What's the meaning of your gamertag Sup Forums ?

I tend to use Darkstalkers or JJBA's references . What about you ?

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It's an obscure one-word reference to a popular TV show that is never taken by anyone else.

Combined the names of my favorite Capcom characters when I was a teenager

literally chose a random 1 word name (Plague) as a placeholder on steam and haven't gotten rid of it 5 years later. its kinda stupid desu but at this point its become an identity.

Mine tend to be inside jokes between friends.

First and last name of my Guild Wars character mashed together
Alternative one is the result of randoming a wikipedia page

Two religious references in a name no one suspects.


Got it from a USA Today headline

Yuffie, cause I like Yuffie.

Quote from an obscure anime that managed to somehow unobscure itself last year.

I'm intrigued.

I named my PC Sandra Bollocks. Connecting to steam through my TVs moonlight always gives me a chuckle

I use JJBA's references too, the name of user and then the pronunciation of the stand

Word that contains my name in it

My is how you would spell "Game on" in my language
Because you know... I play a lot of games

Ironic reference to a certain Internet forum.

>Quote from an obscure anime that managed to somehow unobscure itself last year.
How did it unobscure itself?

I choose big names.

Mine have always been related to porn somehow, like the name of an artist or the surname of a JAV actress. I get a kick out of the idea that someone else in game might get the refrance but doesn't say a word.

I'm guessing an e-celeb found it on Sup Forums.


For you

My name is too long I fucking hate it just kill me already, and it's the PSN account, can't even change it

My IGN is one of the rejected names of the Tunnel Snakes because in the end I am a reject for playing Fallout 3

In my grand display of a lack of imagination, I've only ever used 3 handles my entire life, and my current one is mash together of my old AIM screename (wh40k related), and my cosplay.com account name(DnD reference).

My very first one was based on a Simpsons joke, then a joke between me and my best friend, now it's made to sound like a cheesy late night shock jock's name. It's alright.

I named mine after my waifu :3

Crashing this browser... with no error reports

Inside joke. Made up word.

That I'm Russian and a bear.

I'm neither

Xbox is a regular word with 2 letters changed
Steam is a religious reference while fags don't see it as one
Nexus mods one is random letters put together to sound p good

What show

>used to be a shitter that changed name every other day
>watch pat and woolie play bloodborne
>some hype shit goes down at a boss
>woolie says something genius
Been my name ever since, feels nice.

that's pretty gay, mon

Look at that cheeky "you caught me typing into a printer" face.

Good job

Mine's from a lewd fanfiction based on an 80's cartoon. Heard it on a podcast 10 or so years ago and I started using it since.

Spun pic related until I found something I liked
Used it since

Made it up for a Melee tourney in 05, related to my main. Now 12 years later it's used more than my real name in life


i like to use the most generic enemy names whenever I can
>skeleton warrior
>giant rat
>orc bandit

no meaning at all. i just use name generators with different seeds (sci fi, fantasy, etc.) until i generate a name that sounds kinda cool.

Give me references related to best boy , Narancia

Took the name of a weapon from a manga that never had a name until it was put in a game as bonus content

I do not like names with numbers. Your name is cool if there aren't any numbers.

I was happy I was able to come up with a PSN ID original enough to not require numbers.

Whenever I can, I'm just Dennis.

In a world full of xXSephirothXx and 420blaezit there needs to just be a normal guy somewhere.

>joejoe xD

lol you fucking jojofag. you probably don't even play the game. I fucking hate you secondaries.

Enjoying those dicks bro?

When I was 10. I got Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix for Christmas. It was badass as fuck. And since all the edgy names were taken on the internet. I just used Royce Glas' name, because his character was just cool as fuck.

That, or I throw it back to PurePwnage, and play as Teh_Pwnerer.

Mine is just a name that I got from hitting "generate name" on xbox live several years ago.

i use lel epic name bro till maybe a few years ago when I decided to rebrand myself with a name that didn't make me sound 13 at first glance

My initials haphazardly put together with a 12 sided shape, I was 10 when I first thought of it and it stuck.

Name of my dwarven hunter in WoW


my name backwards but I added an extra letter

Old name I used when I used to play Maple Story

The fuck is a "gamertag"

It's a take off of dog tag but adapted to gaming.

Mine's a reference to a Robot Chicken skit


My nick is just some random word with an o turned into an 0 and then turned back to an o because it's not 2001 anymore. Sometimes I feel like bringing it back though.

Dr. Fumbles?

It's a one word string that I got from a randomly generated Everquest name

Also managed to play a game with some guy named WatchBiblwBlack on Xbox live a couple months ago who got a good chuckle out of me

Close, it has fumbles in it.

People think I'm a grrl because if my handle. I thought it sounded pretty neutral.

Just shittily translated two words into Japanese as a reference to a manga and mashed them together in Romanji.
It's short and catchy and it's a subtle reference to a good manga (shame it never took off though) so I like it.

I remember playing with someone named Luigi on HRT and bokuNOpico

Tits or gtfo

Synonym of laziness / Reference to a rapper and my ace of all trades attitude towards games

my generations middle name (decided by some ancient asian law) followed by my zodiac animal




It's from watching Inuyasha

>Hanging with your big bro and older cousin
>Watching cartoons and anime
>Taking turns playing Starcraft

I was going to take a name from an antagonist in an anime but it was taken. I remembered seeing someone refer to said antagonist with a joke name and decided to just use that instead and it stuck.

link your porn stash

It's a reference to previous names I used in a game

It's a masturbation joke. I regret it so fucking much, faggots can't resist pointing out the obvious joke.

An obscure reference to Scrooge McDuck comics from my childhood. The good thing is that it's never taken, the bad thing is that I'm the only one with it and if you google it the first results are all my profiles on sites that I'm on.

It's a name I've had for 18 or 19 years. At this point it's so ingrained into me that I've answered to it in real life and can't imagine using a different one.


It's just a color.

The name of an OC character I made when I was 7 years old. I honestly feel like I should stop using it, but now I've used it for so long that it has become a part of me.

Too late now X_X__Phantom0fT3hOp3ra__X_X

I can't come up with a username.
I want it to have 2 words with 1 syllable each.
1st word must be adjective and 2nd should be noun.
I want to have something catchy and kind of something that 11yo me would have liked I guess.

My nametag is my favorite fake historical figure

Vien of Quitonm because elite.

Dumb fag
cucked nerd
lame bitch
gay boi
limp dick

It's a play on the word "Futanari"

I thought working warrior was a cool nickname. I'm a bit tired of it though but it was fun for a few years, even had a picture of her on xbox live

i just combine things with music I like at the moment
I liked spaceghostpurrp and would get high and watch adult swim (space ghost coast to coast) at the time I made my first GT
My latest one is when I was on a Saint Pepsi binge and tried to take his name but settled on another name brand soda instead. I prefer the second one

it's a portion of my last name with one letter changed to make it a play on words

What's your name, fag?


>Liking SoundCloud artists
Imagine having taste this terrible.

This guy was my favorite.


It's wordplay based on the name of a texture in an FPS I used to like and the name of my waifu in romaji

I use a nickname a friend gave me before he died

Worm because villains tend to call you that and I'll use any cheap tactics necessary to, eh heh, worm my way to the top.
Also I think earthworms are qt.

Originally it was just some random shit, Peter the Great. My name isn't Peter, so I don't even fucking know how that happened. My current name in games is one of the following; final boss of one of my favorite games, or something involving werebears if the final boss name is taken. I have a few other fallback names, but generally speaking, I get the final boss name most of the time.

I absolutely REFUSE to use XxX, underscores, and numbers in my names, and none of my fallback names have that shit. It's a name, not some ID tag for a disease research facility.