WE posters absolutely BTFO
WE posters absolutely BTFO
report Sup Forumsbait threads.
How is clearing up a major misconception Sup Forums bait?
I hope you can wear an anubis head piece
Honestly they should have thrown a fucking bone and made them black. Am I wrong?
Why is he voiced by a niggerian?
>egyptians had dark skin
More news at 11
so are they doing the multiple characters thing again like syndicate?
why is kratos voiced by a black when he is greek?
yes, no reason to tank the sales further
Because political shitposting has been a thing in Sup Forums since the 2016 election.
Nowadays you can't show one cell of black skin without 5 "WE WUZ" threads being made because either retarded shitposters, false-flaggers, baiters, legit Sup Forumsocks, or some shitty third worlder having a giggle at how easily triggered people get once politics get's talked about.
And because of the anonymous nature of this board you'll never know for sure either.
The kangs have enough bones
Not who you're replying to, but obvious answer was TC Carson made Kratos sound like a real vindictive, constantly roid raging beast of a man.
>legit Sup Forumsocks
Oh the humanity! Not a legit literal actual nazi! Nooooo!
I'm not very good at this, is he black or not? I'm sure that he would qualify as black for Sup Forums
Politics belongs on Sup Forums
>stupid spacing
>crying about Sup Forums boogeyman
>needless bitching
looks like he's really an ancestor of desmond, you can clearly see the scar on his mouth
He isn't black, he's a dark skinned Egpytian from Siwa.
But since he isn't white as snow, I'm pretty sure Sup Forums will classifiy him as black.
What's wrong with we wuz? you're not racist are you user?
The same reason Aveline was voiced by a white woman?
Isn't he a Brit?
Same thing.
and that reason is?
That's sort of rad. I mean, he probably actually killed some shit to get that crap. Most faggots here just heat up tendies in a microwave.
This, Sup Forums was always Sup Forums
yes you're wrong
Pretty sure it's just an easter egg of some kind, they moved away completely from the Desmond line after Black Flag.
But that's clearly black.
That's a woman.
Scars aren't genetically inherited traits though.
samurai jack is voiced by a scrawny back dude
Are you dumb
Oh, well.......reeeeeee!
not really but anyone who has been here for years has gotten used to ignoring memespouting and racism or learned to accept it, it's been this way since 04. People that bitch about it are legitimately newfags because it's like they don't realize their mindless bitching will never change a thing
I always laugh at the retards who think this WE spam was because people think the protag is black.
It's almost like they didn't even watch the trailer and have no idea what they're talking about.
>political shitposting has been a thing in Sup Forums since the 2016 election.
It's not funny. And it get's spammed the moment a single cell of black skin get's shown. Even if it has nothing to really do with black people, or Egyptian history.
I don't even care about people using the word nigger, I just want to enjoy quality vidya discussion without some retard screaming We Wuz memes pretending people still find it funny outside of the edgy 10 year old summerfags/the_donald posters that lurk this board.
>Make a point that political shitposting is fucking awful and killing this board
Like fucking clockwork.
The reason is that race shouldn't matter with a fucking voice actor of a fictional character. You find someone who can voice the roll well and accordingly. You aren't going to be seeing that person, you're merely hearing their voice, so what they look like is in no way relevant.
Now if you were trying to have a black guy play a canonically white character in a live action film or something, yeah, that would be retarded.
>Has brown skin
>Must mean he is black
This is what a African man looks like, op. Because I know you must be retarded.
why was diana burnwood voiced by a black woman?
>political shitposting has been a thing in Sup Forums since the 2016 election.
Fuck, off reddit cuck Sup Forums was always like this
Well to be fair, she's mulatto, so a white woman voicing her is perfectly appropriate.
He's black enough for blacks to take credit.
Like Shaun Kang, the blackest nigga ever.
Being a Sup Forumslack myself, I'm fairly sure the rest of Sup Forums will not classify him as black. His skin is heavily tanned as it would be if you lived in hot as fuck Egypt, but he does not have the facial bone structure that the Nubians did. Also he has a big jew nose.
He's clearly ethnically an Egyptian, which are basically Mediterraneans on the south side of the pond. He's not black.
why do the graphics look worse than unity and syndicate?
t. mad nigger
He is a nigger
yeah and your horrendous whining about it is what caused Sup Forums to become one the biggest boards now you dumbfuck. Learn to fucking ignore it you absolute redditfag. More bitching about le Sup Forums boogeyman just creates more exposure and gives them more traffic. Also Sup Forums has crossposted here ever since its inception you fucking mindless imbecile.
KYS you fucking reddit/neogaf cretin
Well right now it's at it's worst. It's mostly fine now, but we've seen it flare up when Far Cry 5 got talked about, and don't forget the night Wolfenstein: New Colossus got announced, that was a shitty night for Sup Forums indeed.
>Because political shitposting has been a thing in Sup Forums since the 2016 election.
A scrawny black dude at least attempting to sound like a samurai. This guy in AC:O is doing a thick west african accent.
Because you are watching a youtube compressed video. It doesn't look any worse than Syndicate and Unity only looked good inside buildings.
>Reading comprehension
>Now if you were trying to have a black guy play a canonically white character in a live action film or something, yeah, that would be retarded
Don't be a racist bigot, user
He's brown as fuck, what's the problem?
Is this what 'white' looks like to race mixing American'ts?
>Egyptian character is accurately portrayed as tan instead of nigger
>Somehow this makes Sup Forums BTFO
How? That's exactly what they want?
I'm not even pointing directly at Sup Forums. It just occasionally COULD be them since because Sup Forums's posters are typically anonymous, you can never know at all. Which is why I also said it more likely just shitty trolls poking at the one thing that always set's a blaze on a peaceful board, politics.
Then again it doesn't help your case when you and decide to, instead of actually challenging my opinion, just scream a buzzword and tell me to piss off.
>anubis head piece
>Not Ra or Sobek
user is whining about shitposting and bantz of any kind on a chinese oragami imageboard going to alleviate it???
They dropped the scar thing I think, Connor didn't have it.
He's not wrong for the most part. The 2016 election was a point of no return for this website. Now you have swarms of redditors infesting this place and /leftypol/ is constantly raiding and falseflagging. Seriously, why the fuck does Sup Forums have a Donald Trump general months after the election ended?
>Seriously, why the fuck does Sup Forums have a Donald Trump general months after the election ended?
Gee, Reddit. I don't know.
They don't. Or rather, all the AC games vary in quality between different areas and scenes.
Nothing shown from Origins so far looks half as bad as the worst looking parts of Unity and Syndicate.
He's apparently his ancestor according to a leak and the person in the animus might be Desmond's kid, take it with a punch of salt, but the Desmond son bit is true
also Ezio did get a very similar scar to Desmond and Altair, though not genetically. I don't think that's even possible, the scar might have just been put there by devs to tie both Desmond and Ezio further.
iirc the trailer literally started with the words "WE", it was a perfect memetic storm.
Embarrassing post
OP says WE posters who clearly think he's black or are poking fun of black people claiming they have Egyptian Pharoah ancestry..
WE followed by a long pause.
See, someone fucking understands my point. I'll admit I did come into Sup Forums last year, but fuck it I have to ask.
Was it ever THIS bad during the Obama years? or during the Bush years? Only time I can guess it ever god as bad as this was during Gamergate.
Because neo-Sup Forums still thinks worshipping a jew and israel loving zionist will take the jews down.
>Egyptian character
>Surprised when he looks Egyptian
Are you retarded, Sup Forums?
we wuz kingz and shit is unironically a great meme and anyone trying to deny it is a triggered SJW.
This isn't opinion, just STR8 FAXXXXXX SON KEEPING IN 100HUNDO
>I'll admit I did come into Sup Forums last year,
Lurk 2 years before posting