What are you mad about, Sup Forums?
What are you mad about, Sup Forums?
Apple is keeping Nintendo from making Switches
Its not Nintendos fault they planned poorly and dont understand their consumer base, they dindu nuffins
Everyone here has shit opinions except me!
an ipad or iphone is more useful and better investment than a switch
Being alone
I'm mad about dark souls three
i don't like new games
I made up a rule to take a break from vidya every 3 days to keep from getting burnt out but now I'm bored as shit.
There was a huge humble gift thread earlier and I got there late. So I didn't get myself a free copy of RE Zero. So now I guess I will probably just kill myself out of disappointment
I have no motivation to learn how to draw.
I'm mad about being an insecure faggot and that I developed a misogyny problem because of it. I cannot really even talk to women anymore.
>Vidya related?
I'm mad that we'll never get a true Jak & Daxter games remaster with realistic yet cartoony graphics.
How is Apple stopping them?
No bayonetta/bayonetta 2/w101 on switch yet. I skipped the wii u so i never got to play bayo 2 or w101.
i hate this place but i cant leave it
Productivity is rising more than ever but wages have remained stagnant, except for the upper class
I'm mad cuz I'm useless and there is nothing good to play. I want to play WoW but I spent all my money building a new PC.
Competitive Overwatch.
I can't see my foreskin
I want to play XCOM 2 but the expansion isn't out yet.
I'm mad that faggots like are under the impression that their shit taste is tolerable here.
No soul calibur x fire emblem fighting game yet.
>being an applecuck
I bet youre a sonybro too
No pick something else. That is universal
I've steadily been losing interest in my 50+ backlog. I think I need to take a break from games.
I keep wanting to start a diet but I can't force myself to start it
I don't think WoW is good.
I'm still incel
Is that really so scary?
I'm browsing Sup Forums right now when I should be drawing
I don't even feel like playing games
Nothing really, I just feel right and proper feeling angry or sad.
Feeling happy is weird.
Capcom won't touch any of it's old IPs.
Dino Crisis 4 never.
I can say with absolute certainty
Yes, yes it is
I'm experiencing some gnarly fucking packet loss and it makes playing online games incredibly frustrating.
Viewtiful joe on switch would be great. Maybe they could get kamiya to make the game.
I'm tired and being tired makes my temper shoot through the roof
Not him but I've come to really enjoy it.
I can't find a job let alone a place that's hiring and I don't have enough money for rent next month.
I have no idea how to earn money outside of a job.
>not doing small studies
I just want Sonic Mania to release already. Other than that, I'm not really angry about any vidya related things.
Will sonic forces suck though?
I'm mad about falseflaggers
>don't understand their consumer base
You can't use that argument anymore, this isn't the Wii U, you got Zelda, Mario, Pokemon and Metroid within 2 years
Back to /leftypol/ you go
It was better than 2 but with the bar that low it didn't matter; also, the fp system sucked dick compared to the use one.
Your adventure begins at midday, Keep a steady pace and you will come through just fine.
I waited months to buy a fucking gaming PC and not only i spent almost the double that i was intending to spend but i also forgot to buy a wireless adapter and an air cooler that isn't the stock one and i haven't been able to go to the store to buy one.
Fags who act like release of League of Legends ruined video games.
>Not using telepathy to draw for you
Not gonna make it
I'm mad that my next 2 work days are all morning shifts
The only time I get to play my story driven 3DS games are at night with headphones and lights off
It certainly didn't improve it
Probably. It looks like Generations but somehow worse.
Just eat a bunch of fruit and oatmeal/cream of wheat. You can still have meat too.
I'm a college dropout w/ no prospects in life.
i hold my pen with my balls
Maybe, but all the hugbox shit only started few years after the game was released. Don't give me that bullshit about every game turning into a hugbox with report buttons, dungeon finders etc. the instant LoL was released.
I got 63 eliminations in a game but we still lost
Too real. Keep it vidya ;_;
Maybe women.
That MGS5 was garbage
That ME3 murdered the franchise
That I want to play Yakuza but dont have a PS3 and can't play 3 and 4
That my dick touches the inner part of the toilet when I take a shit
No but I can't fucking help it.
Gears of War 4's ending
That's the comfiest way to game tho
Is it a ballpoint?
>Lol is a hugbox
You can't go a game without someone in bronze and silver telling you to kill yourself.
Eh, if things get bad enough we can just revolt.
I can't see my forehead
>bronze and silver
those are the people that don't realize it's supposed to be a hugbox yet
dbs ep 98
web dev things
TWI brazenly lying about having no plans to make seasonal cosmetics tradable
>lack of jobs
>eliminating demand for labor
>restless and hopeless populations
Sounds like a good time for a nice, big, bloody war.
People act like it's a hugbox based on cherrypicked bans and reports. Even back when I played LoL people used to tell others to kill themshelves etc. But just because LoL is popular it got all the blame and "Oh no, LoL ruined gayming" shit. Yhe 'atmosphere' of online gaming changed, one fucking game can't be held responsible for change of entire industry.
People don't make any fucking sense and I'm tired of dealing with it
I can't see my forehead
But you point it with your balls.
>Overwatch competitive
>2-2-2 team comp with Bastion and Mei as dps
>see that as a bad omen
>we get steamrolled first round
>Bastion says at the end of the round "lol I have gold with 5 elims"
>get obviously irritated, point at that he's the primary dps
>hurr tilted
I'm so mad, and mad at myself for being so bad at DPS. Tomorrow I'm going to go back to playing tanks.
Pick up a hobby like knitting or excessive drinking
play long war 2
Barafags deserve to suffocate and die on the cocks they want to suck
I wish Sup Forums wasn't so shit. I wish I could stop browsing, since I'm not having fun anymore. The worst part is realizing that you're probably arguing with actual children or people with mental illness.
if you think about it it kinda is for that simple fact that no one can help you if you get a heart attack or something.
Didn't League used to have a jury system? Other players could see what the report was about (like the chat logs) and they could decide if the report was banworthy?
Does anyone on /ic/ actually draw 8 hours a day? Because I tried that for a month and I ended up hating art for a week.
>Nioh is not on PC
>Yakuza is not on PC
>Ninja gaiden 2 is not on pc
>Ubisoft still hasn't made an Assassin's Creed Japan
>Fallout 4 sucks and its the only fallout game I can get into, because I'm spoiled by the shooting/improved graphics
>Sonic Forces is aids, and is probably going to be the end of the 3D franchise
>Sonic Mania looks good
Don't worry user, anyone who says 'tilted' or 'salty' is a turbo faggot, so you're good.
Tribulations used to be a thing, but most people who used it jsut clicked "Ban" to get the free IP rewards. It was discontinued for that reason.
I'm mad about Donald Jr.
My internet goes to shit after like 6 PM and I can't play any generic shooters at that point. It fucking blows because I just want to drink and zone out to clicking people and I have to do RPGs during my drunk instead.
Some do, but only because they've been drawing for hours each day for years prior. Drawing for 8 hours a day without any buildup prior is just going to cause burnout.
I have no confidence in myself and my own capabilities, can't shake it and it's ruining my life by way of causing me to and causing so many opportunities to be squandered.
Job I got hired way too many part-timers for a somewhat small building, so they all (including myself) barely get any hours at all. The most I've seen someone have is 12 hours, bare minimum being 4.
I was supposed to work today, but a truck with new goods didn't come in, so they messaged me and told me not to come. Don't have any other hours this week.
This is the only job that hired me out of a few dozen applications, and I really doubt I can find another that'd hire a part-timer that's gonna leave in late August for college.
While not specifically Nioh and Yakuza,
>Jews continue to make Consoles and make games "Exclusive" to them in the hopes of generating more sales for a given Console
>Instead of working on ensuring everyone can experience the best games at the best prices on a singular platform
Greed, I am annoyed deeply at greed.
British Rhodesians and South Africans should have been protected by britain and her colonies. I am mad because my country (Canada) is letting in thousands of syrians and foreigners, when I know from accounts of south african friends that there are many white south africans and former rhodesians who would be more worthy of those spots.
In the video games realm I'm mad because amazon hasn't given me a ship date for splatoon 2 yet.
ive been drawing for about three years and every time i try to draw for more than 3 hours nonstop i get unproductive.
I can't remember the game I played a long time ago I think it was for the Wii but I could be wrong
it was like a horror type game and you start out in a prison cell among other cells on different floors, and run around and you get chased by some ugly dude that has metal stuck in him? or he has a bag on his head? i dunno, he's got something metal or he has a chainsaw. there's some gore