ITT: Japanese covers of Western Games
ITT: Japanese covers of Western Games
STI's games sadly seemed to get stuck with inferior, if not outright shitty, Japanese art. Americans ruin Jap covers, and Japs ruin American covers. Poetry.
So those blue pirates from rayman 1 really were niggers?
the american version of The Ooze...
But why though? Why did they change it?
And the incomprehensible box-art for The Ooze in Japan.
"Okasan! I want the game that looks like Otosan's business memos!"
Probably same reason localizers here rip up parts of games. "Cultural differences." Crying shame that the Japanese discarded Boris Vallejo's gorgeous Ecco artwork for something that, in the words of its localizer, would be "less threatening" to customers. 'Cuz Ecco totally looks like he is about to bring you back to his Atlantean rape cave.
You really need to post the original for comparison.
>a lot of the back is just mirrored from the front, including some text
>no screenshots or anything
>none of the typical symbols MD boxes always have telling you how many players the game supports and what type of game it is
What in the fuck is this shit?
I'm less baffled by Phalanx banjo hobo.
Not angry enough. Wouldn't plok.
Got these two years ago in Japan
Isn't Plok extremely pissed during the course of the game because his island was conquered by fleas? Why is he so cheerful?
Not sure if this counts. I think the port may have been done by a Japanese company.
>western games
>What in the fuck is this shit?
I bet you it's the Phalanx strategy, except instead of choosing a wild image to make the box stand out, they chose the most wildly boring image they could think of.
Now the Wizardry covers are pretty sweet.
Here's the minor platformer from Crystal Dynamics, Pandemonium.
And the localizers said "this isn't anime enough"
You must be imagining things.
...did they not understand that that one character was like, a jester?
They actually swapped out the character models and redid all the cutscenes to have these two in it.
The guy's design is beyond faggy though.
I'm surprised they went through so much effort to make it look so much worse.
It's kind of incredible in a way.
This happened a lot, really.
Rayman used to be adorable
I mean he doesn't look bad now but he isn't cute.
>its identical to the original
that was disappointing
>they turned it into isekai
fucking japs cant help themselves
The back is just the front mirrored, it's the solution to the front of the box, which is just a paragraph where you have to guess what words go where. Nothing to do with the game, but I guess it's eyecatching on a shelf.
Took my like 30 seconds to realise that was Gex
It's even worse if you understand the text
>The season has already ○、if you say ○ it's gotta be ○.
>But if you go to ○, they don't have ○○.
>But you've done all the work to ○, so you want to ○○○ something.
> Seems like ○○ a trend has become ○, thinking about your own ○ is ○○○.
> Oh yeah, that's it.
Oh shit i didnt even realize
>It's already fall, and when it's fall it's all about going to the mountains.
>But I don't have money to go to the mountains.
>But it is fall so I want to try to make some memories.
>It's stupid to just follow trends, or what I mean is that doing your own thing is the most interesting.
>Oh yeah, that's it.
does this have anything to do with the game itself?
a lot better than the american boxart
Looks like a mid-2000s photoshop of the boxart by some high schooler
This looks like Serenity.
It's "following trends is pretty stupid, but thinking of stuff on your own is a hassle." I don't know how you got "most interesting" out of 面倒くさい.
This is followed by "ah, I've got it. THE OOZE!"
It actually reminds me of custom box covers used for pirated games sold in Eastern Europe and Asia.
its amazing how the NA boxart for a game made in NA can clearly be the worst
At least they made Doreiku look like the antihero he is.
that cover is actually pretty cool
Is this still the only physical version?
Here's the USA Killing Time cover
At least this is kinda cool... but talk about totally unfitting! Future Cop and the Strike Series is so western that it's almost unthinkable to see it imagined as anime, lol.
and the japanese, too bad this is the only size I found. It's uh, trying to be something.
>left the western boxart the same
>change the in-game portraits
Post them my man
Because they specifically wanted to have there be region differences like how the famicom was stronger than the NES and could display some nicer things
There's a list of differences somewhere
If I'm not mistaken that's actually how they got Ripto's name
What? Is it possible to play with those region differences?
Do anime chicks show up ingame?
Consider the following:
Damn she's pretty sexy
Post western cover.
Jello is for Communists?
if they made an actual 3d game that used an artstyle like this I would buy the shit out of it
Flunked that one, kiddo
>dat Soul Calibur-esque logo
Not him but here ya go
When did Amano make cover art for PoP?
The JP filenames
That ain't Amano, faggot.
Japan only got 2
If you set the language to JP it changes everything with localization.
>artwork pixellated while logos aren't
did they use low-res assets from the game to make that cover? what the fuck
Not him, but i hope this looks good enough.
Why does Time Splitter have a head growing out of his shoulder?
This one is dope af
In some languages slang for africans is literally "blueman"
Looks like Katsuya Terada.
i actually like how weird this is
like the knockoff digdug in the top right
holy shit that owns
japan loves the shit out of wizardry for whatever reason
somehow more nightmarish than regular gex
man i love this one, it's good shit
pretty great actually
Cute as fuck
typing af is stupid af
ass fuck
>Western Games
It's like a melted plastic figure
Fukken saved