and the other jews in the industry keep selling a 4k 30fps meme?
As a PC Fag i dont even when i see multiplayer games run at 30. Are Sony and MS fans simple bros or why dont they care?
and the other jews in the industry keep selling a 4k 30fps meme?
As a PC Fag i dont even when i see multiplayer games run at 30. Are Sony and MS fans simple bros or why dont they care?
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Because Nintendo actually knows that not everyone has a fucking 4k TV
They use variable resolution, and it allows them to maintain a constant fps. Sony and MS prioritize resolution more often, but sometimes they also use variable resolution to maintain, or at least try to maintain, a solid fps.
This video goes over Splatoon 2 specifically.
PS4 and Xbone games use undercut/variable resolutions too but they still run like shit. Why is it actually fucking okay for fucking Nintendo to do it?
you are a fucking mong
Zelda is 900p and below 30fps
>nintendo consoles
>ever hitting 60fps
Cartoon games are much easier to have a high frame rate with.
Nintendo goes for frames per second rather than resolution. BoTW should've been 60fps, but you can't have everything I guess. I'd take a lower resolution with a higher framerate any day though.
this and also they know that we can only see 28fps
Nintendo knows 60fps is more important than resolution.
Also a PC fag, and it's a fact.
Cause Nintendon't got AIDS from their SJWS
This is about multiplayer you analphabet.
Only one of the first party exclusives to be 30 fps.
>consoles in general
>ever matching the power of PC
lmao are you poor?
BoTW was meant for Wii U, but they shoved it onto the Switch. I'm sure they could've hit 60fps if it was a switch exclusive, and was focused to be a switch game from the start.
According to Eurogamer 80% of the stuff on Switch is 60fps.
The big multiplayer stuff like Mario Kart, ARMS and Splatoon is all 60fps you fucking retard.
Meanwhile poor mans PC aka Shitstation and Crapbox constanly push 30 fps bullshit and idiots still buy it in 2017.
splatoon 2 dropped down to 59fps for one split second during digital foundry's video
Less demanding for hardware 1.5 generations behind that developers are intimately familiar with the capabilities of. I ain't shit talking here. The list of developers with the cash to keep up with the best graphical demands of today is shrinking. It's not like the tools to make them are getting cheaper with each new generational standard. More development time and money goes in to graphics and it kills me inside thinking how many games lack polish as a result.
That's not to say presentation doesn't matter. I don't want to come off as hypocritical after that comment, but there are areas where Nintendo could definitely stand to improve graphically despite weaker hardware. They could really try to put some more time into those animations.
Mostly because they're not shooting for 4K, and they accept if they can't get to 1080p most of the time. Like the video says (and their direct videos about it) BotW does have some slowdown, but it's a far more ambitious game than most of their others. Games like Halo 5 for example, want to throw so much STUFF at you (AI partners, AI enemies, particle effects, physics) that it kinda stops being about the core gameplay experience. Nintendo tends to keep focused on what the game is about, so if it's not important for something to be a physics object, it's not a physic object, and other little things that keep the system from wasting power on unimportant shit. Basically, Nintendo just wants that frame rate and knows (most of the time) when to smartly cut back a game to maintain it.
Except Botw has the worst framerate ever
lmao naw, nintendo just sucks. baby shit
If you play any nintendo console then you should get off this board. This isn't for kids
Kek, you mean how the game dipped to 59fps and lowers the resolution during gameplay. A fucking iphone is more power than the switch
Nintendo needs to call it quits and go 3rd party
PS4 rains supreme baby, more than 60 million strong and counting. Nintendo can't keep up at all
You type like a fresh redditor.
What the fuck is this shit supposed to be? Also there are a few reasons why console shooters usually run at 30 fps. First they obviously use the console hardware to achieve better graphics which helps especially with marketing since you can show people pictures and videos of things that will look better. 60 fps is mostly beneficial for playing the game which they can't experience through the shit the marketing department shoves down their throats. Also not alot of people care about the gameplay benefits, they buy shit like cod for the spectacle. They want to see huge explosions that entertain them for an evening and then they're done with the game.
because nintendo doesn't make high textured 1080p games
you should get off this board because i can tell you weren't here from the begining i was probably here back when anonymous ran this shit now its full of rich yuppie alt right retards
dunno, historically 3d zelda has always been 30fps
Why are you implying 60 fps falls 100% on Sony or MS?
Both consoles can do it, there's plenty of games on both that do 60 fps, it's just dev incompetence and laziness
>trash visual
youre missing the fucking point shitter
you want good visuals at 60
not trash 2 gens late to the party garbage tier shit box visuals
Because Nintendo games in 2017 look like remastered to 720p mid to late PS2 games.
>ever matching the power of PC
It's enough they can run circles about toasters and craptops since those are 70% of PCMR 1337 RIGs.
Nintendo is based 'cause they refuse to sell hardware at a loss. They care about making each and every consumer look at 2007 visuals. It's 2017. Wake up, people! Graphical advances just aren't necessary. Nintendo realizes that. That's progress. That's the kinda change I can believe in.
>Graphical advances just aren't necessary
I'm assuming you're trolling, but wouldn't 60fps be considered a visual advancement?
Seems more like Nintendo is focusing on fps while the rest are focusing on resolution. They could have easily made this 30fps in 1080p and increase the texture quality so that people can jerk off to their new shinier squids. Thankfully Nintendo knows how to prioritize though.
blue board = kid board
who fucking cares you baby
graphics literally do not matter that much
the game
is fun
>If Splatoon 2 was a Ps4 game it would be 30fps sub-4K, have no motion controls and have improved online features and trophies.
>If Splatoon 2 was a XBO game it would run 1080p 30fps, have no motion controls and have improved online and achievements. It would also be available on Windows 10.
>On Switch the game is portable, has motion controls, runs in 60fps at variable resolution but has poor online features and no achievements.
Which reality do you prefer Sup Forums?
What's poor about the online features? It runs well and you even get miiverse style shit. The poorest online feature is how stupid voicechat is handled.
Any option that allows me to play on PC is superior, so XBO it is #PCMasterRace
Because they look like shit and run at 720p how is this a question? And how can autists actually get tricked into defending it?
>Why can Nintendo hit 60fps
because they give a shit
It's handled through a fucking phone.
4k tvs are the most commonly bought type of tv and cheap ones are only a few hundred dollars. Stop being and retarded
Switch. Mustards can eat a dick they already have an esport shooter and a watered down arena shooter with loot box scam
I know, that's pretty shitty. But since I'll probably be playing with randoms most of the time, I might not even use voicechat at all. I'd rather leave messages informing children online about how Bush did 9/11, and otherwise not having spoken contact with anyone.
That would mean something if Tv's were actually being sold.
>all these mad xbots, sonygroes, and pcbros
PS2 graphics.
If you go for a generation of two old graphics you can easily hit that mark. See The Last Of Us remastered.
>Gor sucking Nintendo's dick as usual
Because the 60FPS switch drains the funcode engine. It's a known fact that better visuals sacrifices fun points and Nintendo is all about the fun.
Stay mad
Nintendo actually cares and attempts to achieve 60fps. Oftentimes games that don't run at 60 or run at 30 with drops do so because they are poorly or lazily optimized, regardless of their graphics and resolution.
>Why is it actually fucking okay for fucking Nintendo to do it?
Because this board is full of nintendo fanboys.
you must be a retarded fucker
BOTW has slow downs because nintendo are kikes and want to milk morons for the best profit ratio. If they didn't push shitty hardware it wouldnt have issues. None of their games are multiplat because then no one would buy their underpowered pos system.
are Nintendo fans fucking retarded or what
No but you Sonygers sure do get triggered by them
This desu. I'd only be talking to people I randomly added in matches for premades, not really for the run-of-the-mill pub game
hay stupid fuck every fighting game ever runs at 60
1080p tvs were the most common tvs while the xbox and ps3 were still struggling to do 720p
uncharted 4 multiplayer runs at 60
What does that have to do with anything?
>Are Sony and MS fans simple bros or why dont they care?
Excuse me? Gears of War (UE and 4), Halo (MCC and 5), Forza Motorsport (5 and 6) and a whole bunch of multiplat games are all 60FPS on xbone.
It's the Sony cucks who have to "play" at 30.
52-57 isn't 60.
and 40 isnt 60 so Nintendo doesnt count, right?
you must be a fucking fool
SIDF is the best thing in the world. Uncharted multiplayer is fucking shit (even worse than the single "player") Yet you idiots will still rise up in arms to defend it just because it's the only PS4 exclusive that doesn't have a 30FPS cap.
80% of the current switch library run at 60 fps
guy you sound fucking retarded
>Graphical advances just aren't necessary.
I would be fine if every game made from now until the end of time had Gamecube/PS2 graphics.
What ever makes you feel better sweetie.
>Sony and Microsoft
>Guys Look at THESE SCREENSHOTS ( aka bullshots )
>Post screenshots with pre rendered graphic
>Normies buy into it
>Dont care that you have 30fps only orr even less
The only reason this is happening is because shinier games are more attractive and easier to market.
If I show you a piece of gold and a regular rock you'll choose the piece of gold, but the rock had a diamond inside and was therefore superior. This is the gaming industry right now.
It's funny because Splatoon 2 is also more visually appealing than pretty much any AAA game.
Why are you arguing over resolution and fps in the first place playing on a console? you bought a console.
60fps is not even good these days.
60fps is both a visual and gameplay advancement, at least in this day and age.
Eurogamer is fake news and paid reviews
Nice meaningless buzzword
Of the 6th generation, sure
If you're into neon vomit art style
Knowing spltoon 2 looks like that and runs at 60 makes me want the game more. No need to bring up Sony tho but I know why breh dw. We are all gonna make it.
>60fps is not even good these days.
Yet it's far more important than resolution.
because their games run at 720p
It's easy to hit 60 fps when the graphics aren't demanding.
>buy tv years ago
>it still works
Yeah maybe when my tv breaks ill upgrade but until then its a fucking unneeded purchase
street fighter 5 looks better than this
If the devs care its not hard.
Call of Duty runs at 60fps in multiplayer.
More games with a style of its own existed in the sixth gen so no. In the modern day they're scarce on anything but a nintendo system.
>What is: WatchDogs,SportsGames,The division, Uncharted, ecc,
>CoD runs at 60fps
I disagree.
why cant sony hit 60 fps?
shity hardware?
Miyamoto's very conscious of the idea of response time being an important thing in games and maintaining a direct connection between the player and the game. Their production environment puts a lot of emphasis on efficiency, which comes into play from how they design their hardware and architecture.
because they know how to form a good artstyle
This is not an opinion thing.
Then maybe devs should be making visually distinct games instead of graphically limited ones.
No console has AAA titles at a stable 60fps.
guy just stop the more you post the more retarded you look
ITT: Grown men arguing over toys.