You fuckers need to stop shilling your game. They will be deleted on sight by the based mods. Stick to your containment board in /vg/. Shill blood WILL NOT be tolerated on Sup Forums any longer.
You fuckers need to stop shilling your game. They will be deleted on sight by the based mods...
I don't care either way, but I'm curious why are these threads being deleted and that Faggotunknown Retardgrounds was and still is allowed to be blatantly shilled whenever?
>Last thread had 258 replies
>Got deleted
why you so mad tho mods? Could It be that you're actually /wow/ guys who are ashamed of your dead game?
WoW threads are deleted too. No generals on Sup Forums.
It's just one autistic mod who deletes it when he catches it
Most of the time threads hit bump limit
Then why the fuck is there constant persona threads, fuck you mods
There's been a WoW thread up for 3 hours, guess I'll keep an eye on it and see when it gets deleted.
>3 hours
>52 replies
Does this mean Sup Forums has to quit talking about new games?
The same thing happened to that fateshit mobage shit.
The game came out and mods started deleting threads after like two days.
What happened to the two week buffer?
Report them all. Splatoon, FEH, etc. All generals will go.
Jokes aside, my post in the FEH thread telling them to fuck off back to /vg/ was deleted few days ago
>that beta as fuck looking DRG
It's like in my japanese animes
Oh wait
They should've made him the tank for maximum tankxiety if they wanted to go that route.
Is this the shillblood thread? Is the i320 lakshmi brd ring (sks and det) worse than the i310 ala mhigan ring (crit and dh)? Looks like it to me but never cared enough to really look into stat weight shit.
what about overwatch, zelda and all that shit that also has a /vg/ general?
We don't have exact stat weights or anything relatively close so it's impossible to say for now unfortunately
What's your omegle ring's stats? Depending on BRD's stat priorities it may just be an upgrade to keep the 310 ring.
Omegle is Direct hit and (sks?). Lakshmi is neither crit or dh so it seems like shit especially on BRD. I figured the Ala Mhigger was better than Lakshmi, so gonna use it with Omegle.
That the xiv thread has 258 replies, as you stated. Disproves your point.
Like it or not these threads are here to stay, like fucking eceleb threads
people make them because xivg is terrible
get over it or kill yourself faggot
>get AST to 68
>Hyper lightspeed
>proc based trait that lowers light speed's cooldown by 5 seconds when you get a crit heal with benefic I/II
Is this like the only shit thing AST got? I rarely find myself using lightspeed since it throws off my spell flow, and you can't really use it for DPSing because of the damage reduction (yet they didn't do the same thing for Thin Air). I guess really if you need to shit out AoE heals?
yes it lets you spam indom for 10 seconds, pretty good for oh shit situations
BRD top priority is crit, followed by dh. Forget the rest.
>people actually defending le epic twitch streamer threads
>game grump threads
>broteam threads
>pewdiepie threads
>gamesdonetrans threads
how do people actually enjoy that cancer?
Honestly just because it has a thread on /vg/ doesn't mean you can't have threads here
By that logic you can't have threads on Sup Forums about XIV, Kingdom Hearts, Persona, anything Bioware, Fire Emblem, Tekken, Street Fighter, GTA, Elder Scrolls, Souls games, TF2, XCOM, Ace Combat, Nier,Splatoon, Monster Hunter, ARMS, Animal Crossing, Megaman, or PS4s in general
Gotta make room for those LOL threads and >her threads and anime threads and gamerfuel threads
What about SAM and MNK.
I think I know now why Lakshmi and Susanoo were too easy for EX Primals. They kinda wanted new players to have a feel for the game without getting dumped on or something.
Which is funny considering those newcomers are crying about Royal Menagerie.
>mfw Shinryu EX when it happens