Let's get this shit out of the steam store and report the shit out of it

Let's get this shit out of the steam store and report the shit out of it.

Other urls found in this thread:



>sape can't understand how brilliant grimwah is
>sreeches autistically and demands it's removal
colour me surprised

Because it's never coming out, it has passed its release date (many times in fact), and the "dev" keeps making update posts that is basically saying "IT'S OUT SOON, IM SERIOUS THIS TIME"

Not your personal army, retarded pcbro

Already did. Also reported it to IndieGoGo and they're now investigating the campaign and might take away Cleve's ability to start another IndieGoGo campaign.


Cleve is obviously a charlatan who made promises to people that gave him money and couldn't keep them.

There probably isn't even a game

There's a demo that he uses to trick people into thinking that the game exists. The demo is really bare bones, however. And quite poor from at technical standpoint as well. Simple things like how the FPP movement look really fucking awful. Cleve pretending that he's a superman programmer is laughable when you look at the state of the demo.

Not gonna lie, former Cleve believer here. This is fucking hilarious watching Cleve crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy build a game from stolen code!

That and he even stole the code from his former employers

I've heard this quite often but have not seen evidence of this being true, but given everything else that we can confirm about Cleve, I wouldn't be surprised if this was true. And forgive me if there is evidence, it might've just slipped under my radar.

He is doing nothing wrong.
Do not blame the player blame the system.

>he took money from people promising that the game was ready, just wanted to add extra spit shine to make it even better
>did nothing wrong

Nah, fuck the guy. I was all for the Grimoire hoax as long as it was a harmless prank, but as soon as Cleve started taking money from people, it became a malicious scam. That's where I draw the line.

Yes OP I agree, how do we do it?

>Let's get this shit out of the steam store and report the shit out of it.

there are 45 pages of unreleased games on steam

Reminder that Cleve is a fraud and Sir Tech fired him because he was obnoxious and unproductive.

I really want to see Grimoire burn

so it's That Which Sleeps all over again?

>release videos
>delay releasing demo
>finally admit that the video was faked and the game doesn't exist beyond a pile of assets and a concept that cannot be programmed

sounds like star citizen too

This was fun for the first week but it's getting really boring now.

The demo is literally just the stolen code and assets from Sir Tech's canned game.

But no one's trying to rip off people like Cleve. Cleve deserves some shit.

Those unreleased games actually exist though.

I'm still wondering which stolen code are you guys referring to.

First you guys claimed he stole maps from Stones of Arnhem and the user last time disproved that, so the narrative now is what? Stolen code? And proof of that or is it just all misinformation.

Cleve is not gonna release his game not on any of these grounds but the fact that the moment he releases it, he loses everything he is - a guy that keeps delaying his "Supergame". He will slink into nothingness and no one will remember his golden baby.

The superdemo is fine if you like to disregard every improvement made in the genre since Wiz 7. The fact he uses outdating codebase is mind boggling but eh, who cares. He's just an egomaniac.

Yes, and? Grimoire has at least a few more steam release date events in it before we move onto the next phase, you cunt.

>finally admit that the video was faked and the game doesn't exist beyond a pile of assets and a concept that cannot be programmed
>That Which Sleeps
W-wait. What?!

Grimoire is literally the only game has public attention and is in development for over two decades. The first release date was in the late 90s.

At this point the meme legend that is Cleve, and his legacy of Grimoire is just not humorous to me anymore. I know someone will inevitably call me a sape, for the sake of this joke, but there's nothing new anymore. Anyone in these threads understand what this is all about. They've seen the capped forum posts by the neanderthal legend himself.

For awhile this whole spectacle, because that's what it is. Was really entertaining. Hell, I even felt myself anticipating the release getting wrapped up entirely in this madness, but now it's forced. It doesn't hold that original charm, or humor. It's just the same few people reposting these threads where people just sape/neanderthal post. Share the same caps/stories over, and over again. Or bitch about a man that clearly, unironically, has some serious mental issues.

I'm genuinely happy for those that still find enjoyment in these threads. I'm not criticizing it, shittier threads are made daily. For me, the meme magic has run it's course, and the enjoyment I found in it has left. I just have to wonder how many more of these threads are we going to see?

At this point even if Cleve did release his "masterpiece" I doubt it'd come anywhere close to the fun that was had in the first few threads about this deranged 20+ year legacy.

This. At first it was entertaining but now the only thing I feel is anger. And that's why I want to see Grimoire burn

where have you been? That Which Sleeps is 100% dead. the "genius" coder admitted last year that everything was faked because he couldn't figure out how to make the AI work, so he gave up. kickstarter money gone, code lost.

>tfw there will be no catharsis for Cleve's quarter-century bullshit

I just checked the KS page and there was an update on May though. He seemed to have scaled down the project.

I didn't actually follow it but was just interested.

It genuinely looks like a fun, quirky game that could have only been made in the 90s. A dungeon crawler with vending machines and turtle riding, to name just a few creative flourishes. However, I'm realizing it's for the best to just forget about it and move on, file under the same category as Baldur's Gate 3, Fallout Van Buren, and Ultima 10.

I agree. I think that's why for myself, and many others it was easy to get wrapped up in this whole spectacle.

>I'm realizing it's for the best to just forget about it and move on

I couldn't agree more, sadly.

I only found this game 6 days ago. I'm looking forward to waiting out the final few days with you guys!

How could you possibly feel angry? This shit has been going on for nearly a quarter century. You didn't actually think the game was going to release, did you?

But he probably went to steam for that in the first place, he might have participated or made some of the grimwah threads here as well.
>guys look my game was almost there but I couldn't release it because of some minor bugs and while I was fixing those them 4channers raided and made my game kicked out of steam. How can I release and sell my game now ;_; sorry guys it's another delay I gues..

jealous sapes

Honestly looks like a pretty dope game and I'd like to play it, love games like this and wizardry.

But the dev is a fucking dickhead so part of me hopes it fails miserably.

Is it turn-based?

he resigned, that's one of the few things we know for a fact
a bunch of sir tech documents went up on ebay a few years back and his resignation letter was included there

Pretty much. Shame too since I was pretty excited for That Which Sleep. Anyway, I'm done with crowdfunding until I see better customer protection. Has to be on the same level as Steam where I can get a refund as soon as I'm not happy with the project. Should give devs more incentive to finish their games and not make hackfraud scams.

I don't know if its possible. Every system can and will be abused by scammers. Kickstarter can't afford to use their own money for insurance, scammers always find ways to get around legal issues and disappear into the night.

Well, Kickstarter could pay a part of the sum out only after there are results to see.

Fig.co because it kinda works like an investment firm.

What the fuck. I wanted that game to succeed, the concept was so fucking promising. Welp, back to Dominions 4 with me.

>Because it's never coming out
good, if only companies like Activision and EA could learn from him

>go to Sup Forums on 7-7-2017 to see if grimoire is released
>neanderthalposting and it's STILL not released
>go to Sup Forums on 7-12-2017 to shitpost
>there's STILL a neanderthal thread and it's not out
>meanwhile new Monsters' Den released 3 patches in 3 days
I pity people who gave Cleve money.

This game is older than 90% of Sup Forums.

Trips of truth.

I got this game but I refunded it. No 1440p support and the cursor was bugged out at fullscreen. Regardless I am not a fan of the art style of this game at all.

cancer cleve reported

Max Phipps Internet Defence Force detected
Back to your dildo cavern

The real story on Sir-Tech (scroll down page for full Cleve post):

>They (Sir-Tech) had extensive legal problems with Andrew Greenberg and all of the original source code for Wizardry, which they had never properly obtained the rights to or purchased from Greenberg. They had written successive sequels while all these legal problems raged in the background, thinking ownership was 9/10s of the law and the longer they stalled in court the more likely they would just be conceded the owners of the franchise by default.

>. Their role as "managers" in the past of software projects mostly consisted of calling people on the phone and asking them when did they think it would be ready. I gathered they had no real hands-on experience managing software development and they were so sparse they decided (all non-technical people do) that it was really a very easy affair, you could just hire some interns for peanuts or anybody handy and shazam, a game would appear in some way sooner or later. I had worked with people in New York with far superior experience and credentials to these guys and was good at recognizing real technical people when I saw them. Norm and Rob were not these kinds of guys.

>Both Norm and Rob were not aware you can easily go bankrupt in software development if the company is run by idiots. They were both confident in a way that did not really resonate with what they had on tap, outside of their name and previous glories. I guessed when I was there that Sir-Tech was really on it's final legs at that point despite having "lots of money" in reserves. I have been doing this long enough to know that incompetent people can burn a million dollars a month easily without being able to explain where it all went. I would not have purchased stock in Sir-Tech if I had been offered it.

is Cleve /ourguy/ ?

Unironically yes

Smaller version for those on dialup

>Smaller version for those on dialup

>everyone is an idiot but me
>still can't even finish one game

CIA Niggers when?