Does Sup Forums play Broodwar now that it's f2p?

Does Sup Forums play Broodwar now that it's f2p?

This is Sup Forums. No one plays games here.

what are you gay?

>Sup Forums play

I'd rather play OVERWATCH, atleast I stand a chance in that game. Fuck improving my self in both my life and my hobbies. Are you mad that I'm a useless piece of shit who will never do anything but stink up the gaming world?

I bet that faggot kisses girls.

I did and I hate how stone age the controls are. I know Blizzard won't do shit about it yet I still ordered the remaster cause I'm a low test cuck.

It's 15 bucks only, who cares.
I'll pirate it tho.

there was an option to change keys the beta before official release but gooks complained that it made the game easy or some shit

It was just terribly implemented as far as I remember, it might come back.
Never had problems with original keybindings tho.

i use the alternate keyset colemak which never made the keys all that much further away compared to qwerty but i would have still much rather placed everything i wanted to use within fingers reach. when i replay ill just use autohotkey or some shit to make scripts to do what i want i guess


I fucking hate only being able to control 12 units at once. In SC1 you really do need to become a batshit autist with APM above 10,000 to keep up with these veteran gook players

>alternate keyset colemak
Is it better than standard keyboard? In what way?

Next ASL fucking WHEN?!?

i definitely find my fingers traveling much less but it wont help you ingame and i actually don't notice any difference as far as wpm or anything but i didn't/don't test neither before or after the switch nor did i really practice too long before just using it. its worth checking out, is free opensource software which is just downloadable and can be switched anytime, and i still use a qwerty keyboard just with this alternative keymap. i should physically move around the keys someday

>not playing UMS exclusively


Broodwar is fucking fantastic. And I only started playing it a couple months ago. The mechanical limitations are pretty fucking annoying though, I'm pretty sure you could select more than 12 units in fucking AoE2 back in the day.

Was going to buy Remastered, but after Blizz shut down ASL Team Battle ('waaaah don't do any tournies until we release Remastered!") they can fuck themselves, no 15bux from me.

C&C had unlimited unit selection as well. Yeah I don't know why they won't remove the stupid limit at least for single player either.

who else is custom map cancer? I could play some tower defense or cat n mouse forever.

>what are control groups?

I'm too old to play games that are like work

It's not a substitute, otherwise SC2 wouldn't have both unlimited selection and control groups.

>control groups wasted on just 12 fucking units

you will be hitting the number keys like a fucking piano

thats not very relevant to my post but regardless
>playing anything but the singleplayer
first mistake. i consider myself rather competitive but rts are way too inaccessible at this point. they are designed to be hard to play and autistic to master. its too overwhelming, games can last over 20 minutes before it even seems to start, and likely less if your strategy isn't autistically optimized (YES I SAY IT AGAIN, AUTISTICALLY), and when you lose you still wont know what you did wrong because rts makes no effort to explain this. basically you need to know every single thing you are going to do ten minutes before you start, you need to spend every resource you get immediately on your rehearsed ladder and then "zergrush" with your wads of troops and hope you win fuck that shit. the best thing starcraft has going for it is it's singleplayer

>Likes Overshit
Stop complaining about not being able to kill yourself and just go ahead and do it.

Nigger I own the original copy of BW and I have been playing it since the 90s.