Just got this game
Is it good?
Just got this game
Is it good?
If you are an edgelord, you will like it.
It's better than 2 my obsolete farming equipment friend.
Dark Skins
yes, best in the series
Have we gone too far?
what a waste of a proxy
Its a meme game that was taylor made for reddit
Yes, Megaman Legends is good.
fuck off niggerell
why don't you go stick your 1 incher in a blender
stop being an attention whoring nigger
Ruggarell uses his phone, he has infinite IPs until his mobile carrier is range banned
he literally bought a new phone just to circumvent his last mobile carrier rangeban, and he'll probably do it again
I want to be your friend, nigga.
>Using pins for your posters
Dark Souls 3 is stellar stuff, but MML is barely playable garbage.
> other negros use burner phones to sell drugs
> he uses it for Sup Forums
What I don't understand is that those titles are in English. But I recognize Brazilian-nigger on those hands.
just report these threads, hes making them en masse
*preps the bull*
I recognize those walls
You're either Radical Reggie or stole a screencap from one of his vids