What would you want out of this?
HL3/Portal 3
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It's existence would be enough
To look at least as good as this
At least an 8/10, i just want an excuse to get into the universe, the graphical disparity in even HL2 is too much for me
were you, like, too young to play HL2?
How old are you? HL2 looks fine.
Im 18, and i know its kind of retarded, but for some reason graphical quality is super important to me, if its not pushing boundaries i cant get into it, at least when its emulating real environments
holy shit, I 'member that pic from way back when.
that shit'd be so fucking easy for any half-equipped studio nowadays.
>if its not pushing boundaries i cant get into it
Current fucking year, ladies and gents.
Just quit games now
>people born in 1999 can post on Sup Forums now
Rattmann story
Tiddies and more of those moments where characters are happy to see you so they pull a very warm smile at you. Feels good man
i hate it too anons, i wish i could get immersed in older games, theres so much good shit
>i know its kind of retarded
At least you know it
I just played HL 1 and 2 this year and the graphics were aight
Half Life 2 looks better than some modern games today even... I don't get it.
i would shit on you but i also had the same problem with graphics when i was a child. It goes away eventually
It goes away once you start seeing the games you considered "emulated real environments" become graphically obsolete.
At least try Black Mesa. It's probably the best modernization-fan-project thing of all time, even if it isn't perfect.
I just want left 4 d3ad
It being officially canceled so we can get the Valve cultist belief dispelled.
It can't be cancelled if it was never in development.
I hope so, i remember getting super immersed in oblivion (although i dont remember it that well) and now it looks like utter shit, same with skyrim although less so.
It's been confirmed that it was in development at some point.
Some answers to lore questions even though that will undoubtedly ruin the appeal of the lore.
A fun deathmatch mode.
I played HL2 when I was 5/6 mate, I replayed them last year and they're still looking great.
are there any good graphics mods? i might give it a go
Let that happen a few more times and you will stop caring about graphics altogether. You will just start thinking of them as "that shit that gets obsolete really fast", and start enjoying more the gameplay and story immersion.
This. I just want to be able to move on.
A hybrid longform FPS-strategy, much like in MGSV. Of course, you know, better, with more thought and dev time and less cynicism. I really, really liked the idea behind the whole FOB system, and how it sort of gives you an incentive to keep playing a linear game, but I just wish it could have been done better.
Namely, more skill involved, better balance, more variety, maybe some more options when it comes to base building so that raiding different people's bases feels different. Maybe even take away the zero-sum-game bullshit. Definitely make it voluntary and optional.
A comic, because there's no way the game will live up to anyone's expectations
I honestly don't and haven't ever enjoyed half life 2. I really don't see the appeal.
Now that im thinking about it sometimes its not even good graphics. I had played TW3 for like 40 hours when a buddy let me borrow his copy, and then like 6 months later i bought the deluxe edition for like 40 bucks, played it for 20 minutes and put it down, havent touched it since. I couldnt get into Mankind divided at all, but maybe im just a fucking pleb. The most recent game that i got sucked into and completed was dragon age inquisition. I bought MGSV and absolutely loved it for like 20 hours and then stopped and couldnt get back into it.
I just wanna get immersed into a universe and finish a game
Cinematic mod
Just like all those Silent Hill games after The Room. Damaging the integrity of a series just to release some bullshit is totally worth it.
>warm smile
she looks like she's tryna shit
For fucks sake it's been 10 years, why you still keep posting this on a daily basis????
I would rather have a new portal game than Half Life desu senpai
We just have to wait for Gaben to eat himself to death then we'll get it
Don't you guys understand? Valve is reinventing the game industry
by repackaging and selling games through steak.
HL3 will come as a T-Bone and the ending will be served over episodic cutlets brined by
the man Gaben's ass himself:
I want to go to the arctic and I want an ending.
>people born after 2000 post on Sup Forums now
There are people born after HL2 posting on Sup Forums right now. I started regularly posting when I was 13, and I know some of my friends shat up Sup Forums before I did.
I first played Half Life 2 in high school on the orange box years after it came out and I was blown the fuck away (except for the fucking retarded airboat part, that pissed me off). same with the first time I played portal. Half Life 2 was much more le epic to me though because it seemed like you went through a lot of shit and actually finished a big adventure near the end. I just hope if it ever comes out I get that feeling again. I also remember when it first came out everyone was like OMG DA GRAPHICS LOOK LIKE REAL LIFE!! which definitely isn't something that's going to happen again, though.
airboat was the best part
Portal >>> Half-life
prove me wrong
You never know with photogrammetry
Mind you, they don't necessarily have to photogrammetize real places. You could render a beautiful 3D landscape (expensive) in some rendering program and use virtual photogrammetry to make it able to run on a normal PC in real time.
>in high school
>years after it came out
>there are people out there who genuinely believe half-life 3 is in production
> People born in 1999 can post here now
it genuinely is though
Nah the car was best.
It's a bad example of what I mean, I just pulled that off Google images. If you play the game you'll know what I'm talking about.
It WAS in production, there's no evidence to suggest that it IS in production though.
Statements by people who worked at Valve, constant leftover files in their newer software and so on.
Some people are definitely working on it at least sometimes. It's not like it will release soon or something, but they are still developing and iterating.
It to be released.
leave portal out of it and give me my episode 3
>helicopter ride with punished alyx bants
>helicopter crashes, alyx MIA
>explore hostile arctic environ full of houndeyes, grunts, and controllers
>slip and slide all over the place because of ice
>ice water does damage and there are ichthyosaurs in the water
>find borealis
>creepy /x/-tier backstory revealed through clever set pieces and audio logs
>combine find you, webm related
>stalkers screetching super loud and lasering the shit out of you
>zombies everywhere
>boat is on fire
>finally find Odell
>There's that cheese I was looking for. Tasty.
>audio logs
This is how our video games get cancered up, there's always that one faggot who thinks cancer is cool and we should all have it.
short audio logs! like the one about Captain Johannson
A solid conclusion to the game's story and for it to put an end to the annoying "LOL VALVE CAN'T COUNT TO THREE XDD" meme. Plus, it'd introduce some interesting assets into the next Gmod depending on the engine.
Shame Valve doesn't care about developing games as much as they used to.
>Valve will never release the Orange Box 2 and save video juegos
I don't want it anymore
I don't trust modern Valve to make the game at the level that it should be at. Especially since so many people who worked on the old games have left.
I genuinely don't understand people who just seem to want any fucking thing that has the name 'Half Life 3' slapped on it, regardless of what it actually is
Just fucking kill Gordon reveal that Alyx was an alien plant carried out by G-Man, the vortigaunts are actually basically muslim jews doing whatever so Gordo would help them, basically they're space niggers and G-Man is the best thing that's ever happened to planet earth but he kills Gordo because Gordo is a shit cunt and basically in the end everything is fucked and screen goes black saying - Subject Gordo Frootman has been terminated
then G-Mans face fades in slowly in a very dark background where you can mostly just see his mouth and he says - " Good riddance "
You were the shit cunt all along.
>next gmod
sorry Garry is too busy being a father and making shitty Minecraft knockoffs
>modern Valve
we don't even know what Modern Valve is like other than the VR demos they've released, which have been pretty high quality from what I've seen
If episode 3 had released in like 2009 and was like 5 hours long everything would have been fine. You already know the fucking setting, you have your major plot points built up, it wouldnt even have to be amazing story-wise since that's clearly not the focus when they're making half-life games
I always saw Portal as a tech demo / training mode of the portals mechanic, which would be implemented in HL3. So I guess they could fuse into a single game.
>Implying I want Garry anywhere near the next Gmod
Kek, good riddance to that hack.
t. JBMod dev
Me too, until Portal 2 was announced
>All of that untouched history lying under the current Aperture Science facility
>Will never get to see it
I loved going through the old facility seeing how the company changed through the decades. It sucks though that what we saw barely scratched the surface of old Aperture and will never get to see the rest of the facility or what else they were working on.
Yeah, there is that. But I guess it was just to ride on the success that Portal was and bring some more money in.
>pushing boundaries
The facial animations alone were a DECADE ahead of their time ffs
>hating audio logs
shit taste
they improved bioshock by like 30%
30% of 0 is still 0.
>le vee hates videogames exday
fuck off reddit
Bioshock is reddit as fuck, moron.
>dude fuck capitalism lmao
Fuck off graphics autist
i don't even care anymore
no you nigger that's anarcho-capitalism/egoism not your typical capitalism
did valve make this?
>pay $500 to stand in an empty field
Maybe if you stopped shorting your brain with Modern distractions you could
>I know it's retarded
I was the same, it goes away, for it did when I replayed Jagged Alliance when I was 20(22 right now) after that, while I enjoy beatifull aestethics and graphics, gameplay is the most important thing in a game for me.
I want it to ignore the episodes and continue from HL2 ending.
Gearbox taking over the development
Good. It doesn't have to be a 10/10. Just don't be shit.
Opposing Force was a great game though.
sure why not, at least it'll come out and I can get some fucking closure in my life, however shitty. Not like modern valve could do much better these days, I've lost all faith in them.
open world and crafting
I just want people to stop talking about Valve games, they aren't a game developer anymore, now they are full fledged jews like EA. Let go of your nostalgia.
that pretty much was the most le reddit thing you could have said