Gamer fuel thread.
Gamer fuel thread
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Original and bbq a best.
self hatred
>bbq vienna sausages
fucking subhuman
Your mom.
>get a pack of super spicy ramen from my qt need coworker
>it doesn't say how many calories it contains, only the amount of Energy it contains
They're delicious. There was some variation - Bourbon BBQ, I think - that made me nauseous.
>canned sausages
the fuck?
would you?
>americans actually eat this
That just makes me think of the peanus weanus copypasta with changed words
also no
blacky mcdarkenstein spotted
canned sausages are what homeless people eat because only dog food is more expensive
why, my Beanee weenee of course
it's my weeeeeenee beanee! hahah
ITT: Gamer fuel - my answer, of course, my Beanee weenee
haha beanee weanee : )
Pulled pork and /sip/.
The only way.
It's a hamburger in a can if not clear enough
Hotdogs? Armour hotdogs? What kind of kids eat Armour hotdogs?
Doesn't look as bad as I imagined it, how is it?
Canadians are repulsive...
I set aside a portion of my day for the sole purpose of degrading Sup Forums. I spam, shitpost, flame, and bait in this allocated time, and like to think of ways that I can master my craft. I do nothing else except for the aforementioned. It feels good knowing I have caused this board to suffer at my hand, and I will continue to do so until either I die or this board does.
>being a cannibal
>apparently energy drinks are required for building legos
better than whole canned chicken/turkey or fish anuses
who am I kidding they're all disgusting and I can just taste the chemicals and metal of the tin by looking at it
Meh, eh.
Depends, sometimes its alright sometimes its covered in goop that makes it soggy. Then its delicious.
Not really, its fucking horrible
They're not bad.
Christmas Tinner
looks pretty dark to me
Who /nongshimspicynoodles/ here?
I love these but eating them makes me feel like I'm killing my body, but beef jerky is too pricy.
salami and cheese
This post having no replies only shows how shit this board is.
Nothing better than Chow Mein Premium instant noodles.
You could make it yourself.
>unironically liking korean noodles
>not liking korean noodles
thank you reddit
What kind of cheese?
>ate too much of a food that it lost it's appeal
goodnight shortbread
this one *unzips dick*
z e w o
u t w a
I was actually going to make a gamer food thread before seeing this. What would you say is the most cost-efficient snack while gaming, Sup Forums?
I was walking through a store and realized I only ever buy soda, if anything, mostly because I could not come up with a snack I wanted that wasn't stupidly expensive.
As a followup, my go-to snack has always been some kind of dirt-cheap ramen but that requires some prep/monitoring.
store brand pretzels, go wild
Water and homemade protein bars is what I eat if I eat at all while gaming
Smothered in dark chocolate, oh baby.
The only thing I know that eats this garbage is my dog and even it doesn't like them
>That kid who put the smelly, dirty and sticky package on his nose just like the tv ad
Every fucking time
These are actually a lot worse than they look, made for the white trash pallet.
This was a common one for me, along with Salt and Vinegar store-brand chips.
The regular cheese ones were pretty fucking good
Fucking philistines.
That being said I'm scum who eats frozen pizzas, so who am I to speak?
>qt needs coworker
Why are you working with tards?
I meant weeb
Good but also dry. I like the pepperoni flavor myself.
dark chocolate worst chocolate
I turn them into tacos.
>not chewing the wax like gum
Best frozen pizza coming in.
Because it taste nothing like frozen pizza and the sauce to cheese ratio is perfect
Anyone know the name of these noodles that have their own container and you microwave them?
They come with a sauce packet instead of powder and sometimes they might have little block of chicken
Uhh, wrong. I posted the best frozen pizza.
Too bad they're Australian native so the rest of the world probably doesn't even know they exist. I've been told our frozen pizza quality is drastically higher than the rest of the world's by foreigners that I work with, mostly backpackers, and the Ristorante ones are the fanciest there are.
psshh... try again
Instant noodles?
This and honeydew sparkling water
>tfw I used to be so autistic as a kid that I refused to eat anything but heavily processed food like pic related
>picked some up the other day for a nostalgic trip
>completely flavorless and disgusting with nonexistent texture too
On the one hand I'm glad my taste is better now. On the other, I feel like it's this irrevocable part of my existence that I can never fully escape.
Whenever I try to make one of these threads janitors always 404 it or temp ban me for off being "off topic". People fucking snack while gaming and I like doscussing what foods people eat when they play. How is that off topic?
This cheese is disgusting. Tastes like wax and hard to chew.
>that guy at the arcade that eats up all the crab legs
>tfw when eating while playing vidya I sometimes make food that would fit in the game world or something that would come from the game's location.
I like doing it because it's fun trying out new recipes and cooking is a small passion for me.
For example, in New Vegas, I would make something like Frito Pies and drink root beer with it.
Well yeah
But theres a shit load of em
The noodles were thicker than the shit you get in ramen
back when I worked in Hawaii, I would go down to the shopette and eat these things when I played video games:
>spam musubi, first and foremost
>Munchies brand, flaming hot
>parmesan Cheezits
>Slim Jims
>bacon jerky, regular jerky
>brownie brittle
there was also a place called L and L's where I would order chicken katsu from.
Closest thing I ever do in regards to that is stocking up on glass bottles of root beer or coke for Fallout and stocking up on vodka and potatoes for something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R
My favorite drink is Root Beer. I like Bang's because caffeine.
It's Barq's
That is Barq.
thank you reddit
this will never not be funny to me
Im sorry user thought it was Bangs instead of Barqs. I gotta good chuckle out of his mistake. No need to be calling people names friend.
Found it
Works every time.
Help me Sup Forums, I wanna snack on something for the longest amount of time which doesn't make me feel like death in the end.
What do you recommend
Dried squid
It's like beef jerky but seafood-ier