Is Danganronpa 2 worth playing? Heard they fuck up the minigames
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wtf i love jav now
This is not a Danganronpa thread, is it?
Kyoko is cute. "Improved" Hangman's Gambit blows, the rest are fine.
It's the best game in the series (i haven't played V3 yet though), only thing it fucked up was Hangman's Gambit but it already was shitty anyway.
It is good user.
stop talking about the game, this is suppose to be a jav thread.
>ywn be a nigger and use your God given traits to beat up all the pussy
>small dick niggas
What's the fucking point?
OP here
This is ABSOLUTELY a Danganronpa thread.
Nobody like Jav trash.
Cool ill download it
I'm not into bestiality.
Nice i hope you enjoyed as much as i did user.
I thought japs weren't fond of niggers?
Goddamn they take our blondes and nips too? Why do they keep getting away with this REEEEEE
They should have painted them half white
Shoulda had one of those guys dress as Bandai
>Nobody like Jav trash.
speak for yourself faggot
Do these black guys speak Japanese? How do they end up in so many JAVs? Do they import them?
>"Improved" Hangman's Gambit blows, the rest are fine.
Agreed. "Improved" my ass. I really liked the "agree with" dialogue choices added to the Non-stop Debates.
>Do they import them?
How do you think the U.S. got so many?
t. insecure tiny dick white "man"
Actually just beat it yesterday. It has a lot of the same good things and bad things as the 1st game. I actually like the overall cast a bit more than the 1st game, which surprised me.
Overall there is more content in it, but some of that content feels a bit more like a chore. Like, they "improved" the Hangman's Gambit by adding a minigame to it, which just extends the time it takes to do shit.
The one BIG complaint I have is that the localization fucks some shit up. They change some stuff more than they should. They have minigames that require you spell things out letter-by-letter, and when things took 5 or 6 in the JP version they now take like 12 letters in the localization. That can suck for Hangman's Gambit, but overall it's not a big deal. Some "puzzles" suck ass, like at one point you need to sort 4 words to say "Meat on the Bone", but in order to answer you need to correctly put those 4 words in order. There's so many ways you could word it, it took me like 6 tries because I didn't realize "Meat on the Bone" was a name of a dish, and I kept thinking I was doing it wrong and re-tried answering "On the Meat Bone" and "On the Bone Meat", because I was expecting them to want the answer as a sentence and not JUST a dish name. This wasn't a problem in the JP version.
There's also a part in the JP version where a dual-meaning is used as a game over screen in an in-game game, but it doesn't work in English so they flat out removed the dual-meaning. It's not TOO bad, but there are worse examples especially near the end of the game.
Overall it's worth playing if you like the series, the mysteries are MUCH longer and even more complex, which I fucking loved. The twists are cooler than the 1st game's ones, and unlike the 1st game the twists can be predicted even early on if you have a decent brain.
Reminder that there is a gross imbalance of men and women in the jap porn industry. They like their males average, so get on a plane and go bleach/black/bean them you fucking faggots.
I liked the "agree with" too, it just feels completely natural within the game. I might be retarded, but understanding how the sword-cutting minigame worked took me a while, and I beat the game without ever figuring out how I was supposed to aim the fucking sword (I think it only mattered near the end of the game once, where you have to aim it to the left because there's another choice on the right, which is default for the sword). I liked it overall too, but damn did the tutorials sort of suck.
>literal monkeys get to bang japanese qts
fair warning its not that good. that extends to most, if not all javs. vid never live up to the covers
Maybe i can get in to jav if the women dress up like characters that don't look Japanese
look at my 5
I thought the minigames in DR2 were an improvement, the only thing that tripped me up was the fucking meat bone.
The only good interracial is from dandy
cute girls and huge dicks
Yes, very much so. IMO, it's better than the first, and the minigames are still fine.
>No ass
>Photoshoped face
Truth is, it's just a job for them. No nig wants to look down and see a disgusting asian cleft, where an ass should be.
>Japanese women
>anything but ugly horse faces chicks
They all look the same too, they're in the holy trinity of ugly clones Japan/Korea/China. Other asian nations have QT's
wait... attached to the girls?
>A video game related thread with potential is made
>getfags and stupid faggots who reply to gets ruin it
Never change Sup Forums.
>You will never be white and be able to score Asian pussy for absolute zero effort, considering Japs, Chinks, and Flips would literally sacrifice their parents for a chance at a white husband
next time dont post a fucking porn picture, dumb faggot
yeah, sure thing, Ocampo
Become chadguca
Oh fuck off the OP image literally gave away what he wanted this thread to be
It isn't porn you fucking faggot. Where is the nudity in the OP image huh?
Why is even avenue of porn nowadays infested with cuckoldry?
its porn related and the pic has nothing to do with danganronpa dumb bitch
Yeah, his image and his post were both related to Danganronpa. Yet faggots like you think it's acceptable to derail video game threads.
>falling for the easy to bag Asian girls if ur white meme
>Tfw no naturally big dick
>Tfw I'd be another dark KHV if not for getting diddled as a kid
Thank god I hate other people and have no problem with the avoiding me in the street.
You know it's bad when they just need you to put 4 words in order and they make sense in most of those orders.
I liked everything in DR2, but again they disapointed me with the ending. The first game left you wondering if the world was really fucked up and how bad things were, but the 2nd game had the reveal that the cast were Ultimate Despair, and all of them were totally fucked up in insane ways that the viewer isn't allowed to actually see. I mean, they showed us TWO examples of what they mean, but one example is just "wow they look older" and the other lives up to what they claim pretty well. Does the anime show us this cool stuff?
this. Elly Akira's DANDY vid is JAVKino
Shit thread
If you bang one Asian girl you've pretty much banged them all. Asian girls are heinously overrated. You white fucks have a deranged obsession with breeding with them.
Why the fuck does white skin and BBC go so well together? That BBC inside of a light skin woman seems to accept it with her vagina more even. Call me cuck'd, but you know it to be true.
my nigga