tried to force is making me giggle.
>Force the esports meme on overwatch
>the game launches as shit, and becomes worse over time somehow
>and now, when they're at the crux of startin their own esports league, unlike league of legends which baits a pro scene by dumping essencially free money into the prize pool, blizzard expects you to pay them for the privlage of playing their game competitively
>game lobby
>4 class slots are already selected, no tanks or healers
>the hanzo, widow, or genji say "need tank or healer"
>other guy doesn't pick a tank or healer
>I don't pick a tank or healer either
hilarious every time
Why the fuck can't we choose which type of match we want to play? There's only 600 xp left for me to go to the next level but I don't want a multiple map match that will take forever.
To be fair I don't either of you wanted to engage in the boring ass battle of 2 Winstons shocking each other for 2 minutes before results come in
Literally, why do those people exist?
Seriously, what mental mindset are they in where it's ok? Not that they have to be beholden to meta or some stupid shit, but literally 90% of the time someone instalocks Hanzo, Widow, or Genji, 75% of the time some combination of those, and absolutely sucks ass at it and blames everyone else.
Do they all think they're practicing to go pro, is that it? Am I just a curmudgeon who doesn't actually enjoy playing the game but only winning, and they're just having fun playing? Are they just idiots fine with losing every game as long as they get their sick picks?
Literally why is this a problem in almost every game, especially since half the players never shut up about it?
>Reinhardt charges through the center of the enemy team and dies
>Genji jumps on point to 1v6 and dies
>Keeping two tanks alive in the choke while a hanzo stands in front of me spamming "I need healing"
>Stop healing a roadhog to deal with the reaper up my ass
>What the fuck mercy!?
overwatch is a casual game, you are playing with casuals, the lowest common denominator of gaming, dont act surprised
hanzo, widow, and genji are generally kids / teens that would have a xXxSonic-MnoLscopeG-SephirothxXx username and they like picking the heroes that get free kills all day so they can reassure themselves as being skilled gamers when they get their free kills
I was playing competitive ps4 overwatcg, when your usual thrower shows up.
end if the match the torbjorn thrower on our team blasts "Alabama Nigger" on the team voice chat.
I'm black but I struggled to hold in my laughter at the dedicated trolling
>Free kills
...'ve listed 3 of some of the most difficult heroes in the game to play. A free kill hero would be like...pharah. Or soldier.
>playing mercy and pocket healing a pharah
>Other team has a pharah
>after about half a minute of the two of them sparing i notice our pharah is a bad shot
>all I'm doing is healing our bad pharah through the good pharah's damage
>pull and shoot the enemy pharah myself
Sometimes I'm not sure why I even borrow
>there people RIGHT NOW who don't play the most American character
Euros need not apply
The most American character is mcree
>go in game
>guess who takes widow and hanzo
>right 50% of the time
>go in game
>widow and hanzo taken
>hanzo leaves
>guess I can heal now
>players joins
I really don't understand it.
meant to say cheesy klll heroes
One time when I was playing overwatch maining Hanzo my mom busted into my room without knocking 3 time and yelling "Glory to the Patriarchy" just to tell me dinner is done I raged so hard I shoved my golden exlir bottle up her vag.
It wouldn't go in as I expected it to, giant cola bottles aren't her specialty I guess.
Official answer is this.
>What was the thinking behind not allowing players to choose a game mode or a map?
That was for matchmaking, player fatigue and path-of-least-resistance reasons. We’re already matchmaking based on ping, group size, skill rating, queue time, modes like Play vs A.I. with three different difficulties, Brawl, Competitive Play and Quick Play.
If we had to start dividing those by, “I only want to play Control,” we’re really starting to divide the playerbase a lot, and that means match quality would go down. Do you favor a player’s ability to say, “I don’t want to play Payload maps,” over the ability to get a match quickly or play on a local server? There are a lot of decisions there.
Players also tend to decide that one thing is correct. In games that have map selection, players tend to self-select down to just one map only – we feel like that increases the amount of player fatigue that can happen over time.
All my fun or funny experiences were when you could have multiple players on the same champ. Going all serious business on a game that's not serious was retarded.
If you enjoy only winning then you're wasting your time in half your games.
t. Hanzo Only
pharah vs pharah is kind of bullshit anyways
and the other pharah should have been aiming for you
There was this one time I never played this trash game and that time never ended. Haha, good times!
I played with a guy who was roleplaying as Van Darkholme while playing Winston. He was shouting "TAKE IT BOY" and "FUCKIN SLAVES, GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE" every time he was chasing someone with the lightning gun.
Meanwhile they're convinced that everyone loves Elimination/'pick Mei, Roadhog, and Pharah+Mercy at the right time to win' as a replacement
I don't give a shit about any of that, I just want to be able to opt out of being backfilled
>getting matched into a losing game with 15 seconds left
>round of ggs from the winning team in match chat
As someone who doesn't care about exp at all, this shit drives me up the wall
>Any funny Overwatch experiences?
Not really but I almost got a team kill
>When you black hole a team just right
>When your team's Pharah ults into the black hole just right
>Play vs A.I. with three different difficulties, Brawl
But almost everyone turns off fucking skirmish and nobody touches Play vs. A.I., and if it's making it more difficult, remove it. And fuck you for making the Arcade the only decent way to get boxes while swapping out all the fun modes for bullshit like Total Mayhem and complaining about difficulty matching the playerbase.
Those 5 or 6 man comps were fun as fuck.
>5 Winstons 1 Lucio
>6 DVAs
>6 Meis
>3 mercys 3 pharahs
Some of the most fun I had with this game , the salt was immense.
>outdated Sup Forums memes
Jesus Christ so wonder Fire emblem has such a shit fanbase on Sup Forums
No, mcree has personality and charisma
Yeah, fuck me for being willing to wait a bit longer for matches I actually want to play.
that's not reaper.
>tfw you get fucked over by a sudden 6 comp in competitive
those were dark days
6v6 Elimination is alright. I have no idea who in their right mind wants to play 3v3 Elimination. The balance is garbage and the maps suck.
>Not just dealing with it with all Roadhogs
>the spots on some maps where only some heroes can go to
Blizzard really can't balance anything.
>play any meta hero in comp
>having fun playing junkrat in comp
I actually love the 3v3 maps. Black forest is my favorite.
Why the fuck don't we have scoreboards? Every online game in the world has a scoreboard. I'm tired of doing great with a shit team as an off meta hero and then getting blamed for us losing. Our soldier is dog shit but because he's soldier and I'm junkrat then clearly I'm the one who's at fault even though I have 3 gold medals and I'm sure the soldier has nothing. We need scoreboards so everyone can see who's shit and needs to switch instead of the non meta heroes getting blasted for no reason. What's the fucking point of having 25 characters if you're only allowed to play 7 at best and get reported and blasted otherwise. Fucking blizzard man.
its was hanamura and the tie breaker coinflip gave us defence
I have one
>Be me
>Don't buy this game because its garbage
>Get to come to this thread and feel superior because I didn't buy this garbage
>I think it’s unlikely that we’d revisit putting in a ranked scoreboard, though anything is possible. The main issue with a ranked scoreboard is there is so much you can do to help your team that is nearly impossible to measure, so it would never accurately reflect how useful you are to your team. For example, let’s say your team is tied up at a choke point and just can’t seem to get through. You decide to change to Tracer and get behind them. Standing on the point to pull the enemy back and making them chase you around could be the best way to open up the choke and let your team in, but it’s also extremely difficult to score something like that. Another simple example is how much score do you give Lucio for speed boosting the team? Sometimes hitting that amped-up speed boost can completely define a team fight but it would be very hard to accurately give score credit for something like that.
Blizzard is dumb and the current system doesn't track their own examples either.
Because then the casuals that make up 95% of the OW playerbase would be forced to face the fact that they have no skill and it would hurt their feelings. OW is all about making casuals think they are good for waiting for CDs
Why is the move speed in the game SO FUCKING SLOW jesus christ. My 90 year old grandma can walk faster than that bitch
im with this weeaboo fuck
Same reason they don't have visible W/L, because they don't want people to feel bad about themselves.
To be honest I prefer it because I try and do my best tactically, and it doesn't always end up well for my K/D but I hold the point and we win.
Same with Eliminations rather than kills. It would help to prove the snipers aren't shit, but I feel much less stressed and able to actually have fun and contribute rather than worry about my fucking K/D.
Plus, I feel like it encourages, you know,
doing the fucking objective rather than all the dumb kids just going for K/D like every other online objective mode.
>In comp match
>Tracer is flipping his shit the entire round saying he put in so much effort
>The player was literally the only reason we ever held the point at all
People will always see what they want to see
This is such bullshit. They already have the two most perfect stats ever for determining how useful you are to the team: Objective Kills and Objective Time
they should have a scoreboard/leaderboard that ONLY shows Objective Kills and Objective Time.
Almost forgot
>6 Tracers
I went 36-0 the first game I played her because the enemy team was retarded and kept counterpicking with winston
what spots?
>never played the game
>it's garbage
The one on the desert map where you can't get up without climbing etc
This is still 100% correct. I love the choices of stats they went with in this game instead of K/D, and it needs to get shown so we can know that shit fucking Hanzo didn't contribute at all.,
>where you can't get up without climbing
You're talking about the sniping spot around the entrance of the defense respawn area?
My dick has fun.
I will play comp and chose the character that fits the team composition. But if I quick play. I will always chose the opposite character of what the most vocal asshole on my team will want me to play. I purposely put minimal time in Hanzo (4 hours out of a total 400) so when I select him, I can just hear the Hanzo "main" bitch over the voice channel. It provides me with endless laughter.
But lately, I've only been playing random hero arcade. So that's kind of fun . Truthfully, I sort of wish the game allowed for a larger player option than just 6v6. Why not make the game into a TF2 2fort clusterfuck? Fuck it.
You can get everywhere on all three buildings with stairs. If you're talking about that brick on the cliff side, then you're pretty much dead if you get up on there because it's only good for cover.
Only thing funny to me is how quickly I lost interest in the game. The matchmaking is trash and the maps are half assed with their design. Not to mention the "competitive" scene is dying in Korea for the same reasons ad Starcraft 2 and no one wants to watch because it's the worst FPS possible to spectate.
But isn't that the point though? Every single hero is able to attack long range even symmtra but few can
Left 4 Dead 2 is the worst gaming community I have ever witnessed.
6v6 elimination is such a step up from 3v3.
Its a fun, chaotic environment. And easy to win if your team gets it's shit together.
Here's a little story from my end
My team had an amazing Lucio on Necropolis that launched half of the opposing team into the pit. The Voice chat was loosing it and most of the opposing team left. It was a well deserved POTG
the whole experience that i had played overwatch before is a total fucking joke. That game is nothing more than just a tiny little shit turds of shits, malignant cancer. This game is just for those cunts who enjoys being tortured and getting aroused.
Yep, nothing else comes close. It's a beautiful, perfected form of cancer
You guys mean versus mode, right? That shit was shockingly horrible for no goddamn reason.
his name is literally a reference to the year Freedom was invented
Because it has 0 matchmaking.
If you only have 1 noob in your team you have lost.
Both versus and realism mode are amazingly cancer.
>This game is just for those cunts who enjoys being tortured and getting aroused.
This game is just for those cunts who get aroused from being tortured. There you go, champ.
Your wording implies that enjoying getting aroused, on it's own, is unusual. I agree though, Overwatch is pretty bad, but it's the community that ruins it, not the game itself.
>around 3.5k and 3.6k sr
>pick torb in every koth map
>"report troll torb"
>gold elim, dmg, objective kills
>force 4 players on the enemy team to swap from their retarded tracer genji winston zarya comp
fucking shitters never learn
>be you
>watch shitty cowboy bebop knock off
>tell yourself it's better
Outlaw Star is from 1998
Cowboy Bebop is from 1999
Your birthday is in 2010
Outlaw Star is so fucking shit
I love overwatch but I want it to crash and burn to rise anew because wew does it eat shit right now
76 shouldve stayed 20 dmg
bebop's good but it's kind of reddit now, unfortunately
Fuck off.
The anime is the fucking same.
Selling it
The only thing this game has done is made me realise that brown girls are the best.
fucking destroyed
See if you play with retards or try hards, tf2 and counter strike is miles worse
this desu