What at are some of the more graphically demanding games currently available for pc...

What at are some of the more graphically demanding games currently available for pc? I've just upgraded from my last build, which was a 2012 build with a gtx670 in it

So far I plan to play doom and battlefield one, what else on pc really benefits from having current hardware?

>graphically demanding

dishonored 2. may not look GREAT, i think it looks god but its ridiculously demanding.

I heard mixed things about it but I think I'll give it a shot anyway, even if just to play with the dumb rat powers

What are your specs now? If you didn't upgrade your CPU, you're gonna struggle with BF1 still because it's CPU intensive in 64 players.

Ghost Recon Wildlands
Ashes of the Singularity
The Witcher 3 (personally I think the game is shit, but the graphics are nice)

>may not look GREAT
It has some moments that look incredible, very strong art and really great lighting. The level where you deal with the duke looks great. If you've got a 1070 or better it's highly recommended.

its pretty much the same as the first one, which isnt a bad thing in my opinion.

i like how it looks dont get me wrong. i was just thinking 'graphically' as dishonored has always been more artstyle than just LOOKATMUHGRAFFIX

I just don't think you should downplay the lighting and material work, it's really great stuff.

but.. im not, user

>graphically demanding

Mankind Divided looks pretty good.

They still haven't fixed that shit?

literally doesn't matter if the games are shit and they're all shit

Oh nah I did a full rig upgrade, gave my old computer to my sister

New pc has i7 7700, gtx 1070

>may not look GREAT
it does look great though, it's got top tier lighting and material work
Another good choice, looks fantastic on PC
It's way better than it was at launch and totally fine on max settings now if you've got a 1060 or better assuming you are willing to enable resolution scaling. I play at 1440p on a 1070 and it's basically locked 60fps now.

Yeah, you're all set then. My i5 4570 does most games fine, but sometimes bottlenecks in BF1.
Grab TW3 on sale, it goes really cheap a lot.

It's always nice to see what your PC can do though, even if you don't play the games afterwards (assuming you're not paying full price to literally benchmark)

As in the dues ex game? Would you say it's also worth playing gameplay wise or is it shit?

Would you say Ark is worth playing without friends? The closest my pals come to something like ark is pubg

Same deal with wildlands, if I got it I'd definitely be playing solo or queuing into whatever matchmaking exists

Defiantly gonna play hitman too, I forgot about that whole thing, it's fully released now right?

well there is cutting edge benchmark software for that, using videogames to benchmark hasn't really be relevant since crysis came along and shook it all up

Get Mankind Divided on sale. It's not as grand in scope as the other games, but it's still good in it's own right.

Using the actual videogames to test how those videogames run is the best way to see how they run though

I agree, if we're talking spending actual money on these games, benchmarking tools are the way to go, but if we're talking pirate first-buy later or something, then that's better surely

I don't 100% trust synthetic benchmarks to replicate gaming performance, as that assumes developers aren't lazy fuckwits who cut corners with optimisation

>Would you say Ark is worth playing without friends?
No, unless you become a Singleplayer autist who breeds dinos all day or builds huge pve bases

Putting even that aside, its really shit in performance and riddled with bugs, definitely put it on your watch list tho, because its a good game overall if uve got friends, i have 1500+ hours in it.

>may not look GREAT,
>but its ridiculously demanding
So you mean it's badly optimized?

I really enjoyed ark with one or two friends, until server transferring base raping Russian death squads came tearing around

the division is nice and it has a unique hole technology and very nice snow and fog effect
the ghost recon is look pretty nice for an open world too
and with what already in the thread and your pic you should have enough eye candy

Same, i got Chinked and i went to Unoffocial, now im in a nice cluster that has all the maps and S+ higher harvest etc

Now i live the comfy life

Maybe I'll look at some unofficial servers once I finish the games I'm playing

Also, dont be shy to ask for help finding a server that has what you want, tons of people on there that want more players to their servers.