>first playthrough
What race and class should I pick?
>first playthrough
What race and class should I pick?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dunmer for race
Anything but elves
Skyrim is Nord focused and you will be treated like a Nord in the main quest in sovngarde and everything.
In all honesty the melee in this game is as terrible as ever, so I'd go with magic just because of how they look.
Honestly just go pick up dragons dogma or something. hell even oblivion
Dark Eldar
Games bad. Doesn't matter.
Nord, two-handed weapon + thu'um master.
Grab those spell tomes in the Soul Cairn so you can summon skeletons with conjuration.
You're playing PC/LE, right?
Stealth Archer, race does not matter.
sneak archer dunmer
Argonians because disease res and can breath underwater, as for class go dual daggers or shield and sword.
this. play as nord. class doesn't matter much.
Don't listen to him.
You should go with the Subtle Shooter, or Seldom-Seen Bowman.
there's no class, but pick up stealth and archery no matter what. don't bother with magic unless you mod it to scale properly.
pick a race based on what you like and for roleplaying purposes, go for nord if you really have no preferences.
Download the combat mod that adds dodging and multi hit attacks.
None. You should refund the game.
>it took 17 posts before the only right answer was posted
Ah, how I missed summer...
Stealth Archer.
Games shit just sell it
Skyrim isn't amazing, but its definitely more playable than Oblivion nowadays. Thats not bait, thats unbiased fact.
Expect Altmer They suck as stealth archer
samefag can't into English
Posts bad just delte
Uninstall wizard.
Nord if you wish to roleplay the main quest. they also have pretty sweet resistance to frost, which is handy.
Even though it's regarded as a meme, stleath archer is unironically the only way to have fun in this game OP.
Melee is just yawn-inducing and magic doesn't scale in this game unless you have a mod, but it's still not as fun as archery.
Nord and play as a barbarian, this game is not made for wizards and other classes, although not impossible to play as, have a harder time
How do you spec for stealth archer? Is that the same thing as thief?
massive slut
it's the only way to enjoy these games
Don't bother the game is so bad
the stealth archer meme is so confusing to me. It might be easier to do stealth archer, but Skyrim has builds that let you fucking shred. One of the first perks you get for destruction magic is the ability to stumble any enemy if you overcharge your destruction spell. You can do chip damage to enemies that are so far above you as long as you have enough mp. EZ mode
Sneak plus sneak attack perks.
Archery plus damage perks
One handed
Dark brotherhood armor for bonus backstab and archery damage.
Toggleable invisibility ability from nocturnal.
Enjoy one hit backstabbing dragons and clearing dungeons with sneaky shooting.
Switch to crossbows when bored
Vanilla destruction magic is shit in the later game if you play on the higher difficulties though because the damage doesn't scale.
>headshot someone from far away
>watch as they recoil a little then drop dead
>you can spend a minute taking a good look at their corpses and admire your skill
>rinse and repeat
it's amazing, not because of efficiency, but because of f u n
iirc you get your stealth up to rank 5 and get the stealth perk that doubles the damage to bow kills in stealth. then get archery to rank 5, eagle eye or whatever in the archery perk.
>let's get bows and just fucking ruin them
The cat one. Good at stealing an sneaking and shit like that.
>pitting against a dragon with a two handed sword takes 5 minutes
>sneaking behind a dragon and poking it with a butter knife insta kills it
wow good game
Stormcloaks or you're a cuck
>can't side with the dragons
>can't side with the Thalmor
>2 handed melee
pick one of the magic schools for utility
>from nocturnal
what's this? is this a race choice?
Finish thieves guild. You get a choice of one of 3 powers. The invis one is utterly OP giving you 3 minutes of togglable invis.
Succubus and semen magic.
Install porn mods
Be a slutty argonian girl
>make any build
>do an alchemy/enchantment loop
>apply desired enchantment
>be proficient with any garbage
>bind crossbow to 2
>double tap 2 after each shot
Play a custom race and roleplay as a waifu.
fuck I wanted to be a mage
is magic really not viable in this game?
I'm playing and the only thing I'm getting are 25% enchantment potions.
>roleplay as a waifu
Nord is boring, so don't pick that. Argonians are well rounded like Nords in terms of traditional combat options, but not very good at magic. If you do unarmed play Khajit. If you want to be a stealth archer, Bosmer. For a Mage, Bretons work if you want to be a human Mage and their bonus is pretty good, but Altmer make the most powerful destructon mages, and Dark Elves are good as well but more situational. Orcs are great for a two-handed huge damage playthrough, and I've never seen much appeal with playing Imperial or Redguard.
you should be an argonian, gopnik
Skyrim is still fun game.
Khajiit, sneak around, but don't use a bow like a faggot and use a dagger!
youre doing something wrong
Sneaking around with a dagger and doing backstab for 30x damage is insanely fun man!
assassins blade perk in the sneak tree: en.uesp.net
Dark Brotherhood Greaves en.uesp.net
well crafted dagger
~5k damage every time you hit with your dagger while in stealth
you could easily just get good at illusion magic and learn the invisibility spell rather than have to wait a day to get your nightingale power back..
Becoming a vampire works with Illusion perfectly, and the looking armor item in the game is good for illusion (Nightingale hood)
Go complete the Theives guild (best quest line in the game) quests then come back you cretin!
Glad I first went Breton after modding the shit out of it. The racial was actually useful especially at early parts of Revenge of the Enemies NPCs
There seemed to be 0 reason to use crossbows in Skyrim
filthy dwarf spotted
I'm having fun shields. Bashing enemies to face is for some reason hilariously funny.
*with shields
Any good rape mods? I made a sexy femorc barbarian and while the realistic needs mod is great, it would be even better of she was a futa and needed to fill her sexual appetite from time to time, maybe lack of sex causes stamina loss or decreased stats.
Not memeing btw.
I run sexlab defeat with death alternative and it works pretty well in terms of getting raped. Not to sure about doing the raping, though. I'm sure you could configure defeat to do it.
>Even though it's regarded as a meme, stleath archer is unironically the only way to have fun in this game OP.
That is why it has become a meme.
I wish bound dagger was a thing.
>I wish bound dagger was a thing.
It is though.
install morrowind. Choose a Dank Elf.
Oh yeah. WIth the DLC
And even then it is not just available from every conjuration selling vendor despite being a novice spell
absolute bullshit.
>in TES universe
Think you mean nord.
>not putting all your points in illusion and hiring a mercenary
The objective answer is a Nord that's a Mystic Knight. So you wear light armor with a sword or whatever and magic in the other hand.
Stealth archer
>level scaling in a game
>level up two kinds of offense which won't really work together
that is stupid.
>minmaxing in a singleplayer dungeon crawler
>not always giving your best
maybe i wanna roleplay in my roleplaying game
Well if you wanna roleplay an idiot go ahead.
nah don't usually play self inserts