How would you handle this situation?
How would you handle this situation?
by playing literally anything other than a fucking mmo
Joke about it.
No sense in just sitting there in a sour mood the entire time if I can feel better about knowing it's going to be slow.
Mods and anons still having a shit fit, oh well.
>instead of just facing the boss like anyone that isn't totally fucking retarded
>playing Scholar
>Playing FFXIV
As the WHM I would outdps all of them and a few actual DPShitters as well.
It wouldn't work either.
My main is WHM.
Bumpity bump.
It sure would be great if 8v8 Feast was actually playable with anything but healer so you aren't guaranteed to have 50% of your games with no healer on your team
Shut up, let me get my easy wins.
You can change jobs in the warm up, its your fault for not swapping
Maybe I want my shitty Verity after I had to sacrifice Frontline roulette because they only put one cocksucking healer on my team for that either
>not playing healer and laughing as two cuck dps try to kill you before your team arrives
Just don't play SCH and healer is fun.
Healers pvp is fun because we annoy everyone else.
>some fag screams for heals
>add him to the no-heals list and heal perfectly healthy people right next to them
I recognize that cute girl (male).
>they designed WHM to be a pure healer
>it actually deals more dps than the others
By pure healer I think they meant having more direct raw healing potency.
What are you hoping for in regards to the small class balance patch that's coming?
3 shields and one regen
>get healer
>for some reason as SAM get focus targeted like the healer
Yet they fucking gave them access to shields, stepping on scholar territory.
And youre not gonna tell us?
>plunge a bitch ass mch
>get knocked back then unmended during first knock back and unmended by another fucker during the draw in all while getting blasted by fags
Felt like a bitch getting thrown and pulled around while unable to do anything
WHM has a single fucking shield that takes the place of their old Stoneskin, which was also a shield.
Divine benisson doesn't really count as a shield.
Are you fucking serious? It's instant, free, only 30 seconds cooldown and shields for fucking 15% which makes it scale 100x better than adlo.
>yfw get a SCH in a dungeon
He is not so black mage
Dear Scholars and White Mages: Fuck you.
Yours truly, YoshiP
It's a single instant, free shield that can never, ever outpace Adloquium's shield values and requires a total of two resources to apply: mana to spend on healing spells to proc a Lilly, and a Lilly to spend on the shield itself.
Meanwhile a properly applied and deployed Adloquium can mitigate colossal amounts of damage for the entire fucking raid.
Can Divine Benis do THAT? No. Now shut the fuck up, you whiney bitch.
And that sounds great to you?
15% hp on a tank(PLD/DRK) is currently equivalent to a cure 1. Can't spam it, can only affect 1 person ever, can only be used with lilies.
but my strength! I need that sweet damage!
>equips level 60 reds in entire right slot
>turns off tank stance for more damage
>pulls entire dungeon
>doesn't use any defensive cooldowns until he's at 5% or less health
>tries to use Living Dead/Holmgang/Hallowed Ground but dies before the animation finishes
shitty healer, do your job, I kept agro...
Forgot to add, usefulness drops sharply on anyone that isn't a tank.
back to OF with you
It should have been a scholar skill whilst white mage got excogitation.
WHM doesn't need Excogitation when it has Tetragrammaton and Benediction.
Hey man, SCH needs some love, but asking to exchange a rather weak ability for another isn't gonna help you.
Haha only if you can outparse me.
*blocks your path*
I said... Wear your VIT rings... Or else............
Do people play lazier when there's a RDM in the group? I spent my ARR-Stormblood career as SMN and sure, I had to rez people every now and then, but ever since I made the switch to RDM, i'm raising upwards of 4-6 times per fight. Most of my Omega runs have had me bringing back at least both healers, a tank and DPS. Sometimes the healer multiple times.
Do people just see that I have a ton of MP, instant rez and a decent heal and decide to half ass it because I can rescue a raid? I contribute more to keeping a raid alive than I do my own deeps.
>adds class restrictions to to Heavensward accessories
heh, nothing personal, kid...
>meme meta fags start wearing ARR strength gear
There's this thing called level boost potion that filled up the endgame with retards who don't know how to play
Don't YoshiP say he was going to fix people wearing Heavensward accessories before Omega Savage released?
Let us wear STR rings you fucking cunt. HP is not important and your fucking tenacity sucks you fucking hack!
No, i am meta.
>HP is not important
It's always the tank players saying this and not the healers.
Do you guys not realize that you're just transferring the pressure onto the healers? You're not noticing problems with less HP because you're causing a problem for somebody else, not yourself, you asshat
that looks fun as fuck
I'm a healer main and never had problem with this outside of Susano EX.
Stop being shitter and git gud.
Reminder STR memes only worked in ARR for overgeared content so you could carry bad DPS
taking so long to kill the enemies in a room that more enemies spawn isn't fun, especially when the classes DPS mechanics consist of putting up 2 DOTs and then literally just pressing 1 button over and over again
I boosted a WAR I'm doing alright even if I feel a serious difference with other tanks.
That's because most tanks actually are geared properly with VIT accessories
If you can avoid AoEs and actually use your defensive cooldowns on a rotation or for tankbusters you are already amongst the top 1% of the most elite, highly skilled tank players
You're not even doing half the dps I do as a tank so shut up and heal me you fucking slut.
>Selene Fey Wind - Increases attack speed of self and nearby party members by 3%
Didn't it used to be 10 or 20 percent? How is this even useful unless it's up the entire match?
By praising Yotsuyu of course
No, I'm saying I only had problems with full STR tanks on Susano EX. That's because they aren't using right cooldowns for Stormsplitter, and get deleted by the auto after it.
I stopped playing around level 67 and my sub just ran out. I'll have to come back at some point.
>load default UI
>kenki gauge is so fucking enormous it overlaps the quest list
How long until faggot mod wiil delete this thread?
That doesn't sound very encouraging.
Tell your shitter tanks to cast Provoke and and use Shirk during the casting animation of Stormsplitter so they don't get any autoattacks while they have the slash resist down debuff
What I'm saying is that most FFXIV players are fucking retards
So you don't have a problem with it outside of that time you have a problem with it?
What does shirk do exactly? The tooltip is a bit confusing.
I don't feel like most tanks realize Stormsplitter locks in its target right when the castbar starts, so they wait to provoke until after it hits.
Also how the fuck do most tanks not know how to use shirk yet?
Oh, thanks for reminding me that I should re-size my job UI elements.
I have yet to see a VIT tank using it.
Shifts 25% of enmity from caster to target.
So if you're MT, and the OT at 80% of that, you can shirk him to make him the MT, without Provoke.
It also helps build aggro gap between tanks and DPS.
Yeah I don't have a problem healing STR tanks, except for one rare case.
K, it's pretty useful.
As OT, can you provoke then use shirk right after to give a boost of aggro to the MT?
>So if you're MT, and the OT at 80% of that, you can shirk him to make him the MT, without Provoke.
That's not actually quite how Shirk works. You need your co-tank to provoke, THEN you use Shirk, otherwise you're simply dumping 25% of your enmity on your target. If your co-tank doesn't voke before you Shirk, you'll more than likely end up accidentally putting a DPS or healer at the top of the threat list. That's bad.
If you're OTing and you just want to boost your MT's threat, you don't even need to provoke. You can just Shirk.
I'm a VIT tank and I use that shit constantly. If a fight doesn't require swaps and I'm OT, I will provoke > shirk on cooldown, since I've yet to meet another tank who actually knows to shirk > provoke when I provoke. And of course if swaps are required, I'll shirk whenever I hand it off. Because it's fucking easy and then I don't have to worry about taking threat back if the person taking it wants to DPS stance (they never do, and since they don't shirk when I take it I can't either).
I'd grab a set of STR accessories but I'm like 90% certain 4.05 is just going to lock them to DPS classes.
You can do that exact thing, or if you know the MT isn't a retard you can provoke, then the MT shirks you, provokes back, then you shirk and you both have gained a significant threat lead.
>If you're OTing and you just want to boost your MT's threat, you don't even need to provoke. You can just Shirk.
But you should, because then you're adding 25% of their threat, not 25% of your much much lower threat. If you're doing pure DPS you're going to be way behind the MT, probably not even #2 on the threat list.
This is true, I don't disagree.
Shirk is INSANELY useful for any fight which involves a tank swap. It's so good. It makes the tank swap clean, makes a huge cap so you don't need to worry about taking agro back by dumping a bunch of cooldown damage, and it also gives a massive boost to the gap between the tank and party agro.
The way you use it is the offtank uses provoke on the boss, and then the main tank uses Shirk on the offtank to switch places. If Tank 1 had 1000 enmity and tank 2 had some tiny amount because he was DPSing, then after the swap Tank 2 would have 1250 agro and Tank 1 would have 750. The ideal tank swap.
I always use Shirk on tankswaps, and I've seen some other tanks using it on me. Right now I think it's like less than 1/4th of duty finder tanks will actually do it. It's not like it's a vital thing, or that you'll fail a duty because of not doing it, but it really is a nice little thing that makes swaps smoother and helps keep the agro gap without wasting global cooldowns on the enmity combos
Yeah, that's how you use it when there's no need for a tank swap in the next two minutes.
Optimally you use it when the boss is casting something, so it doesn't get spun around.
You are right that co-tank should voke first, but when there's a situation like Stormsplitter, and your asshole is about to get split apart, and he's not provoking, then yeah, you Shirk and take the slight loss.
I do have all Lakshmi shit ready and two Omega bolts waiting (most likely ring and necklace), because prog is no joke and I am going to play it safe. Just gotta hope they don't go full retard and throw us some retarded "fix".
1-2-voke-3 works for tank swaps the same as ever.
Shirk shines when shucking off enmity makes mechanical sense. Lakshmi EX is the obvious one, but check this out: you can lowman Thordan EX by shirking onto a DPS right before the two holy bladedance knights. Keeps them from tethering and makes the fight clearable with 1 tank.
If your co-tank's not provoking when they should be for a tankbuster like Stormsplitter then you need to pull them aside and have give them a firm talking-to about doing their job. Because I've had tanks provoke late for Stormsplitter and I'm sitting there with my fucking thumb up my ass asking out loud "WHEN'RE YOU GONNA TAKE THE BOSS FROM ME?" and they provoke one AA after the buster lands and everyone's dead and it's just a god damn mess.
I'm just venting, this isn't aimed at you.
>have to go through 20 parties before getting my Susano kill
>friend joined a random party after my kill that said it was learning but ended up being a static that was carrying people for free if they were stuck
I'm PFing everything I do because finding a static is a mess, and stopped trying to explain how to play tanks to people back in ARR. Math behind Butcher Block is hard to understand to a lot of people.
I don't think anybody is saying Shirk is "required". It's just a quality of life improvement for the other tank. You don't even need to waste those three global cooldowns with a 1 2 3. You can tank swap with Shirk and just immediately start spamming Holy Spirit or using Royal Authority without a care of the other guy pulling enmity by blowing all his oGC at once
A'right guys, thanks for the advice on shirk. It's pretty interesting stuff with different ways to use it. Hope I won't shit the bed when using it.
You can make an useful macro.
/micon Shirk
/ac Shirk
>That one retard on a lakshmi ex video aruging the lyrics are "cast off your ablution" when it clearly is "cast of inhibition" nevermind the fact that Lakshmi is literally a goddess of love and beauty and even seduces you for her ultimate
Why are retards allowed to go online?
Shirk is your best friend. Learn to live it and love it, because it's literally the best damn tool we've been given in SB. It's not required but it's just so, so so so so good.
that macro sucks
add a to it. Every macro needs
What a nice static.
Shirk is insanely nice in terms of tank DPS. If you're in tank stance you can hold threat just fine by doing your DPS rotation, but with Shirk in the mix both tanks can simply establish an early lead with tank stance, and then DPS stance the whole fight. It's certainly not something I expect to see in DF or anything, but I do like that it's a thing that can happen with well organized groups to let you really optimize.
For about two weeks I thought she was saying
>Your souls are ssssteammmmed
This fucking macro never works for me therefore I always focus my tank partner and use
Uninstall the shit game.
How the fuck do you handle this situation in frontlines?