Daily reminder that Witcher is plagiarized bullshit and that's all that matters.
Seriously fuck CD Projekt Red. And fuck all the idiots who bashed Mankind Divided.
Daily reminder that Witcher is plagiarized bullshit and that's all that matters.
Seriously fuck CD Projekt Red. And fuck all the idiots who bashed Mankind Divided.
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bathory is my fav band the one on guys tshirt
i recommend u to check it out
you do realise CDPR merely adopted witcher?
Shut up, Razorass. You are a shame to Moorcock's legacy and an idiot with no analytical skill.
That guy needs to lay off the political shit for a while and stop appealing to Let's Play watching faggots.
>idiots who bashed Mankind Divided.
People didn't bash the game. It was poorly promoted and flew under the radar even though it was on par with Human Revolution and in many ways superior. As cringy as Razorfish' contrarianism can get, his comments on DXMD are all true.
Who the fuck walks around dressed like that? The 80s were embarrassing.
t. nu male
Well, yeah, the witcher books is one in a long line of cheap iron curtain knockoffs of western IP's, but the games are still really good and well written.
You can read Elric and play the witcher all in the same lifetime you know. Enjoying
one won't instantly make the other cease to exist
His name is not important. What is important is what he's going to do.
Don't parrot. I follow the rageaholic and I like the guy, but don't parrot. Otherwise you will think Spoony is a person that should even be listened to, and that is not right. Spoony is a subhuman, he's worth less than everyone else walking on earth right now.
I think Moorcock fans are just bitter that the competent game studio to adopt the franchise happened to emerge in eastern Europe to make a game based on the iron curtain knockoff instead of a competent western studio making a game based off the original.
I've had disagreements with him since the haydays of TTLG when he always defended the position that Deadly Shadows is better than Thief: The Dark Project. He's a contrarian, and the last thing anyone should do is mindlessly parrot what he claims to think or represent. Afterall, if you agree with him, he's that bit less contrarian. He's just a different form of hipster.
>implying dressing like it's halloween is any different than some nu-male beta with a dyed mohawk.
anyone that puts this much effort into a look without hitting the weights is pretty much confirmed faggot. every metalhead I ever met was a retarded pussy that couldn't even bench a couple plates.
When was this?
Deadly Shadows was jank from what I played.
We could still see some elric games down the road and probably will whenever someone makes a film or a tv series based on it.
>lifting weights
Why, are you some blue collar poor nobody that does manual labor?
>Seriously fuck CD Projekt Red
But Witcher wasn't written by them, they only wrote a store around the lore.
In 2004-2005. We used to argue often about whether DS is better than TDP. He thinks that DS is better because it's more pure of a thieving experience. Not that many supernatural or monster missions. I guess he couldn't resist killing everything that isn't human. And couldn't git gud at sneaking past hammer haunts.
He's the user CaptainSpandex on TTLG
>Fret-hand thumb in delinquent position.
>Still using retarded guitars with nickel jumbos instead of stainless thins.
Skill > Dex
So metal fags both can't bench and half of them play guitar retarded? Good to know.
Yeah, also xAcerbusX.
I trolled the guy a while back, was somewhat responsible for his dick pics getting leaked (I sort of started the fire and others found that shit). Is there anything else from this time worth noting?
Playing Thief gold I definitely couldn't resist killing the monsters, mainly since they weren't sentient, just beasts unlike the guards who had families and lives of their own.
I love tubeshitter e-celeb cocksnot threads, they're so video games.
Who cares, people have been stealing since the dawn of time
Worthless scum
I love metal and have loved it since I was a kid but the whole "my music taste is my identity" is so retarded
>being this insecure
I like his videos, but the fucker comes of as an egotestical douche.
>Elric is a rich not-dark elf who consumes slave souls to stay alive, gets dicked by his brother/rival or whatever and is forced to make a pact with some eldritch devil to get revenge
>Geralt is a mutant humie from a shunned monster slayer organisation that does bounty hunting for a meagre pay.
Yeah, definitely plagiarized.
>halloween 09er detected.
metalheads are the most insecure people imaginable, desu fammo, they have a puffed-up tough guy persona, but I've beaten the shit out of everyone I ever fought & im just a normie.
Are you eleven?
Alright there prickly jim. Tommy from 4th grade doesn't count.
Don't forget
>nobody hated the SW prequels until RLM released there reviews
Its funny when he makes shit like that. Even when he is shit-flinging Jim Sterling he still looks impotent.
Yeah, Out of all the boards I've been to this has gotta be in the top 12 most insecure things i've ever read.
>metalhead detected.
pretty secure desu. fit normie with money, it's just funny as shit when you go to get a beer at the bar and it's halloween abd some shitty local metal band goes up, and you start booing them and people get all buttmad and try to figth you, and you juat pound them because they're weaklings that can't even do a chin-up and never been in a fight lol..
is the moorecock fantasy books any better? the only book I read by him was that one where some guy time traveled to the past and found out that jesus was literally retarded and then traveler became crucified and turned out to be the inspiration for jesus
>Hates WaidDevil
>Loves Souless Daredevil
Lmao, they are fucking identical in terms of writing quality.
I'm pretty sure that CaptainSpandex and xAcerbusX are not the same person. Why would have have two usernames for one forum? Plus I remember interacting with Acerbus and his demeanor is entirely different.
Hang on, here.
That's very strange. He does go under Acerbus in the past, but yet he has a different demeanor...weird.
Well whaddya know. Shit keeps getting weirder and weirder around him. Spandex and Acerbus have always seemed like two totally different people. Acerbus was always the friendly but enthusiastic Thief-fan and Spandex was the argumentative and opinionated egomaniac that we know as Razorfist.
So those are the fantasies you console yourself with.
Hmm...that's strange.
I have a very stupid theory. His mannerisms are kinda like Spoony? Which we all know suffers from Bipolar.
I dunno if he used different aliases for his different states of being perhaps. It's frankly bizarre.
Some have suggested he may be bipolar which is why he's so volatile much of the time. But so likeable at other times.
Hasn't come across that way to me. But anyway let's sage this shit now because not vidya
not at all, happened twice this year already kek. im not sure who would pik a fight a buff 6'1 dude wen ur a 5'6 skelly, but metalfags do it, and every time i get'em!
At what age did you grow out of metal Sup Forums?
>so tough
>very power
At least keep your fantasies realistic, or believable when you tell 'em.
Has anyone who can so much as string together a basic grammatically correct sentence in Polish ever weighed in on the claims? If the case was as open-and-shut as slobbering Moorcocksuckers pretend wouldn't the people Sapkowski has pissed off over the years in Poland love to take him down a peg by ruining his name and burning his series' credibility to ash?
>thinks his taste in games is sublime but it's really garbage
This guy is literally Sup Forums incarnate. Why do people on here hate him?
>People didn't bash the game.
Wrong. There were threads bashing that game when it first came out. It's just that now no one even cares about that game to talk about it anymore, except for Razorfist.
I wonder if someone took away his thesaurus and dennis miller recordings if he'd just freeze up like a deer in headlights
mainly because he's anti-SJW
anti-SJWs are a bigger pain than actual SJWs
especially on Sup Forums