Leave kino to me
Leave kino to me
Just make a new word for vidya kino. That's Sup Forums shit.
The Evil Within sucked. Can't believe such a weak game got a sequel. Crazy.
The first one was ok, but it really just made me wanna replay RE4
Absolute ludus
You mean ludens?
jk, I like the cover
Gamey, pure gamey
TEWkino gets sequel is pure ludo
>Beginners Traps and Bullet Sponges 2
All style, no substance. It'll be fun to watch someone else play it, I guess. That GOD HAND shit that happens with the giant golden doll heads was pretty nice.
It looks pretty bad, mahlad
>No substance
Why use words you clearly don't know the meanings of?
game looks like more of the disappointing same. trying so hard to be scary is a mistake. it's sure not why RE was so successful.
what's wrong with it?
Have they said whether Mikami is involved yet? The franchise means nothing to me, Mikami is what I'm interested in.
Nothing really, it's basically a decent RE4 clone.
Like Dead Space 1, only not as scary.
Mikami's "protege" is doing the sequel. He's the one who did the first games dlc. Take that as you will
trailer was absolute trash
So there's still hope that Bethesda will let Mikami make something actually interesting, not just an RE clone. That's nice at least.
The stealth was the worst part imo, and the crafting was barebones as fuck and really unnecessary
Never played the first one but the art direction in the trailer really got me intrigued.
Probably my best reveal from E3, definitely gonna keep an eye on this one.
Absolutely Orphan of Kos
He's the executive producer on EW2, though I think he's officially retired from directing games.
Main issue with Evil Within was that the combat was clunky, not that satisfying, and the AI sucked. And the FPS was all over the place
Not really comparable to Resident Evil which was really fun to play
If they polish the mechanics a bit it could be really great, I loved almost everything about it otherwise
Evil Within 1 is better RE game than 5, 6 and 7.
It also has more atmosphere and weird shit than all the SH games since 4.
FUCK. What was the point of making fucking Tango Gameworks just to get Mikami if Mikami was only going to make one fucking game?
How are the dlcs? Are they worth playing?