Adios leon

Adios leon

Adios leon

Adios leon

Adios leon

Adios leon

Could this be the birth of an epic new meme?

Adios leon

Adios leon

Adios leon

Adios leon

Adios user

Adios means goodbye

No way, fag.

leon means lion

No, leo means lion.


Adios Thread

No, Luis means Luis in english

My second name is Luis. Nice to meet you.

>Leon pronounces his name wrong when he dies
Gets me every fucking time.

Bye bye leon

honestly the whole spanish thing in that game was garbage, i dont get why villagers talk so retardly in spanish

Anyone else here used to be a cop in Madrid?
Being a cop isnt what its cracked up to be anymore.

Ehh, a little rough, dont you think?

Cuz they kept the jap audio I'm pretty sure



In spanish, leon means lion.

sorry to have bothered

best pistol

Nice glock



buenos días Mandy

I just finished this game today for the first time and I had a super fun time. It's a shame they don't really make games like this anymore. The only disappointment I had was that the final boss was also the easiest boss.

What did he mean by this?

So I just finished replaying resi4. I like it more than I did but hot damn is like the end of the game poorly designed. Like I dont want to say its trash but the winding stone/dirt hallways of the island are really weak. Also Crowser (knife niggah) is legit one of the worst boss fights ever. Not even talking about his qte event but like his actual fight. Its janky and not engaging at all. The boss arena is literally just an excuse to not kill him in 10 seconds. Also Saddler is a pretty underwhelming final fight. Idk it just seems rushed.
Like the last chunk feels awkward. And holy shit does all tension go out the window the moment helicopter-kun just starts blowing niggahs away. It honestly reminded me of the worst parts of 5 and 6.
The castle was far better than I remember though. Black hooded cultist and large gothic rooms have great flow. Also the regenerator is pretty none threatening sense they are pretty easy to kill if you have the infared scope (later iterations I found more scary because they literally couldnt die unless you environmentally kill them with lava).
Idk why people claim its one of the best games ever made and I honestly dont see how its better than 5.
Leon's dialogue though is kino. Cause like his nomchalant eat dick attitude really helped me stomach later portions of the game. Also that one random nigger monster you fight through the room where you drop compartments was trash. Like I could easily dodge his attacks even though he was right in front of me.
Also the ending jetski felt cheap and tacked on to an already none existent final chapter that is pretty much just "kill saddler".

It's for dramatic effect, pronouncing it right wouldn't have the same flair and inflection

and come to think of it I can't remember leon pronouncing his name right anyway

re4fags are such cancerous memers

that's a .357 magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, dude

It's okay because heli-kun gets killed for being a fucking cocky tard.

>mfw I have a mexican friend named Luis and I've called him Loo-is for 5 years


Did it bug anyone else how much of a BITCH Leon was in RE: Vendetta?



that's not the S&W500

the last boss should been Krauser, imagine after killing Saddler and you want to escape the island that nigga appears out of nowhere for the final match

he got into roids like Chris

Not really, he had it rough, him being an absolute cunt does way more sense than him being a Mary sue character

Luis should've died later in the game. Even less relevant to the plot than Ada.


He was upset due to Helena rejecting him lol

>consuming any resident evil media besides Resident Evil 4
Oh honey...

Yes, also his hair, voice and face got worst. And there's too much Rebecca scene.

dios Leon


Have you seen the "spanish" signs at the farm? They're literally just scribbles, japs think that Spanish uses a unique alien alphabet

Also the "Novistadors", they were trying to go for "the unseen" but the retards just took the word for "No" and "sight" (vista) and called them THE NOVISTADORS (The "no seens!"

Why does he still have that haircut? Isn't he close to being 40?

You don't outgrow homosexuality, user.


Resident Evil 4 is the only game in the franchise worth playing, and it's damn good.

Five was shit but if you haven't played 6 you don't know what's up. 6 is the best the series has offered since it went over the shoulder.

That's not the Red 9 user. Man sometimes you people who goof up your images make me laugh.

Are you fucking retarded? I would honestly hit you if you were in front of me.

6 is mediocre in every single aspect.

Anyone else hated how the plot in RE6 simply felt like it had no start or finishing? Every campaign starts abruptly and every ending is either total shit or barely has a conclusion

>Leon campaign starts with Leon killing the zombified president
>Never fucking explain how did he get there
>Never fucking explain why didn't he and Helena get gassed along with the rest of the college
>Or how exactly did they managed to do it

>Jake starts just about to inject himself with some shit and the J'avo, who are shown to have the intelligence of a normal human being and also shown to be able to work as a team, immediately tries to murder him, despite Jake being in the same unit as they are and Jake also injecting himself with the C virus( what a fucking retard btw)

The only one with a semblant of a proper start was Chris, and only because we can accept that Chris is always on the line of duty

>native Spanish speaker
>understand everything
>they talk like retards
Its fucking hilarious I must say

>45 magnum

Does that even exist?

>Idk why people claim its one of the best games ever made
Because you can replay it a dozen times and still enjoy going back again. The gameplay itself is superb -- everything from the recoil, feedback, selection of weapons and ability to customize them just feels right. No game is perfect, it has its ups and downs, but by and large it has one of the most entertaining campaigns of any shooter to date, and The Mercenaries is what shit like "Horde" and "Firefight" in Gears/Halo wants to be.

The story is cheesy too, but that's part of what makes it fun and adds immensely to the charm. It's like watching a campy 80's action movie. Leon's one-liners, the retarded villains, the mix of action and jump scares, the overall badass, take-names attitude... it's all there. It's just a great fucking game.

Also, those graphics, god damn were they good.

>6 is mediocre in every single aspect.
Six helped find the identity of the series and made the shooting way better and stopped being about "one dude in a spooky scary mansion" sort of thing. Massive armies fighting zombie armies. It was great

>Six helped find the identity of the series
so that's why 7 promptly dropped it

> Dat one smut fanfic where Leon and Luis dp Ashley in the safe house

Man, I total forgot about that.

7 was a VR gimmick and isn't even canon

>stopped being about "one dude in a spooky scary mansion" sort of thing
so it could become another generic zombie shooter and lose what made the series cool.

But that's not the Blacktail at all

We have .50 magnums now.

Why don't you ever use me user? Is it your shit taste?

because nowdays most games are pure half finished garbage so Re4 stands out like le master piece because is just a very good game

but lets dont forget how replayable it is
, that shit never gets boring

I loved that thing.

That's what Leon gets for pronouncing Luis' name wrong.

that shit saved my ass during the alien fight

What makes you think I give a fraction of a shit about the canon of a series with such weak writing?

Red9 was great but nothing is better than the standard pistol. Once you upgrade it fully, it's a 50% chance to automatically pop heads with every headshot. Nothing else compares.

I fucking love the mine thrower. I'd say the main reason it was under-utilized is because ammo is incredibly rare. The best thing to do is use it only in a pinch or for bosses, and only upgrade capacity when it is empty so you don't waste ammo.

Yes, most famously used by Charles Bronson in Deathwish.

>tfw the villager lines became real life memes in the spanish-speaking world

No, not a normal load anyway, they probably screwed up and meant .44, there was a special type of .45 but I forgot its name, it was usually used in revolvers, but no way it even came close to a magnum.

No we have .500 magnum which is a bit different. RE6 has a .500 s&w magnum.

Stop with this meme, it even sucks as an action game, and the shooting is definitely not great.

>saving that free rocket launcher for what seems like half the game
>finally get to blow salazars ass away in one shot

Damn that shit was actually satisfying rather than anticlimactic.

I just buy a rocket before every boss, pretty cheap if you're a treasure hunter.

It may be the most powerful, but it's not the greatest handgun.

The main reason why nobody used the mine thrower is because barely anyone uses mines in video games. Any mine/trap is just incredibly ineffective and not worth the trouble, it's a type of weapon people only use when they're bored and want to spice things up.

The only exception being stuff like claymores in online games, where they're actually helpful.

I'm 100% sure if you were to make a poll about how many video game players use mine-type weapons, a very very large majority would choose no

>cuhrazy zombie shooting simulator

If anything, most of these zombie games take themselves too seriously.

I liked the mine weapons because I get to practice prediction, but the mine thrower ammo is too rare.


>They should've denied Rebecca-fags all the Rebecca they can stand on her first canon appearance in 20 years

What are you, a bitter Jill-fag?

>tfw I've said multiple times detras de to imbecil to friends
>they do it too
>almost everyones knows from where that is
Feels really good

>Broken Butterfly
>can't get it fixed


Better question: why was a Spingfield 30.06 rifle chambered in .223? Or an MP9 in "custom 9MM" chosen against 9MM pistols when machine pistols in .32/.380 exist?

At least the Mauser Broomhandle and Five seveN in 9MM was to ease it in with the other handguns.

.45 Colt, I think.
Also Mercs brings out the true beauty in 6's control scheme.


>Too much Rebecca
No such thing.

Why does he reload so angrily? Did the revolver insult his mother?

thinking about ada

>isn't even canon
