"your choices matter"

>"your choices matter"
>they actually don't
What games do this?

All, except New Vegas.

Forgot Alpha Protocol you gormless idiot

Bioshock Infishit

Every telltales game

Mass Effect series

I like infinite, good game despite what the contrarian edgelords on Sup Forums say, but yeah the choice stuff in the game was so strange and did nothing, really stupid.

>he fell for the choices meme

Every game, video games are a waste of time

Every game. Name ONE game whose ending depends on more than one choice.

Every game except Alpha Protocol.

>the walking dead
>two people are about to die
>you choose who you save
>the one you didn't dies
>the one you save dies 2 episodes later


>Clap your hands
>Clap your hands
>Clap your hands
>Clap your hands
Why do games do this?

League of Legends
It doesn't matter whether you win or lose
You still made the choice to waste almost an hour playing a shit game

Fallout new vegas. Choosing your faction gives you several possible endings, but what the narrator says in the ending slides is dependent on your interactions and decisions with companions, towns, and quests throughout the game

>rpg filled with many choices throughout
>they all don't mean shit and the ending you get is based entirely on which button you press in the final room

obsididrones are utterly delusional .

>what is deus ex human revolution
Explain to me how I'm wrong though

In the walking dead season 3 they killed off the character who survived about 10 minutes into the next episode. They're starting to streamline their formula.

Nah its a shit game. Not only is the story contrived, pretentiously tryhard, and stupid, but the gameplay is piss easy and there's practically no punishment for death besides being teleported 4 feet away from where you died.

It's an objective, observable fucking fact that the choices matter and actually have an in story impact, and while they're not colossally far reaching, it still falls within OP's umbrella of 'choices mattering'. Do you like saying stupid shit for fun or are you just running your clueless fucking mouth because you think you know anything?


The game of life

I have a new Vegas save with a bunch of mods, but lost the mods themselves. Is there any way to know which mods I had or a way to be able to play that save without irrevocably fucking myself over? Or is a fresh save my only option?

I literally can't think of a game with a worse case than this. I mean you can say something like Mass Effect 3, but at least you affect something before the ending and in the extended cut DLC.

>a pizza hut in the garage
What games do this?

Way of The Samurai

>retarded "2deep4u" story that even the writer didn't understand because "he likes things that makes him feel stupid" (his actual words"
>limited to 2 guns
>areas all feel the same
>lied to about what the game was suppose to be and got a dumbed down version of the original concept
>death means nothing
>every weapon is overpowered
>basically can't die because of shields
>tears were never actually useful
Powers were okay though

free reply

The Witcher 3, literally some of the best most thought provoking choices in any RPG with logical consequences that all effect the world, how npcs treat GEralt and the ending.
