Should it be legal for Atlas to be able to call Persona 5 a PS4 game instead of a Full HD remastered PS3 game?
Should it be legal for Atlas to be able to call Persona 5 a PS4 game instead of a Full HD remastered PS3 game?
Remaster of what?
Should it be legal for Nintendo to be able to call BOTW a Switch game instead of a full remastered Wii U game?
Not trying to console war, just a different perspective
You say you're not trying to start something yet you bring up the one thing with the highest chance to start something.
Why does it matter that's it's a ps3 game? Very autstic post OP.
Love me some jrpgs but I hate all the retarded tropes japs inject in there games
I mean, the Parappa remaster is classed as a PS4 game and they only remastered the gameplay. In short, you're an idiot. If it's on the PS4 then it's a PS4 game.
Visual novels arent games
It's on the PS4. It doesn't require native PS3 emulation to run the disc.
It's a PS4 game.
It's the truth though
Neat, but this is a Persona thread.
He was drawing a comparison you fucking autist.
He was thinly veiling his attempt to derail this into another fucking Nintendo/Sony fight. You people are fucking transparent, don't lie; you're bad at it.
Style and aesthetic is so good it honestly feels like a PS4 game.
Eh no. He just brought a comparison from other game that released on other platforms.
This is actually a good question to ask if games that release on two generations at the same time are just remasters on the newer one.
Fair enough. I guess I was quick to get abrasive.
Here's your (You), now choke on my whole shaft you fucking parrot.
Literally you
At least you admit it
Okay. Here's another one. Feel free to keep going. Maybe the bumps will bring this thread back to life and ontopic.
Not him but literally the second post in this thread was "B-BUT NINTENDO!"
It's not what we're talking about, you really are just trying to start a console war, don't even deny it.
Why is nintendo man so hairy
This thread is pointless and you got all defensive the moment the same example was brought up except using your favorite company.
Yeah get him user. Show that user you mistook as me who's boss while simultaneously assuming so you can be right.
but you completely changed the topic, it would have been okay if you just made a separate thread so this one wouldn't just go off topic right from the get-go
>Nintendofag derails a thread by acting passive aggressive
Lose the victim complex and get some games, then we'll talk
Assuming you're referring to me, I'm not even a Nintendofag, but I know consolewar bait when I see it. It's stopped being even ironically funny a while ago.
Sure, why not? It's on the PS4, so by every metric it's a PS4 game.
>hey guys let's talk about this playstation game
>what? what's that got to do with anything? fuck off, retard
kill yourself
no it should ilegal and they should be jailed. life without payroll
i watched it all on youtube
how do they get away with calling this sht a game
Maybe they should have mentioned microsoft to not trigger you
Kill yourself
Ladies you're both pretty.
It's not really a remaster, is it?
It's a multiplat game.
>basic port at full retail price instead of being devalued like most remasters
>graphics barely touched up
>released same time
More importantly, is it even legal to call this game Sony exclusive while RPSC3 is now running it perfectly on PC?
Yes, because it isn't legal to steal it.