Buyer's remorse general
Buyer's remorse general
This will definitely get replies
starbound. friend convinces group to buy. never plays.
Fallout New Vegas RU! What the fuck. Not even Russian
That's why I pirate
everything I have on steam
I don't have a pc
>everyone praises it
>well I better play it since most of my friends do
>can't find enjoyment in it
What didn't you like?
Cool thread OP
how many games do you have on steam?
you can't roll to dodge unless you play strider/ranger/assassin
Why was strafe bad? Haven't played yet but I was excited for it.
the weapons are shit and the shooting feels like shit
such a shame too because everything else feels awesome
the movement is nice, but they rarely give you space to move around freely
i think it's more like a 5 dollar game and not a 20dollar game
There's a mod for that
Ai cheats like crazy in SP even on easy, i've caputured town and my forced were at 30% hp and then i had to fight 3 times vs same ork ai who could recover his army to full health in 3-4 turns while i had to wait 8 turns and guess what happened? i fucking died after 3rd fight along with new captured town. Fuck this game. Lazy ass garbage coding just like in every rts/racing game. B-but buy more dlcs goyim. Fuck off bitch.
It plays like a cheap chinese MMO.
same user, i found Starbound to be much better but unfinished game. It's sad that they ruin it with controlled boss fights, where you can't even remove walls/build walls to protect yourself.
Tbh i may launch it and check if anything has changed since i last played it year ago.
almost all of them are meme games
Like every melee class has a damage mitigating counter attack tho
Literally the easiest strategy game I have played in years. You have to be braindead not to win on easy. You can ctrl-g click the opposing force and win
>3 hours in terraria
>36 hours in starbound
I poured almost 400 dollars into planetside 2
Starbound is superior game
>he doesn't know how orcs work
Actually look up the facts before whining about muh cheating AI
Same boat.
Party-based real time combat just doesn't work; feels messy and the combat isn't as tight as what I was expecting. On top of that, I made a warrior, only to find out they're the worst class in the game by far.
not gonna lie man, this game is probably the easiest of the total wars. you might just be fucking terrible at video games.
I agree with you user, I bought it on the summer sale, played 30 minutes, and refunded it and used the funds to buy just cause 3 which I've been having a blast with. I'm happy I made that refund choice.
Fuck this shit game.
It needed more support and patches, game is still janky and broken as fuck
Boring as hell
I was such a retard to fall for this.
I also regret buying that piece of shit.
no class is good. i found warriors fun as hell and you can swap classes at the town.
i can see why people hate DD, but i thought it was really well done.
The quests can be completed nonlinearly a lot of times.
some of the ways you can fuck with monsters is really cool too
I just wanted some more Hitman, for once Sup Forums was right.
Get on my level you goddamn amateurs.
Oh I got buyers remorse for days dude.
You have to be over 18 to post in this board.
So your bad, we get it.
no class is bad*
Sorry user, some of us don't get fooled by complete garbage.
>buying early access games
I was told that "i-it gets better!!" so I kept playing until I beat the dragon. The game world never stopped being more generic than Cyrodiil, and combat never stopped being square mashing. The climbing system was fucking wasted potential: the mechanic. It was never useful on more than a couple of different enemies and even for them you just used it to climb to a weak spot and mash some square.
After you beat the dragon it's revealed that the game isn't actually over yet, but all that's left is a couple of boring fucking dungeons and grinding. There was never any proper exploration because 99% of the game world is uninteresting and bland with the same assets recycled over and over.
What a shit fucking game shilled by a rabid and retarded fanbase. No one would like this garbage if you couldn't make loli characters in it.
>plays many games for less than 20 minutes
>plays a game for 2 fucking minutes
Maybe if you actually got past the title screen you could end up liking one of those.
Sorry you don't actually like games
>Europa Universalis
>Legend of Grimrock
>System Shock 2
The only ones feeling remorse must be your family, seriously im guessing you're either a skinheaded animeposter or a furfag on steam.
It is simply not possible for sane human being to have such a shit taste.
The only reason I play this still is because irl friends play it as well.
What's with all the Dragon's Dogma hate?
the expansion is like 200x better than the regular game, but if you don't like the regular game at all, you won't like the expansion.
I have 10 hours in and find little enjoyment in it to be honest
Sup Forums is swarmed by people that adore "life is strange" and underaged
what do you think user
What the fuck was I thinking?
Take your own advice?
I like both life is strange and dragons dogma
dang you beat my time
Not sure what I was thinking when I got this.
>alan wake
>arkham asylum
>mark of the ninja
That's about as long as it takes to beat the game you fucking retard.
>Dark souls 2
>Cave Story
>Last Remnant
Kill yourself
>60 minutes in metro 2033
>Zeno clash 2 - 7 hours
>game regularly goes on sale for 1-2$
>buyers remorse
Holy shit. And I thought I had played this game too much.
>minutes 4
Did you even fucking get past the title screen?
Stop posting Dragon's Dogma you fucking faggots.
you can only have so much fun using arc of deliverance.
Beat my time.
shit fucking taste C O N F I R M E D
Some games are just that bad.
>anything over 10 hours is "buyer's remorse"
Biggest waste of money ever. I couldn't have stopped playing fast enough.
>play game
>sand fog is so thick it's impossible to see anything
>game literally unplayable
Thanks Ubisoft.
Protip: never listen to Sup Forums
Some people are just that retarded.
nice meme
What the fuck is happening here
You are but a child.
Worst one in this thread.
Jesus Christ.
a class in dragon's dogma can drop an orb.
when you hit the orb is shoots bolts at enemies.
dude how, i don't even play games for 1000 hours
You underestimate the power of spreadsheets with names, faces, and life stories.
>it gets really good once you get to the sequel
out of the way losers battleborn is hobby grade multi culti fun for epic badasses
That one was dropped by the beholder though.
There was some way to interrupt its attacks which makes it drop a cannon.
Pawn can learn to attack those cannons (normally spawned by player) and here a hired pawn reacted to Beholder's cannon as well.
>>minutes 31440
>Did you even fucking get past the title screen?
>not using it like a machine gun
It's like an MMO without the multiplyer, boring and bland.
Borderlands 2, liked the first game and didn't have anything else to play so I have 20 hours on it. I feel bad having it in my steam library, It's so bad. I wish you could delete games permanently.
Worst game I ever played