Tekken 7

how the hell do i counter her

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Suck her penis of course.

That's a girl (dickless)

Not today m80.

give her the phoenix smasher

thats mizziemie shes a streamer

Who is this

gravy lady
cum chum
seamon demon
sperm worm
jizz djinn
cock carouser
mattress actress


are there any other hot as fuck outfits for Josie like this one?

she's already sexy enough in her default outfit, this is just a fucking incredible bonus.

Use a giant wooden fork and spoon combo

the title of the thread is Tekken 7, you couldn't be bothered to google the fucking game and look at the roster? this generation is full of instant gratification retarded niggers. you're as bad as the donators on Aris' stream donating just to get your "tips for a beginner?" questions read.

Literally stand still and don't touch the stick. She has shit for lows.

maybe he meant the cosplayer you stupid fuck

just as a test, I clicked the reverse google image search button right above the image and the cosplayer's instagram came up. fuck you for enabling his behavior, and fuck him again.

>she's the only girl with sandals customization

>the title of the thread is Tekken 7, you couldn't be bothered to google the fucking game and look at the roster? this generation is full of instant gratification retarded niggers. you're as bad as the donators on Aris' stream donating just to get your "tips for a beginner?" questions read.

but who is that

sausage seargent
sponk monk
cream queen


>just as a test, I clicked the reverse google image search button right above the image and the cosplayer's instagram came up. fuck you for enabling his behavior, and fuck him again.

but who is that

cock juice masseuse
boner benefactor
foot cum madam


dick punch

You tricked me you fucks this game sucks, I should've listened to the anime fuckers and bought guilty gear

>I should've listened to the anime fuckers and bought guilty gear

You're beyond saving.


Get ready to fly

I refuse to believe Flip women look like this.

All I know is that they're butt fucking ugly and look like apes because Sup Forums told me so.

cd3, d+4, d/f+3 are all pretty good though.

>tfw no pilipina gf

It's just like with any ethnicity m8. There's less attractive and more attractive ones.

Why though? Tekken's got fucking dumb anime shit like Lars, Jin, and the fucking robo waifu, guilty gear sure looks like it plays better than this fucking trash

I think thats a good idea, playing Guilty Gears because it doesnt have dumb anime shit.
Honestly tho, GGs online community is pretty dead.

You cant into glorios 3d fightan

What do you like about tekken user?

her tits are too small to pull off Josie. Josie is too much of a titty-monster

There was this one plip grill at my school that was so good looking everyone wanted to fuck her
but apparently most of them are ugly

You had one job.

So is Leo supposed to be a simple character or a complex one?
Guides say she's simple but she has all these stances that lead into other shit, and she just seems to have lots of options in general.

Sidestep or block and then stick your hands up her skirt

K Brosas


Yes she is a girl

Leo is easy mode. Her stances are as easy as Jin's CDS stance. The ones who have hard stances with a billion transitions are Hwo, Xiao, and Steve


i hate this meme


>referred to as he in the tekken 7 official site
>has facial hair options in 7

Did you see that?

Are all her options critical for playing as her or are there a few really good bread and butters that I should focus on and build around?

Had a bikini option in 6 and Tag2


And what does that have to do versus Harada calling her a female or saying her full name is Eleanor?

>that last one against "Layo"

fuck, this game is so fucking good.

>new game retcons something
>no old game is accurate new one is wrong


>implying it's a retcon
>hurr the site says he

Is that really you're entire argument?

>That's a mid!
Move's too good but Josie doesn't have many good tools

funny how one guy is going to be the only thing keeping this game alive in the us

>an actual Filipino themed costume

About time

with your D!

>an asian nigger