My white friend let me borrow them
Which one is fun?
My white friend let me borrow them
Which one is fun?
Pick 1 :p
We both know you don't have friends OP
Return them, Tyrone.
Just sell it for crack like every other brown person
The one where you return stolen goods is pretty fun.
Other than that, he has quite the shit taste in games.
>that one kid who visited you only to borrow your vidya for absurds amount of time.
Bloodborne. You won't regret it.
what is up with all the nig posting all of a sudden? Sup Forums spillover again?
Bloodborne obviously.
RE Revelations 2 is also excellent.
Ruggarell shitposting Sup Forums again like he's been doing for close to a decade now
Just report him
Give me your E-mail please. I need someone to fuck my wife while Im watching. Im a white nationalist... but sometimes I gotta admit that blacks are better than us whites in some aspects
>ywn have a black vidyagame bro to hang out with and bang white bitches with on the weekend
>you will never have a white homosexual vidyagame bro to sexually experiment with and who occasionally joins you in doublepenetrating his slutty female friends
Why even live
There needs to be a time to cleanse Sup Forums of imbred neonazis.
None, get a vita with games instead.
stop this nigger
Fuck off back to neogaf, pussy bitch.
retarded cuckold pretending you're not straight from neogaf/reddit
>letting your black friends borrow your games
Say goodbye to your games
Play bloodborne, you don't have to be smart to beat it. But it's a game dumb people can not play.
U mad white boi?
Fallout 4 is fun but only if you haven't played 3 or nv.
If you have it isn't because it doesn't compare
You should check out Bloodborne by negro friend!
step away niggerino