ITT: Gore


It looks fine.

That person could probably make paid to do mods for people, since JEWTENDO is fucking incapable of doing the simplest color offerings.

Nothing of value was altered

wtf? why is the the switch is smaller than amiibos?




>boxed copies of romhacks
Why fucking bother?


>That Gamecube controller



Because it's a tablet

Let's destroy NES games that won't have more made in the future!

>SMB/Duck Hunt
Wow, there surely aren't millions of those lying around.

What am i looking at exactly?


"i lost at smash bros, got angry, and broke it"


Don't forget about GameBoy

It's not like it's a little samson cart or something, it's just fucking duck hunt/SMB, probably the most common cart on the console.

those aren't amiibo

Made me forcefully eject air from my nostrils while smiling with a closed mouth.


It's more like

>I just want attention on the internet

a fit of rage would have ended after just snapping the hinge. or maybe stabbing at the touch screen with the stylus once or twice, but I don;t even know if Smash would result in the stylus even being in hand.

>Destroying games is okay
You can buy new cartridge shells for literally pennies, why do this?

You should probably get your eyes checked.

Fucking redditards

Reddit was a mistake. It is nothing but trash.



Because it looks nicer with original labels

I will never not be mad.

Reminder that these actually work.

That's fine. It was probably broken anyways. NES consoles are a dime a dozen.

do they?

This is gore that makes sense, though. He trimmed the edges to make it fit inside a gamecube, and they're even burned, making them expendable discs.

I don't see any gore here.

What's the story behind this?


This is some ghetto ass way of pirating Gamecube games.


holy shit

Kid found his dad's alpha xbox dev kit (1 of 10 made), that potentially had some good shit on the HDD, but he erased everything off it, took out all the hardware, and used the case for a shitty PC build.

>Some guy who used to work on the original Xbox had a leftover Dev Kit following the closure of the project
>Fast forward to a few months ago
>He tried to sell it on the Xbox SubReddit
>Nobody even replied after 24 hours (This is as far as I know, an abandoned Sub that nobody has posted in in months if not years)
>Gave it to his son
>Who boots it up, sees it is "Empty," but has a portion of the drive filled with data in excess of the OS that he can't find
>Posts on r/PCMasterRace and everyone flames the retarded idiot so hard he tries to save face by giving it the satire tag

I hate reddit so much. I decided to ask something there because I knew Sup Forums would be too retarded for it and it was a simple question, really really fucking simple.
>What is a good emulator pack in only one app for Android?
And they just decided it was against their rules.
Got banned after I told them to fuck off.

So long as you don't destroy the board you can always make new cartridges

There wasn't anything worth anything on it and you damn well know it.

>Not doing your research before fucking around with shit
The faggot deserves all the hate that he gets.

>and you damn well know it.
No, we don't, and we never ever will. That's the point.


There is no proof that there was anything of value, nor is there proof that there wasn't.
HOWEVER, the fact there was actually data that the idiot couldn't find on it implies there was SOMETHING.

And we'll never know what was on there. That's what pisses me the fuck off.

I'm still wondering why he wiped it when he wasn't gonna use the drive for anything and replaced it anyway.

>can't even see whats going inside the gamecube.
Too easily faked to believe it.

It was Schrodinger's Xbox, but instead of opening the the thing to find out if there actually was anything inside, he wiped out the contents and used the outside as a casing for his dell computer. Now we will never know whether the cat was alive or dead because the cat's fucking disappeared.

Wow, how tight is that tinfoil hat?

user, I chipped it. It works fine, I had no idea people would be so surprised about this, people have been doing it for years

GCN used Mini-DVDs, which as the name implies, are just small DVDs.

You've never heard of shaped cds, have you?
It's super fucking easy to make your own. So long as you don't cut past the data layer you're golden.

>now before we open the box to solidify the cat's quantum state, we press the "incinerate" button here aaaaaand voila, a bunch of ash. Incredible, isn't it?

Instead of being a flaming sperg perhaps you should have ried /r/AndroidApps like they suggested

>all this for a shitty LE PC MASTURR RACE

and nothing of value was lost...

>ended up with a bunch of those credit card shaped CDs back in the late 90s/early 00s.

>always too terrified to put them in the disc drive in case they went ballistic and tore apart my PC

I don't care I created an account just to ask that. I figured adding a /android after the .com would do the job, I don't want to be involved with them.

Oh fuck off. It could be the shittiest garbage console ever shat out, but emulation and archiving is important no matter what. It's history, goddammit.

This. And since Gamecube games were really small, it's not like the data layer went out that far.

It would have been nice to see a better effort made to make them smoother, rounder. Maybe some nicer handwriting too but whatever

Except JSRF and Breakdown and Metal Wolf Chaos and Ninja Gaiden Black and the best version of Splinter Cell Double Agent and Otogi and Crimson Skies 2 and several more lesser known exclusives that plenty of people would love to emulate if only it were possible.

And now it's gone. Stay mad lol.

valuable opinion you have there

Learn what a trip is before you post.


Except that's not a trip you mongoloid.

Stick to calling other people out once you actually know what is going on.

>Zelda 1
>rare or valuable in any way


You're never going to find one of these things with an actually valuable game, because the NES games that ARE valuable are all obscure and not things normal people would gut out of misguided nostalgia.

we could've got a functional OG Xbox emulator out of that data and play exclusive shit like SMT Nine, Jet Set Radio Future, etc

You're seriously this stupid, huh?

You have no idea what you are talking about.

if the OG Xbox source code was there we could get a functional emulator, do you remember why PS2 emulation is shit and why Wii and Gamecube emulation doesnt?

Because Wii and Gamecube devkit data got leaked, basically letting the modders develop an emulator easily, while the PS2 devkit/source code never got leaked, that's why PS2 emulation is so shit, and Wii/Gamecube emulation can do wonders like render games at 4K with 16x AA

He's right dumbass.

>go to craigslist
>search "custom" in the video game category
>post results

So apparently these two are gore? I had fun painting them.

N64 got water damaged though.

white n64 is sexy

I really hope you're not the same user who is being patronizing towards the posters who are mad about the gutted Xbox devkit.

Your coating is very nice, but what happened around the N64 logo?

That's a nice N64. Only thing I'd change is maybe make the controller port surrounds blue, green, yellow, and red


You fail to understand that it was impossible for the source code to be in there.

Looks nice user, what kind of paint did you use on the NES? Mine is all browned and has marker on it and shit.

>yellow and pink

What a god awful combination.

I had to tape it because I didn't want to risk fucking up the image from behind if I tried to take it off with an exacto knife, I tried but realized it was stupid.

Thanks, I didn't even use a paint gun, it was all spray cans. It's all in the wrist.

Just disassemble it and submerge the brown plastic in hydrogen peroxide, then leave it outside when it's sunny.

Anything related to xbox development would be nice to have out there TOOBIE-H. I don't think microsoft has it anymore and just uses the power of the xbone to force it running well


we'll never know so shut up

you sound like a MS employee glad that the devkit got in hands of reddit

that's adorable.

The devkit was literally running an entirely different codebase but everyone likes to pretend that wasn't the case and that somehow would assist us in emulating non alpha games.

Fuck you.

Do you read the retarded shit you type? Just think about what you said.

>he doesn't want prototype xbox games to be emulated
Ok bucko not that user you're responding to by the way