When did video games start taking themselves so seriously?
When did video games start taking themselves so seriously?
>top right
When they aimed to be "art"
I loved M&M6 but the portraits were garbage. 7 did better.
Felt like they raided a porn shoot and paid them to make dumbass faces.
Starting from Matrix success. Everything got black and edgy after.
Entertainment went form hip 'n cool 90ties to ridiculous edgy teens.
Linking Park reached success in the same years, X-men movie had black costumes instead of awesome classic look and so on. Even Playstation 2 was made black.
Sad thing is that 2000 year edgyness got so burned into teens mind that we still can't get rid of it.
Is that Eddie Guerrero in the top right?
Preach brother! 94% of kids these days only listen to Justin Shitter but if you are part of the 12% that still likes GOOD MUSIC (Metallica,Queen,Dean Blunt etc...) like and share, LET'S KEEP ROCK ALIVE!!!!!
Spotted the edgy teen.
Did you enjoy your edgy machine PS2, uh? Gotta love some Tidus and FIFA. Listening to Linkin Park on your PS2 even.
You are the reason we got stuck in a meme timeline. Memes became mainstream because you dumb fucks were so obnoxious that even normies got bored with you at some point.
Now entertainment is opposing your edgy with extreme silly and quirky. We're not going to have any balance for years and it's all your fault.
It always has been. Garbage games like OP's are an exception.
This is the edgiest thing I've ever seen.
Shortly into the PS1's life.
Kind of staring from the Dualshock I think but you're correct.
That is why I'm convinced PS1 kids were a mistake. They're the barbarians that ruined gaming forever.
I was a PS1 kid myself but I had a SNES, PC and a Saturn too.
Sony are the McDonalds of gaming. They didn't ruin the industry but they did make it accessible for casuals and retards.
electronic arts and SJWs are to blame
M&M6 is a treasure
Your parents had stopped playing video games at the age you are now.
You're still playing video games.
You don't want to be seen as a plebby manchild.
You take offense at video games =/= art.
In order to pander to you, developers make their games darker, grittier, more cinematic and devoid of fun for the sole purpose of being taken seriously.
You're now forced play games with le epic set pieces, QTE's and lengthy cutscenes.
I blame people who didn't grow up and quit gaming at the age of 18 like they should have.
Boomers play mobile shit and hidden object games all the time, though.
>Your parents had stopped playing video games at the age you are now.
My parents are too old to have played video games at a young age.
They didn't go down to the arcade?
>Starting from Matrix success
I think it was mostly 9/11 that made things a lot more serious and grim.
My mother is in her 60's and she played the shit out of Space Invaders and other arcade games.
There were no arcades in the 50s and 60s
A lot of it probably has to do with budget.
Right here
ding ding ding
>Sony literally got into the industry for the single most petty reason ever
Really reflects on the fanbase
Frankly, this. The Playstation brand catered to the kind of people that now defend movie games.
around 2007
Sony was a mistake
Your parents were born in the 30's/40's?
How old are you?
'47 and '46. Let's just say I'm the one who went to the arcades.
This is a post. It is shit.
Interesting. Makes me wonder how old I'll be when I stop visiting this place.
Do you have a wife/kids/full-time job?
To be honest I was that kind of kid too but during the PS2 era I grew out of it.
But I was able to grow out of it because I had an huge gaming culture even before Playstation became a thing.
I had tried everything even before Playstation. From arcades to NES, from Commodore 64 to Saturn, from Game Boy to PC.
When I finally grew up, my culture was there. I was able to finally appreciate it.
This isn't the case for most of PS1 kids I know. They started gaming with PS1. Maybe tried SNES a little but most of their culture came directly from PS1.
This people are condemned to be dumb forever. They ruined gaming for all of us.
No, no, and yes.
Almost like me, I owned a PS1 and 2 but I started gaming on arcades and on Genesis. Plus I owned all Nintendo's handhelds.
So while I enjoyed my time with those Playstation consoles, they have never been able to brainwash me. In fact, I didn't fail for the PS3 and now I really can't force myself to buy a PS product ever again. Sometimes they tempt me with stuff like the N.sane Trilogy but it never works.
>Be idort
>For whatever reason, find myself most attached to Nintendo and I'm not sure why
>Barely ever played my Gamecube
>Own all Nintendo handhelds
>Didn't bother with the Wii
>Bought the Wii U after E3 2014 and it just sorta started for some reason
>Enjoy my Switch
>Own a PS4 but fucking detest the fanbase
around 2000, before that games were mostly considered to be for children only
>stuff like the N.sane Trilogy
Don't fall for it. Just don't. Keep the good memories of PS1 for yourself but don't ever try to play again. If you are a man of gaming culture as myself you would only get disappointment by it.
Many years ago I tried to go back to PS1 to replay the Crash Trilogy. Crash 2 was my fav and I feel very nostalgic about it.
As soon as I advanced through the first level I noticed that Crash was shit. I didn't like it. It was shit to me. Graphics weren't the problem. It was the whole character design, gameplay and music even that felt like shit. I remember every detail about the game but couldn't like it.
I felt like I wasted my childhood on shit.
To be honest Crash is an average platformer but I was so disappointed I couldn't bring myself to go on.
The very same happened with Tomba!
Right now I'm literally afraid of going back to Ape Escape. What if I found it shitty too? What about my good memories?
It's hard to say this but truth is I can go back to any entry of Mario and still enjoy it. Crash is just another Mr. Nuts to me and this is just sad.
My parents were born in the 60s and they never played any vidya besides pong and maybe 1 or 2 other games. They were the youngest in their families and grew up in a rural area. Gaming didn't become a common thing in people's homes until they were already having kids of their own. If you never played games growing up, it lacks that nostalgia that keeps so many of us playing into adulthood.