Say GG

>say GG
>get reported

I still cannot believe legotards are so thin skinned that "gg ez" was banned

i haven't played anything online in 4 years and while i understand how it happened i'm still incredibly disappointed """"""gamurz"""" community managed to make the nice and courteous exchange of ggs (initiated by the losing party) at the end of a match into an insult

>play so well that I get reported under the suspicion that I'm cheating

>the nice and courteous exchange of ggs (initiated by the losing party) at the end of a match
you KNOW that's not what happens, user

>type "good game"
>still get reported

>Nice aimbot, reported

>say GG ez
>it wasn't ez

>the nice and courteous exchange of ggs (initiated by the losing party)
lol what fucking planet do you live on where that happened

exactly my point
it just doesn't happen anymore

>say "GG EZ"
>faggot in the winning team gets triggered and ages anyway

>Completely destroy an enemy team by myself
>Win the game
>Say "gg ez pz"
>The team literally post Fucking paragraphs to show how mad they are

I love doing this shit. I've gotten death threats over just saying "lemon squeezy". How sweet it tastes, the tears of the anally anguished.

Stop playing lol

This shit has become even better, if you win or get a kill, just type ? and the other party goes apeshit
Just a single fucking character, ?
It's both sad and amazing that the art of shittalking has reached this point

>"What's up niggas?"
>Insta-banned for toxicity and racism

GG. Is fine

GG ez is being a coont

Why would you play a game that bans people over what they write ingame?

Why is Gwen so fucking cute?

It's the badmins

drawn by japanese


>lighten the mood with shitty jokes after it's clear one team is not having fun
>game devolves into carefree shitposting in chat

>Play rs/rs2
Every match ends in GG from both teams

gg used to be a good thing to say dont really understand why people see it as a negative thing nowedays

>afraid of sounding like a douche after a match
>sit in awkward silence

Lt. Eddy pls go

I fucking love it. I can taste your second-hand saltiness through the screen. Imagine getting triggered from a post on Sup Forums, lol. ;^)

Hey whatever keeps you from killing yourself.

Maybe because it was really bad game.

>say Goddamn
>its filtered as
>get banned for 3 days

It does not matter if 1 team stomped the other

"good game" is said to show respect to the losing and winning team.

Who is this cum drum?

Rule 63 Deadpool

But it clearly wasn't a good game if it was a hopeless stomping

>Play Super Turbo on fightcade.
>Be polite and congratulate them when they do well or if either one of you got close.
>They be polite back

Sometimes it pays to be nice on your end too.

You never participated in a teamsport have you?

Planet Starcraft

>respect other players after a horrible long match
>yeah gg thx for rape my ass! :^)
>ahah gg hope you die irl noob lol

wtf i love deadpool now

What are you 12?

Grow up.

Superior Japanese craftsmanship
Folded under fat ugly old men over 1000 times

32 actually. Probably the oldest fag in the thread.
I'm into S&M though (S), so trolling people counts somewhat like foreplay.

>be last player on scoreboard
>we win
>say gg ez

why is Sarah a cute?

GG to ALL instead of party should be a reason to ban.

gg no re ez

>be G rank in monster hunter
>helping low rank
>monster dies
>low rank did fucking awful
>teammates says "good job"
why i always get triggered with that shit?

The one good new character Marvel made

>play world of tanks
>win a close game with 6k damage
> type "gg ez"
>forgot they banned cross team chat long time ago
>mfw this lonely

Solution: Don't play League of Faggots and Overfaggot

oh my, you mean you can't just spam one bind over and over and you need to atually type stuff on your own?
how horrible

>tfw M type
>always be the first to provoke and trash talk
>secretly hope they throw it back at me twice as hard
Who else here loves modern gamer culture?

But Overfaggot is fun

>friend starts playing hots
>he says gg ez in a bot match
>he says gg ez in a real match with no all-chat

There are two possibilities:
1) He is complimenting his team by saying that playing with them made the victory feel easy.
2) He is a drooling retard who can only think in memes and saying "gg ez" has become a kneejerk reaction that he cannot even control.
Since he's your friend you would know better which is true.

You're fucking awful

is this another friday the 13th hate thread?

So Deadpool had Red suit to hide blood on his costume, Gwenpool white suit is for what? To hide Semen?

??? one of the posts you directly replied to is talking about how it never happened at all, not that it doesn't happen currently


>mfw non-Gurihiru Gwen

Chris Hastings should have drawn those issues himself instead of those fucking Tumblr "artists".

She just a dumb NEET blonde that got dropped out for the high school. Imagine her becoming like a proper superhero or at least high-skilled mercenary, being serious and shit. That would be a day.

>you will never meet any girl like gwenpool
why live

I just cringe every time I read gg ez. Show some creativity.

This is the best feeling when playing team games, will always make at least one person on enemy team go ape shit on chat.


Creativity isn't needed for this purpose. The simplicity of it, the crudeness just makes it better.

lol why so mad bro

Hnnng when they showed her without the mask I wanted nothing more than to blow a massive load into her mouth

>rage quit
>opponent does his best to squeeze out a gg before im logged out the match

This is how i know its a personal insult

>obvious workaround character so they can ignore a character Disney doesn't own the movie rights and a diversity shilling character to boot
fuck off

Planet RTS in general

Nigger she is objectively better than the vast majority of other marvels characters at the moment
Even older beloved characters are getting fucked anally

>obvious workaround character so they can ignore a character Disney doesn't own
What the hell are you talking about?


I really enjoyed this one and the one with Blade

semen turn to be yellow in white clothes, s-some friend t-t-t-t-old me

>say hi
>you have been removed from the dungeon group

gg was fun

preemptive gg is harrassment to most people.

Enough cum and it'll turn brown / black soon enough.

>completely decimate other team
>gg close

Doombot was best arc

Happened to me in tf2

>say gg
>it wasn't a gg
>it was a bg