What are some games where I can battle for the future?
What are some games where I can battle for the future?
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I hope Net Neutrality is killed so Amerifats can't shit up Sup Forums anymore and Canadians will reign supreme.
>else we may all end up banned from Sup Forums.
I'm not seeing any downsides here
> Amerifats get banned from Sup Forums
How is this a bad thing?
They voted for a literal corporate shill. They deserve to get anally raped by muh free market
>finally free of this place
It's a blessing, if anything.
Hilary won tho
I honestly hope the internet gets shut down. I’ll get a job and do what normal people do
>Amerifats voted for the guy who will strip them of healthcare, eliminate environmental safety standards, deregulate the banks, and strip away net neutrality
>No more Americans on Sup Forums
>Amerifats go broke getting fleeced by wall street
>get cancer from contaminated water
>and die because no healthcare
It's literally a win-win-win-win situation.
How do you propose to find a job with no internet?
nepotism, duh
because the only quality posters on Sup Forums are from the usa. any board with flags will tell you the same
For anyone that needs an explainer on Net Neutrality:
is it time for the "SAVE THE INTERNET" song and dance we do every year
Boards with flags prove the exact opposite of what you're claiming.
Wait a second, is that link a datamine?
With how Sup Forums currently is in this day and age, I for one welcome a permanent ban.
Death to everyone, even myself.
fucking leafs
> we all
I'm not an americuck though
Don't fuck this up America.
>no more 4chains
>can work on all the backlog shit since there's no 18 hour distraction
>level up enough to become president and permanently remove NN faggotry
I'm gonna do it
>SOPA tried and died
>PIPA tried and died
>CISPA tried and died
They'll try. They'll die. If they win, they'll face a cyberpunk rebellion, so it's a lose/lose.
Quality humorous post my American friend! Haha! I will miss these when you all get unplugged.
Is that a third world monkey I hear?
You crazy jape, what more tomfoolery might you procure?
>vote for big shady corporation man for president
>now corporations are stepping up to fuck up your everyday basic rights
You amerifats are so weird lmfao
>yurocuck thinks this won't affect him just because he's on another land
Comcast, Verizon or ATT don't operate here my burger chum.
You think a huge decrease of traffic won't effect your favorite internet sites?
What, like Sup Forums? Ha.
>he thinks his local ATT subsidary isn't going to follow the rules of their parent corporation
Blissful ignorance. When they kill my internet I'll be able to join you there.
actually the "battle" for net neutrality isnt for the future, its against the future. its against progress. its just delaying the inevitable
It will
Positively :^)
Make the thread during the daytime next time OP, so I don't have to wipe all this eurotrash splooge off my shoe.
It is daytime, dumbshit.
Can you Amerifats just quit with the foreplay and sell yourselves to your Jewish banker masters already?
Animal Crossing
>Amerifats once again getting cucked
I want these fat fucks off the internet already.
They've been trying for the last 20 years, I really don't think the attempts to kill the internet with shit like SOPA/PIPA/end net neutrality or whatever it is now are going to stop until we lose. But when we do it'll be nice to know that absolutely no one will give enough of a shit to stop it because the 99% of internet users who just want netflix and facebook will be able to visit those sites with even greater speeds, and they'll think it was a good move, even when their doors end up getting busted down because they reposted a meme without the express written consent of all copyright holders who made the properties of the image.
>My face when I stopped caring and posting about politics online, and only discuss it with real life friends in person now
>My face when I've become like 20 times less stressed
Getting the fuck off of memebook, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums political threads has improved my day to day living a ton. I'll still get triggered by commies and shit on them when possible if I see them, but this is what I really needed for my stress.
With that said, this is not video games you fag.
Dutchfag here, we have our own problems, new law allowing mass internet surveillance has gone through.
The entire west is getting buttfucked internet wise in some way.
Technically we voted for the other corporate shill, but American politics is retarded so we ended up with this one instead.
Actually no, it's not retarded if you understand why we have the system in place.
We're a republic, not a democracy. The founding fathers wanted to avoid a pure democracy out of fear for tyranny of the majority, along with other factors.
I don't care who you support. But if the goal was to win the "majority vote", then both campaigns would have operated very differently, so in the end Trump won fair and square whether you like it or not.
GOD the usa are retarded.
Truly the shitstain of the planet earth.
Not sure if jealous leaf or jealous third worlder.
Even if you beat it this year, it will just come back next year, every year until you fags stop fightin
So like the mudslimes in Europe or anti free speech / anti gun ownership laws in leafville.
>this thread
It's pretty Sup Forums related. If it goes through, just like with SOPA/PIPA, video games will probably be some of the first hit. It means games will go slower, smaller companies won't be able to afford potential additional taxes on every internet provider (meaning some would get worse pings which is just straight up a bad thing no matter how you slice it), and it might even go so far as to raise subscription costs for online service providers (be it PS+, XBLG, the switch stuff), or add costs to keep their service running at a decent speed, like steam. It's all unlikely, but would you really wanna take that risk? shitsux. It's not a fun future scenario to think about.
There's a difference?
It's for the best desu
The electoral college was a system put in place so electoral representatives could vote against the popular mandate of their particular voting body in case they deemed their choice too stupid. Trouble is, that's not the reason the popular vote doesn't match the electoral vote. Nobody voted against their constituents. The disparity comes from the uneven distribution of representative authority caused by the fact that electors are all given the same voting power despite representing different amounts of people. The only reason the system remains this way is because of political inertia and the fact that both parties feel like they can game the system. There is no legitimate philosophical reason it should operate the way it does.
This doesn't invalidate the 2016 election, it's still legitimate, but it's still fucking stupid and should be changed.
>The electoral college was a system put in place so electoral representatives could vote against the popular mandate of their particular voting body in case they deemed their choice too stupid.
One of the reasons yes.
However, there are dozens of quotes from the founding fathers about avoiding a system based on pure majority.
>There is no legitimate philosophical reason it should operate the way it does.
>but it's still fucking stupid and should be changed.
Group think is a very commonly observed phenomenon. People who gather in certain areas tend to think alike and hold similar views regarding many factors. It's why most districts in the US swing towards one specific candidate in big percentages, and most cities always swing towards one specific candidate rather than go down the line.
Because of this, the only important factor in an election based on pure majority numbers would be to target population centers. Control the group think of the cities, and you control the election. You wouldn't have to give a shit about people that live outside of cities, and could completely shit on them, such as what Hillary did with many rural areas in the midwest that she never once visited or bothered to argue for a single thing that they wanted.
This is an asinine argument. The founding fathers wanted to temper the will of the majority. That's why they set up the legislative branches to be in opposition, one granted authority based on population, the other on statehood, both of which have to agree to pass legislation. That's why the Supreme Court exists to interpret the laws passed in a restrictive fashion only, not a prescriptive one. That's why electors were empowered with the ability to stake their electoral careers by voting against the will of the people in presidential elections.
What the founding fathers DIDN'T intend was a system by which a political minority could be put in a place of governing authority against the will of the majority but by no individually accountable action. How the presidential elections are played nowadays is not at all what the founding fathers foresaw when they devised it. It doesn't temper the power of the majority, it misrepresents the power of the majority.
>What the founding fathers DIDN'T intend was a system by which a political minority could be put in a place of governing authority against the will of the majority
Actually you misunderstand completely.
It has nothing to do with majority or minority. Numbers were never the concern, at least in the overall sense.
It was about locations. Our constitution is meant so that presidents are elected based on appealing to a majority of the area of a country. To be elected, you have to appeal to demographics across many different states, rather than the demographics of a single massively populated state. The system is working exactly as intended.
>it's a "I don't understand the election system and /my guy/ lost so I will pretend it is flawed" episode
Talking to tards must be exhausting . I don't know how teachers do it
>Our constitution is meant so that presidents are elected based on appealing to a majority of the area of a country
If you think presidential candidates are appealing to larger areas under the current system, need I remind you that the vast majority of political campaigning in this last presidential election took place in fewer than ten states with less than a fifth of the total voting population? This is not the system working as intended. Voter turnout is continuing to decline because people are becoming disillusioned with the system. And they have every right to be. Their votes are being ignored.
>To be elected, you have to appeal to demographics across many different states, rather than the demographics of a single massively populated state.
To be exact the states you need to appeal to are the swing states.
>title II = Net neutrality
I hate this meme
>need I remind you that the vast majority of political campaigning in this last presidential election took place in fewer than ten states with less than a fifth of the total voting population?
And guess what would happen if it was a majority vote, idiot.
Presidential campaigns would only occur in DC, New York, LA, Miami, Chicago, and Houston.
Swing states change almost constantly.
California was a swing state for a while. Republicans haven't dreamed of Wisconsin in 30 years, no one thought it was a swing state anymore but now it is, same with fucking Michigan.
if this place gets shut down i'm going back to the vestibule
>it's a "my guy won so nothing is wrong with the election system at all and I'll pretend anyone who wants to change it is a buttmad supporter of the other guy even if he's been pushing for reform for years" episode