This is the perfect example of why you never listen to gamers...

This is the perfect example of why you never listen to gamers. I put this off for 10 years because y'all said it was trash. Best battle system, AMAZING soundtrack, and Vaan isn't even that bad. Fuck you guys.

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Sometimes, I wish I had shit taste. I wish I could one day just wake up a retard and be able to have fun with awful games like FFXII.

It gets worse. The director died of a heart attack around the time they visit Vira's village and it all goes to shit from their.

Get out XV-kun

It's a bad, incredibly unfun game with a shitty political plot that takes itself too seriously only to end up as another FF.
The combat system being extremely boring and needing to buy/find gamnbits just makes it even worse.

Needed more nonhuman party members, imo. You have this amazing rich world and its 5/6 party members being human. Fucking lame.

>whines about game autoing itself because of gambits
>whines about needing to buy and find gambits
Do you find any kind of sexual arousement out of your shitposting or something?

If the combat has to play itself, let me just configure the whole thing from the get go.

Is Balthier one of the best characters in a Final fantasy game?

>games are developed linearly with the story progression

What SE should have done:

Keep Reks and Vaan, but in addition to killing off Reks, kill off Vaan 10 - 20 hours later. Imagine how unexpected that would have been. We all knew Reks was going to die, but Vaan was the face of the game.

Vaan dying around that time would have zero effect on the overall story since he pretty much becomes a pointless background character anyway.

Or you can play it youself since the game doesnt forces you at any time to use them and you have absolutely no disadvantage on not using it.

Auron and him are forced "cool older guys." Literally gary stu characters.

Basch is vastly superior, as is Wakka.

>Actually can't decide whether to play it in English and Japanese
>Keep switching between them

Balthier sounds so good in the dub.

Fuck missclicked

this literally shits all over every other FF game

My big issue is the wasted potential. It could have been a 10/10 game, but instead it's only an 8/10. Damn shame that Matsuno had to get "sick" halfway through development.

Then the combat devolves into something extremely annoying and tiring because constant, real-time switching if you don't want your cast to auto-attack ad infinitum.


But how does it compare to FFXV?

>whines about having to spam the attack command on a FF game
Im sure no other FF game out of DoC does this right?

I agree with you but go to hell about Auron, he's the badass of my childhood.
Fuck Balthier.

>story writing tips from someone who doesn't know how to write a story and the only justification to kill off a character is because "it would be so random xD"

No, I'm whining about switching backl and forth the whole time while needing to control your characters.
Xenoblade does this ok, XII, not by a long shot.

It feels a lot like an MMO with the auto-attacking shit, so I struggle not to compare it against 14 - at which point I think 14 is the clear winner. It has better graphics, music, style, combat, job system - basically better in every way.

>don't want your cast to auto-attack ad infinitum
But why ? It wins every fight, auto-attack and heal. Fast forward button.

>Forced cool older guy
Confirmed for not finishing FFX.

It is because a lot of autistic Final Fantasy fans hated it so therefore it became polarizing. This game to me is one instance in which the critics are way more right than the plebs on the internet. I would legit put it in the top 10 PS2 games for its time. Perhaps even top 5. It is better than FFX in many ways.

Story didn't grip me but I swear there was something about the VA besides Vaan that had a really grounded, mature vibe to it. Haven't heard it in another game since.

>Best battle system
That wasn't the original battle system, OP.

>Vaan isn't even that bad
You are clearly not very far in the game. When party members join, just to throw around their egos, then you will know why the game sucks.

A Gary what?

And wakka is cool. He made me feel like what it'd be like to have an older brother.

And fuck you man, Auron ain't forced nothing.

It wouldn't be that random.

Reks died to show the player that FF12 is a different kind of FF game and that war is hell.

Vaan dying would farther illustrate the point as well as show how Vaan is well in over his head, which is another theme of the game.

i've beaten yiazmat in the original version on ps2.

what have folks who have played that version say about the ps4 remaster? is it good? worth it?

any new bonus bosses ???

The game felt like an MMO, on an empty server, and I was the only person left still subscribed and playing alone

Have you ever thought you just have shit taste OP?

I don't know if i understood your point but what i disliked about every character is their lack of purpose or motivation in the event unfolding. It came a point of realization where i kept asking "Why is he still following the group ? Why is he still here ?"

Bash and Ashe : They're good, they have a goal and are motivated to fight for it.

Balthier and Fran : Already why are they still tagging along? What do they gain from helping the princess? Not treasure, not fame, just lots of danger. Didn't make sense, a character needs something more than "because it's the story" as a drive.

Vaan and Penelo : What the fuck are you doing here tier. Who even is Penelo? She's nobody she's just following Vaan and Vaan doesn't know what the fuck's happening.

Obviously i dropped the game but i went about halfway into it and it was boring as hell.

>want to buy the game solely for Penelo's ass

Bad idea?

Fuck that spacing.

He already said he likes it. You're too late, shithead.

>that takes itself too seriously

Literally hundreds of thousands of games at this point. Shit like TLOU takes itself super seriously and I always found games like that to be extra cringe. It depends on the game and the story it is trying to tell as well as agendas it may or may not be trying to push on the player.

To me FFXII doesn't try and force homosexuality on me through DLC so I don't mind its tone.

Either way, GTFO cunt.

nah, she has one of the tightest asses ever

the thing is, all three girls have 10/10 asses


All the girls have great asses, you can't go wrong.

I'll bite the bullet then. Thanks anons.

Why would anyone want to finish that overrated linear piece of shit anyway?

whats wrong with a game being linear?

>Best battle system
>Vaan isn't even that bad

Always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says

FFXII is great. Why you would listen to the same board that loved Undertale is beyond me.

Vaan sucks and Basch should have been the lead like they originally planned.

Love the game though.

So... is this shit good? Should I cough up the 50 bucks and get it? Are the trophies doable or autistic?

careful, his simplistic thought patterns likely seize at complex questions like that.


It's more like 11 than 14 and more like a piece of shit than a videogame.

Unironically go back to r/videogames

"Reddit spacing" has been around on this site since before reddit was a thing people gave a shit about. Fuck off with this shit meme.

the way the battle system is designed is just like how 13's battle system is design in the sense that using auto-battle is pretty much the most logical option most of the time. In the case of XII the battle system it's like a boring MMO, so you assign gambits and let it play itself.

Where is my PC or Xbox One version?


I thought it was pretty clear Balth had a vendetta against the Empire. He tags along in a lot of the later parts just to fuck with them.

Vaan has reasons to tag along... no reason for the party to let him though. He was never the main character, but it's hard to let the player be Ashe when experiencing her journey would interfere with play agency.

Penelo seriously feels like 'fuck we need a 6th party member who's a girl'.

a year or so from now

The game looks just too high fantasy to me. It takes place in the same world as FFTactics and Vagrant Story right? Those two were more of a medieval fantasy world and I liked them a lot.

FFXII is my favorite fucking final fantasy. I can't fucking believe something like VII gets praised to death but XII gets the shaft. It's actually fucking fantastic.

only if you consider Star Wars high fantasy. XII's music, story and even the characters are all heavily inspired by Star Wars.

The fact you just asked about the trophies is autistic.

what? That's just insane. Large-empire takes over small-country isn't star wars. It's a story about men overthrowing gods-- how the fuck is that star wars inspired? Just because Baltheir falls into a loose Han Dolo archtype, doesn't mean theres any other connection.

gods=death star/sith

>Auron & Balth
>Gary stus
>when both fuck up/spend the game recovering from fucking up

>implying these are even near the same tier

This is actually the dumbest thing I've seen in FF12 threads, congratulations.

I just like to finish my games and get my money's worth. Im sorry that I dont throw away my games after one playthrough like a faggot.

>Makes coherent paragraphs w/o greentext
You're like a retard being mad that someone is more intelligent than you.


>people are throwing $60 at a PS2 game

It's miles better than that trainwreck of a game.

>you literally couldn't bother looking up the price before complaining

kill yourself senpai

Nobody gives a shit about australians

Series question are there any other games like FF12 that polarize thier fan base in love hate? Like FF12 everyone either fucking loves it to death or thinks its a bottom tier FF12 I love it personally but so many people I know hate it. If it was as good as it was supposed to be FF12 probably would be my favorite game of all time.

It's selling at a ridiculous price everywhere.

>Vaan isn't even that bad.

He's not a bad character but he's a poor main character. The story would've been 100% the same if they cut him from the game.

Another reason why he gets alot of hate is because Basch was supposed to be the main character originally ( you can kind of tell as you play through the game ) But square-enix was afraid Japanese teenagers would be put off by a middle-aged protagonist for a mainline FF game.

>tfw I'm barely in the game and I feel like I fucked up everyone's jobs

That's nonsense, most people on Sup Forums claim it is in the top 3 best FF games.

It's 30 bongs over here

>stuck in a small town in germany
>closest place that has it is a 2 hour drive
>can't decide if I should just get it digital or not

Is the steelbook case for every copy or was it a pre-order only thing?

Isn't there a scene 25% ish into the game where someone in the party straight up calls Vaan out on the fact that he's inconsequential to the story and has no reason for being with them and they just walk out on him during the cutscene ( even Penelo, kek ) while he's trying to give a reason for him to be a part of the group.

>he actually fell for the "XII is bad" meme

I also would had liked balthier to had gotten fleshed out more. Like the guy used to rub elbows with the elite of the arcadian empire and was a fuckin judge but when you get to archadia he just walks away it is shown he still has influence to. It would had been nice to go more into how he could had progressed the story using his own contacts from within the empire to help larsa or work against vayne. And more balthier time is always a good thing.

>A drastically improved version of a bad game isn't bad


>Backup party members get LP
>They still don't get EXP
Why didn't they fix this?

I dont recall any scene like that but if you notice after raithwalls tomb Vaan rarely ever speaks and if he does it comedic relaf he doesnt do anything for the rest of the game till you destroy the dawnstar. Oh and hes the getaway driver something ashe or anyone else could had done.

The only fucking Final Fantasy game i've ever played is XIII, the first one not the fucking sequels of the sequel.

Is this worth adding to my tremendous backlog?

>Only ever played one of the worst final fantasys
wew lad ya FF12 is worth playing but you should also really give 4,6,7 a go as well.

Grinding is easy with 2x speed now so it's whatever

>Best battle system
Not if you've played the original FFXII, which had a shitty battle system.

Did you mean 4, 6 and 9?

i like how you can just get fucked by bats in this game even at max level and having retardedly good gambits and gear
this game fucking sucks, the music is boring, the plot is boring, the characters are boring
the only thing that's memorable is fran's ass and accent
and you could probably just listen to a bjork album and look at ass pics and get the same experience