ITT: only the most comfy ass places in vidya

ITT: only the most comfy ass places in vidya

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>tfw you will never play Kotor for the first time again

Also all cities/towns, South Gate and Chocobo places in the game. The game is full of comfy.


>in vidya
That's just southeast Asia.

Good one my dude. Taris, Dantooine and Manaan were all really comfy. I played the fuck out of KOTOR years and years ago. There's talk of a remake but honestly I'd prefer if they didn't. It's fine as it is.

And then they fucked it up.

>replay this game every summer
>simply because how great the visuals are
>especially comfy to play at night after a scorching hot summer day
>been nothing but rains this summer and the temperature barely went above 20
I guess I'll be skipping it this year.

Haha no
>the children with static, dead eyed adult faces
>disney princess runs off to mingle when everyone thinks you're literally hitler

Not once in this game, the onr comfortable thing was how good the revolver was at blowing heads off.



Not comfy.

nigga this shit looks comfy af


I still find catalyst comfy even if I'm not super fan of the smoother aspect

It always felt creepy and alien to me

Pic related and orbital in Halo 3 always gave me very comfy space station vibes.

This just looks like one of those dystopian utopias


Heres a thing that's true, games with limited graphics, intentionally or otherwise, end up being really comfy.

My bet is that the fact they have to put effort into the visual style of the game because of the low graphical fidelity mixed how your imagination does more of the work making the scene in your head creates a strong formula for comfy atmospheres.


idk why but every frostbite game looks so ugly, fake and plastic-y


My nigga


Honestly this whole game is pretty comfy.



I liked the interiors, the city itself though was worse than the first one to me.

It didn't bother me in catalyst since it fit with the theme. What I dislike about frostbyte is the fact that the engine can't render shit in the distance.

>can't render shit in the distance
What's up with that? Was really annoying when trying to take some screenshots.

Maybe from a distance, before you look at the wooden looking copy pasted assets beyond the introductory area, I mean I'll admit they made some very pretty environments but they hardly felt cosy, more like the fake scenery of a film set that's fakeness is really apparent as soon as you stop focusing on the actors.



Ald'ruhn Guild of Fighters.




what game annons?

also the first level of sly 4

Being from NE, this game was top-tier comfy.
>The way they did windows so that it seems like there's warm rooms behind them during winter.
The wilderness and underground also wasn't bad. Shame Ubisoft fucked the franchise.


Half-Life 2 sewers.

You know, it's a shame that the rest of the game is terrible.

>I Am Setsuna
>Eurotruck Simulator 2
>Mass Effect
>Stardew Valley
>Elder Scrolls games

All games I think are pretty comfy. Any others I should try?

no words need to be said

I miss this game sometimes

I play WOTLk on Warmane's lordaeron realm

Isn't as polished as Elysium, nor as populated...

...But it's WOTLK mayun


Any snowy base or non abandoned complex, like shadow moses

Big, big lakes

Ports and harbour towns

Tekken 4 has a lot of comfy fighting stages.

ITT: Alot of uncomfy shit

Growing up, I always wanted my bedroom to look like this.

And this.

the entire game

Most of the Trails in the Sky games felt really comfy to me, especially with the way the interiors were designed and decorated as well as with all the sunset scenes.

Same for Zero, haven't played Ao yet though.

hmm has pretty high marks for an rpg that's not very well known.


infant mode

They're some of the slowest games out there, so it's understandable. I'd say they're pretty niche, if you're not the type to take your time and explore everything, or if you're the type that wants mind-blowing main story every step of the way, this is probably not for you.

As for me, probably my favorite JRPGs by a mile.

yeah I'm probably picking it up. looks like 200 hours of comfy portable rpg ,exactly what I need

Under the bridge in ALttP or most towns in Legend Of Mana

The whole fame game really.

I really liked a lot of the safe houses in dying light especially at night with rain. Even with the zombie apocalypse outside i could feel nice and comfy




sad but comf

I'd be down for a remake if for no other reason than to confirm that Revan and the others are cannon.

Fuck, I love this game.