*loosens up*
*loosens up*
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Does anyone have experience with the after market sticks? Trying to decide if it's worth the effort to fix mine or just track down a replacement.
One time my friend and I were playing Mario Party 1 and he was spinning that stick with his palm with a fury unmatched.
Suddenly it snapped and flew across the room, pegging his cousin right in the forehead.
It was great.
Reminds me, are there steel triggers for Dualshock 4?
>having friends
You're a major fag.
*grips tearing*
I'm replacing the ones in my old controllers. But the first batch of sticks I bought were just too cheap. I need to not be such a scrooge.
*cuts your thumb*
If you replace one of those from donor, remember to put some lithium-based lube in the bowl - NOA did cheap out on that which leads to sticks grinding in the bowl until the sticks are loose and there's small plastic particles everywhere.
Yes. Chinks are cheap, and then there's Zedlabz
Didn't they fix that issue for v2 Dualshocks?
My mouse's scroll wheel is starting to break, I'll just suddenly have violent scrolls that send me all the way up or down pages, or just little twitches from time to time. It's an old mouse, but it's still good.
>doesnt click at all
i had hand me downs of the gamecube
the controller cut the fuck out of my thumb because it was chewed up by a dog before we got it but god damnit it was the only working one
PROPERLY working controller
any replacement ended up being a defective controller after about 1 month
ended up keeping the chewed up one and the least defective one which would always pull to the right for no reason what so ever
Its literally never happened to me
>Have had mouse for at least a decade now, only recently started having any sort of problems.
>Side button doesn't work so I can't go "Back", just "Forward" with the other button.
>Past couple months the middle mouse button now double clicks at complete random and always seems to do it when I'm opening 10+ tabs at the same time.
I don't want to lose this $20 mouse but I feel I must at this point.
Bless Sakurai for those Sm4sh GC controllers, finally got quality replacements for the worn out old ones.
Has any of you tried those chinese joystick replacements off from ebay/ali? Seem pretty easy to me, pop controller open, take out the pcb, pull out the worn one, put new one in and assemble.
*falls off*
*vanishes into thin air never to be found again*
*turns off because you shook it slightly*
t. Deathadder
Just as worn as his thumb
Mine only turn off when I punch it from being mad at video games.
I thought I was going crazy when this happened to me every so often.
yeah, i swapped my old atomic purple broken as fuck stick out with a retrofit gamecube stick.
works hella good.
Nothin personnel... kid
*Gets flung into tv*
Never happened to me.
Send me solution in PM :-)
Thats fake as fuck
*never gets touched again*
Exact same shit happened to me, but only my Wavebird. Fucking thing is insanely sharp too, like goddamn.
This is the #1 reason the N64 controller is trash. The fucking analog stick almost ALWAYS has slack in it on every fucking controller I've ever touched. I remember it always being a nightmare to dash in Smash 64 because of how loose my friends controllers were.
That, the dumb face buttons, and the lack of a secondary analog stick really make it a pretty mediocre controller.
The gamecube style replacement ones are good in some ways. I think anyone, even a casual player would realize how bad they are for anything with aiming, like 007 or OoT minigames. For platformers or anything else really, it's decent enough. When I compare them one after another, I can tell that the gamecube style one is significantly less precise, but it's playable.
*gets raped*
If you do this in a CRT TV it literally implodes.
Replace it with the Kitsch-Bent bowl, stick and gears.
*side grip falls off*
Most of the use of the Wii U I have seen is my bro's toddler using it to watch shitty youtube.
>*gets loads of porn*
How come no other controller has had that honor? I feel a nice thicc meme could happen to the OG Xbox controller.
Hori minipads are a Godsend. What the fuck was Nintendo thinking with this cheap-ass bullshit?
*pops out because you moved the stick slightly
Mario party grinded it into a fine powder.
I don't know why Smash is the game that caused this when I wasn't even being rough playing it.
Reminded me that I want this
>that stick
sexy af
When I was a kid, almost every supermarket had an N64 with something like Banjo Kazooie in the system at the games section so you could try it out, but I never got to actually try it because literally every single one of the controllers I ever saw had a broken stick.
*revolutionises console gaming*
you forgot
*and still stays on and connected*
Do it. You can import them cheap from China. I fixed mine earlier this year.
>Decides not to work with half of your games, git gud
*remains untouched*
Both my Wave Birds look like this. Also, one of the C-sticks is shattered.
Probably from performing Smash attacks.
A friend of mine who is avid about F-Zero X dislikes the aftermarket options. I guess it depends on how much of an enthusiast you are.
>*turns off if you die ingame*
360 controllers were literally the only ones that did this to me. And they still do.
I hate the puppy ears, not comfy/10
*gets unused*
>*continues being the greatest video game controller ever made*
Yeah, nah, fuck you.
That's not a Dualshock 3.
>mouse double clicks
>g and I keys double, triple, sometimes 6x click
I guess that's what I get for buying the cheapest mechanical keyboard on Amazon
*blocks your path*
Only autistic retards that play Smash have this problem.
how so?
*scrolls 1 step in the oppsite direction*
i still use mine for sploon and smash
>*stick drifts*
>*has sweat marks after 1 day of use*
>*costs $150*
I can't imagine using it to play a game that actually uses the D-pad.
You've never used it? You've never played Rayman?
You need to press a little button for them to come out, no even pushing the stick forcibly you can do that
Seriously, the N64's only undeniable flaw.
Would love to buy new controllers for it, but you only get them from China and they are garbage.
Track down one of those Hori controllers if you have the money (they've very expensive now due to increased demand from how shitty the OEM 64 controller is, in combination with the retro gaming market being a generally fucked up bubble economy).
OR just buy a cheap second-hand N64 controller with a ruined analogue stick, crack it open and replace it with a third-party one. You can get metal ones and all kinds now, and they're almost all better than the stock one.
I hear the original sticks were shitty because Nintendo used an el-cheapo degradable lubricant; if you replace the lubricant on a new N64 analogue it'll apparently work fine forever, but ones that are already damaged (ie. 99.99% of the ones in the wild) are damaged to some extent.
*becomes sticky*
>registers dpad up if you press dpad right
>*excretes sticky residue on all button faces and joysticks after periods of disuse*
*blinks green lights at you*
*side grip rubs off*
*spins out*
The single time I laughed at this text.
I must be super lucky, because most of my controllers work perfectly fine and are still in perfect or near perfect shape.
The exception being the N64 sticks being a bit loose, but I found an old beat up N64 controller at a thrift store, cleaned it up and replaced the totally loose stick with a GameCube style one. For anyone wondering, replacing the N64 sticks is super easy and quick as long as you have small enough screwdrivers to open the controller and help unclip the connector for the analog stick. No soldering or anything like that.
The controller I did this to is fantastic now, it's the one I use for everything except Blast Corps, since for some reason that game doesn't agree with some diagonal inputs from the GCN stick.
sad part is I used this on my ps3 since I got mine in 07 and never used the DS3
PS4 is literally the only console I have played day in day out since i bought it 2 years ago. I dont get where this "PS4 has no gaem" meme comes from.
Nintendo consoles on the other hand always end up untouched for months at a time in my experience.
>tfw none of these happened to me because I take care of my stuff
Also I never let childs use my controllers.
*scrolls through your weapons at lightning speed*
*continues being the greatest video game controller ever made*
Also the only console controller Ive ever worn the rubber off the sticks with within 6 months of ownership.
I had like 150 psx and ps2 games and this never happened
Same, they obviously switched to a cheaper rubber compound for the PS4
Yeah yes, you are fucking retarded nintenbro
Yes no, maybe, I dont know. Can you repeat the question...
Its pretty great, although a brand new 360 remote is also pretty fuckin fresh