Why is Undertale hated on Sup Forums? Because it's popular? Even though the fanbase consists of furfags and autists, you can't argue about the game not being one of the best games of all time.
Why is Undertale hated on Sup Forums? Because it's popular? Even though the fanbase consists of furfags and autists...
it's an uninspired game with bad art and mediocre gameplay, and some of the worst writing i've ever seen in a game.
Because it was popular here.
Then normies liked it.
See: Minecraft
See: Five Nights at Freddies.
>that's a guy
are you gay if you didn't know
Because that was some top cringy shit dawg
Basically this. The board goes through a cycle of liking something, thing getting popular, then the board hates it and pretends like no one ever liked it. Happened with tons of games.
To be honest, I never got the hype behind it. I remember last year the game was booming like crazy all over the internet.
Imo it was just a retarded earthbound clone with faggy rhythm elements
>we always liked it XD
>we are a hivemind, we are legion XD
>learn that it's a guy
>turns out it's some tranny who wanted to be a trap
it attracts retards
jesus christ the fan songs are so cringy
If you don't remember the fucking mountains of undertale demo threads then I dunno where you were.
I don't cause there was probably like a few threads with only 10 replies
Because the gameplay isn't enjoyable and the writing is grating. Then you have this fanbase of creepy morons that say its the best game ever made even though it's barely passable. The artstyle was cool enough though.
You guys are wrong. Most people on this board never liked this shitty game and the only reason it seemed otherwise to you is because a minority of users were constantly talking about it for a while. Most people will pass on threads about games they don't like. People have differing opinions on games and Sup Forums not some retarded hivemind of people trying to be popular in an anonymous space.
PS I don't like any of those 4 games except LISA
I-I can't be the only one aroused by this webm right
r-right? ahahah///
>best game ever
Sup Forums are basically contrarian hipsters
This, we used to have League and Minecraft threads the same way we have X videogame threads now
>game is ok
>a group of non-gamers latches onto it and calls it the next coming of Christ because it has gay characters
>one of the best games of all time
Did you play the game? After an hour I couldn't force myself to enjoy it. It's quite boring.
>you can't argue about the game not being one of the best games of all time.
I can.
LISA is way less known than FNAF, Minecraft and Undertale.
Hence why it's praised as a masterpiece here, or was that the point you were making the whole time?
You're gay, son.
Because once those games started getting popular, the devs turned their attention to the larger audience, making it shit.
>ou can't argue about the game not being one of the best games of all time
The fuck I can't. The game is boring bullshit.
It's obviously a guy.
So you have the sauce?
The real question you should ask is if you're a retard. There is nothing feminine about that person.
Sup Forums doesn't like it when people like the things they like. People here were going nuts over this game when the demo came out, but now they can't separate the fanbase from the game anymore.
>people trying to say that Sup Forums never liked it
You can tell Sup Forums has been infested by Sup Forums through all this revisionist history.
Okay, now try expressing your opinion with an actual attempt at objectivity.
I think it is solid, but it's only unique to casuals.
All of its "hooks" are obvious to people who have played similar games.
>It's the best game ever!
>I don't think so
>Uh, why don't you try being objective?
How about you go first, retard? Just saying something is "the best" means absolutely fuck all.
Is Nier next? I do hope so
shit game with a shit fanbase
Sup Forums never liked it. it was just shitters that couldn't realize they were in containment thread
>Sup Forums never liked it
thats what makes it hot you faggot
Underage and redditors trying to fit in
>There is nothing feminine about that person.
Can you link the version with sound?
>People here
Yeah, some people. Some people here go nuts over the latest AAA annual release fuckfest, too.
Saying "Sup Forums liked it" is just you trying to speak for literally thousands of people. Unsurprisingly, that makes you look like an idiot.
Actually it's a chick
this but the music was alright
otherwise immensely lazy
The people who post about video games they like and the contrarian shitposters are two separate groups of people.
When something gets popular, the second comes out in full force, usually louder.
Haven't tried it, honestly. Seems like it might be worth a try if I could play it on the go, like on a Vita or something.
Is it available for any handhelds?
It's a shitty overhyped game worshipped by kids since it is Babby's First Le Smart RPG. Kids like you, OP.
>he owns a vita
The game is a mishmash of great ideas and horrible executions. But honestly, it lives up to, if not surpasses, the Mother series in the "lolsorandum RPG" genre, but that's only because I don't think too highly of the Mother series itself. The fundamental flaw of both games is that they want to be quirky storybook movie-games, and sacrifice the gameplay to do so.
>you want choices? Hah, good luck with that. we'll give you the illusion of choice and you'll like it!
>final bosses? Nah, we'll just give you schmuck bait that you literally can't lose unless you're a retard
>knights and dragons? Hah, we're too underground for that mainstream stuff, we have talking goats and hippies and garbage cans and living barf XDXD! We're so randum!
If you genuinely think these games are somehow amazing masterpieces instead of flukes that just got popular by word of mouth and/or hipster cred, then don't kid yourself.
Where is the fucking sauce?
the music was also bad it had okay melodies but toby fox has no idea how to make listenable instrumentation. Megalovania's instrumentation makes me want to deafen myself for good so i never have to hear it again.
you mean overinspired. so much so that it's basically stealing.
Yeah. I do. I got the OLED version and the 64GB card for 150, and it's been totally worth it.
When did normies like Lisa? That shit didn't fit in at all. The most publicity it got was that the game theory niggas played it once on a live stream and never touched it again cause it was too dark.
This. Earthbound was trash then, and it's trash now.
>i-it was totally worth it!
It was. I use it far more than my 3DS.
I want to fuck a mettaton cosplayer
male or female
post collection faggot, two games means nothing
I'm at work. Plus, the vast majority of my Vita collection is downloaded. It's a pain to switch out all those little cards.
>Bases all mothers games off of Mother 2
3 was story focused and barely had any of the quirky shit, i don't know what the fuck was up with 1 it kind of just seems like a disoriented mess but so were most RPGs back then.
How did you end up like this? I feel bad for you.
honestly i loved the game.
i even teared up in the pacifist ending.
but the fanbase is so goddamn annoying and autistic that its in the same league as fnaf at this point.
the first few days after it came out were pretty cool on Sup Forums though.
I hate Memetale and even then I still have to admit Metatton's theme is GOD TIER. Easily in the top ten of all vidya songs of all time.
I love the game but I guess it's because I'm not as cool/popular as the rest of you.
I felt like all of the characters were my friend and after finishing it I wish I could have jumped into the screen and live with them for the rest of my life.
why does his head change
People hate it because it's shit
>3 was story focused and barely had any of the quirky shit,
Okay user, let's just pretend the magypsies didn't happen.
>the characters that have no problem bathing with young boys, applying copious amounts of lipstick which literally gives them powers, and spanking their monkey in the open (at least the traitor, Locria, enjoyed that)
I like robots
>You can't deny it's the best
This is why.
kraut-loli artist I'm guessing
It bugs me that Undertale took lots of things from Touhou, OFF and some other more obscure games without giving any credit.
It's a good game anyways
I hope you're kidding. That's pathetic.
>says that Sup Forums always hated undertale
>mfw Sup Forums is the only reason why I gave it even a try
>mfw I liked it
nice try kiddo
I wanna fuck that face
Pretty much. Sup Forums hates pretty much everything, though.
Yes I want to be a little boy since I'm a manchild.
>I sat in one 75 ip thread 4 years ago so all of Sup Forumss million users love it
>you can't argue about the game not being one of the best games of all time.
that's where you're wrong bucko
You never mentioned anything about degeneracy, and that still doesn't negate what i said, also they die off pretty early on.
It BTFO JRPGs and you know this is SE and Atlus shilling central.
>you can't argue about the game not being one of the best games of all time.
Yes you can
The story is cliche as shit, the characters are not interesting (maybe with exception for sans and papyrus, the rest is easily forgettable)
the only thing that this game did somewhat well are the "fight" mechanics, thats it.
I disliked it. I thought the story was full of holes and the writer had a child's understanding of morality. The characters are pretty mediocre and the game forces a narrative on you. The gameplay is also very boring. I refunded it. However my dislike grew to hate due to the faggotry of the fanbase
>Like it literally the best game ever and if you disagree you didn't play it/are pretending to not like it
>that's a guy
It isn't, and that's the problem.
Degeneracy is just quirkiness under a different name.
1girl chara_undertale evil_smile femdom knife loli red_eyes undertale rating:explicit boaby
It's exactly the same shit that happened to FNAF. There was plenty of threads going on about how cool/fun it was but then there was too many threads about it and people got mad and started to cry "GO TO A GENERAL ALREADY" like usual.
Degeneracy is a fucking meme word used by Nazi larpers on Sup Forums
wow that's fucking evil
ACTUALLY it is a guy
Yeah basically
There are things that are degeneracy in the world but those things aren't just having fun
false flagging is the worst part of anonymity.
this board NEEDS ID's