Games for depression

>wake up with super depression
>start talking about life with my family at 5am in the morning
>piss everyone off absolutely everyone with my bullshit
>call off work
>get my noose ready
>sudden urge to play vidya
What game do I play Sup Forums, I don't want to do this

Other urls found in this thread:

Depression Quest

don't fuck with me user

Go outside

I'm going for a walk when the stores open, I just need to play some vidya

Depression ain't real, my man. Just another of the hundred gen-z excuses for why they are complete failures of human beings

Dragon Quest V, give yourself a bit of perspective of life, time and family. Might make you reconsider.
Puyo Puyo Tetris is pretty fucking comfy and fun.

Being a failure makes me depressed. I have no ambitions, no passions, no motivation. I simply exist to play fucking video games, and I can't even do that half the time.

Give me a truly great video game to play.

Try Soma.

They were the first games I got completely absorbed in, I played them like I played games as a kid.
They also have certain themes of natures indifference, that you have to accept this and carve out your own meaning, if you haven't played them give it a go and don't let the difficulty put you off, they aren't as difficult as most make out.

Persona 3
Metal Gear Solid 4


Happens only with books/vn/manga. Though it did happen when I finished .hack g.u.

>Just finished Gravity Rush 2
>Mfw this part


*first games I got completely absorbed in for years

Just play fucking Flowers, dude. Don't be a fucking pussy who gives up. Depression is a hell of a thing but man up, goddammit

As a child, I lived in a goddamn warzone and afterwards it didn't get that much better until later on. Just get some medication and do something that gets your mind off of all the shit in your life


>pretty much all Mario games
>Jak and Daxter as well as Ratchet and Clank
>that Wario minigame collection on the Wii or Wii Sports (but with others)

Or just go and play Fifa with friends


what is super depression

Best solution, go outside more often, find a new hobby, have a healthier diet. Vidya is like a painkiller, it helps only for a little bit and you definitely become inured to the effects. Hell if you're like me and you've gotten to the point where basic hygiene feels like a fruitless task, just taking a shower is enough to make you feel better.

If you're feeling down and won't do anything, you're a bitch, take it from a guy who's a bitch. Don't fall into the pit and let it get deeper and deeper user.

dota 2

Way of The Samurai 4.

You just need to set a target for yourself, something that you know would be possible if you worked towards it, whether that's moving out on your own, buying a car, or finding a girlfriend. It's all possible and within your ability, you just have to not get so hung up on how much you hate yourself.

Silent Hill 2

I have been seriously considering medication, but I was on them before and know they're just band aids. I want to fix my shit for real, but I've thought about it a lot and think it's impossible to do it, medication might be my only option.
It made me feel like shit though, like being trapped inside a cage and even though I felt like crying, all that would come out was laughter. It's why I decided to get off them and to unfuck myself naturally, but that didn't work.

The only games that manage to do this to me are those that are on the extreme side of mystery and wonder. Jrpgs like ff 10 and star ocean till the end of time gave me that feeling. But everything has been so stale. Bravely Default almost did it, but the world felt too small. Cities were tiny, it felt like the cast of characters were the only ones in the world. Jrpgs in general now follow a set formula or go too out there. I just want a jrpg that gives me an extreme sense of mystery and wonder and keeps that feeling. Something I can put some happy techno to and go on an extreme adventure with. Xenoblade has the right setting and atmosphere, but as always the world feels too small. I want to have that sense of "Damn what could people that have been through here before be doing now? What heights have they reached? Can I reach it? What will it be like?". It's hard to explain.

This board is for vidya, not life blogs.

an user's sense of humor about something that hurts a lot

>Damn what could people that have been through here before be doing now? What heights have they reached? Can I reach it? What will it be like?
the questions you don't ask yourselves irl

these posts brought to you by tumblreddit

ok retard

>healthier diet

This and

>fix your sleep habits

Are probably the best advice you can get, outside of the obvious like speaking with a (good) therapist and eventually taking a medication (memers will meme, but medication can help tremendously in cases of bad anxiety for example).

I can't emphasize enough how a healthy diet and a good night of sleep are mandatory to get better or to BE better even if you aren't depressed.

Yeah I know this, it's just so fucking hard to do it considering my life built me to be this way, and it just being my nature to be a bitch too. Shit's tough to change.

Take my advice with a grain of salt since I haven't touched meds, but staying off meds is the best thing you can do. Shit just fucks with your brain man, and depression is honestly an easy fix, the issue is that it also makes you feel like there's no point in trying, whether through fear, insecurity or just apathy. Just do something user, sitting your house and letting it stew is the worst thing for depression.

Real life is boring. Can I fly in real life? Can I jump off a cliff and survive the fall? Can I fight dimensional beings? Can I meet travelers from otehr worlds? Dimensions? Can I go hunting and make cool looking armor? Weapons? Can I fight against beasts with my own hands and survive? Can I discover ancient ruins with an atmosphere that tells me there was actual magic at work? What does real life have to offer me?

I dunno, I always hear very mixed results about medication, so I really think it's very much a last resort option, since everyone has a completely different reaction to them.

>Know guy who's on meds for moodswings
>Still gets moodswings
>he checks box
>Side effects: May cause moodswings

I get 8 hours of sleep a night. My diet is OK, I think, but it could be a little healthier, but everyone says that. I'm not overweight, I'm 125lb at 5"5.
This is the conclusion I came to when I decided to get off them, but now that I'm 5 years in trying to fix myself naturally, I'm wondering if I made the right choice. Things have just gotten worse.

It seems like you are underestimating the actual condition, which can sometimes be pretty hardcore. Have doctors told you how severe your depression is? Just get a therapist, take your medication and try to get more into sports

A friend of mine started out with another condition and I'm pretty sure he has depression right now (which he won't tell us about) but actual depression can be a bitch. Don't try to seek help all the time from others but try to take your mind off of thinking all the time. Doing sports should be a pretty good thing for finding some alternate things to think about

Still, doctors are your best bet


suicidal depression sucks ass dude find something you love to get out of that rut like a really good games uve heard praise from once your out of the rut and by the time you finished the game you will feel better

Found the source of your depressing. You're a manlet.

>Can I fly in real life
If you count gliders I guess you could
>Can I jump off a cliff and survive the fall
Parachutes my man
>Can I go hunting and make cool looking weapons and armor
Fuck yeah you can, if you know how to smith become a craftsman and pick up gunsmithing as a hobby you can make dope ass weapons and armor made out of whatever animal you fucking want man.

I've never been to a therapist, but my friend who did go to one told me that she said I have severe depression, when she told him about me and how I felt on my meds at the time. All that ever happened was me telling my doctor that I feel sad, and him prescribing my buproprion, which just made me feel like sad person trapped in a happy shell.
>tfw my height legit gets me sad
I'm so pathetic jesus

As if I would out myself in public like that. I act normally outside, work on moving up so I can have more money to get more video games and feed myself and hope for virtual reality to reach a point of immersion where I can't distinguish from reality and fantasy.

>but now that I'm 5 years in trying to fix myself naturally

there's the problem. if you can't fix shit after half a year, it's very well possible that you just can't do it because the depression is infested deep within your brain

How do you keep it all in when out in public? I can barely keep it in alone, and my laundry is starting to spill out onto the street.

ok schlomo

See, question is, what have you actually done to fix yourself? Have you tried a little excersize? Have you gone out and socialized a little? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you spend time with loved ones and friends? Do you indulge in a hobby besides vidya? Fuck do you masturbate often enough? A couple things I can think off the top of my head that generally boost the spirits and can certainly help in getting over the hump.

>taking advice from anonymous Sup Forums posters

half of this board is under the age of 18 the other half is manchildren i don't think this is the place to look for advice op. i hope you get well soon

well then you did the wrong thing. therapists exist for a reason and if the one you get doesn't make you feel better, change the therapist. a lot of the time, people don't manage to feel better because the therapist doesn't cater to the people's needs or is straight out shit

it's like breaking your leg but just taking medication while staying at home. you need to get the shit fixed. how the fuck hasn't anyone in your family urged you to do this before? what the fuck?

And all have the risk of dying and have the sense of fantasy and wonder of a rock. Maybe if space travel was extremely advance then heck yeah. But no luck on that end. Not that I would go for it, because again there's the risk of dying. Yes I'm afraid of dying. Once you die, as far as we know, it's over. There's nothing more to look forward to and dream about. Which is one of the reasons I plan on freezing myself, no matter how small the chance of that working is.

After i got a part time job video games got 10 times more fun and im actually motivated to play them istead of shitposting on Sup Forums and starting drama in /vg/ threads, i only shitpost 30% of the time now.

Also weekends feel way better, and deserved now that i actually work for it

Same. I had a shit time growing up at home with my parents basically bullying me about my anxiety, making it worse and worse as I grew up and never taking me to a doctor about my problems. I could never do the normal social things my school friends wanted to do since I was so scared of embarrassing myself or looking like a freak.

After my suicide attempt I started taking anti-depressants and volunteering, having people to talk to really helped and gave me some confidence. It made me believe that I can be whoever the fuck I want to be since I don't have anyone that knows the past me. Your nervous or anxious persona is just that; a persona that was built up by your experiences and environment. There's nothing stopping you from discarding that and making a new one from the good bits.

I'm actually trying to get close to a girl I volunteer with at the moment, since for once in my life I actually believe that I could not be a pussy and ask someone I like out.

I've always felt this way, so to me my perception of reality has just been normal to me. Maybe I need some real help.
>changed diet
>lost 100lb
>started working out a little
>socialized at work and broke my shell
>family situation is complicated
>no friends
>make music sometimes but I'm shit
>just love to make things but I'm really bad at everything I make
Besides that, my computer is my life. I kind of tuned out of the real world a long time ago.

weird, I've been taking depression meds for about a month now and I don't feel different at all. still feel just as shitty all the time it seems.

Go on nice hike. Maybe drive outside of town to get to a good spot. Exercise has been sown to relieve depression

What sorrowful eyes...

Play Nintendogs + cats.

The Beginner's Guide

Try the Max Payne saga, the helped me a lot when I was in my worst, Max is a very well constructed character and helped me to understand some shit

and if you need meds dont be shy about it, sometimes we can't control it.

They take at least 4 weeks to kick in and even then your dosage might not be high enough to have a noticeable effect on you.

I unironically feel this way and although I know it's "cringe" and even feel it myself I can't really explain WHY it is. I've never been able to comprehend the idea of just settling down and having a family with your house and your wife and whatever the shit it is that people dream of and I'm honestly not sure if I want to. But then again I can't really think of any alternatives and what ones I can think of seem equally hollow. I guess it's basically depression but I've felt this way literally my entire life.

sometimes i think i look decent, the next, awful.
sometimes i can go outside and enjoy it, the next, feel like everyone is looking/judging and i don't know where to look/act
sometimes i can hold a decent conversation and even be funny, the next, stuttering and can't express myself properly, always resorting to 'i don't mind', or 'i don't know'
etc etc
hate these swinging feelings and i don't know how to control them, makes the lows feel even worse.

>Maybe I need some real help.

this whole thread exists and you still write "maybe"? nigga please, first thing in the morning you should be doing is going to your doctor and getting help

>Besides that, my computer is my life

that's the problem. people with depression often seclude themselves from the outside world, leading to even more negative thoughts. as shitty as it sounds, try to meet some new people or call up old friends. socialising is a very important part of the whole thing

This guy is right, depression is tossed around so often nowadays it lost its meaning.

>abloblo i'm depressed because i have no friends
>ablobloo i'm depressed because i woke up like it
>abloblo i'm depressed because the world sucks

If you aren't a family man on a 20yo marriage having your wife cheating on you and wanting to break up to take your stuff and son, then you have no right to be depressed. Suck the fuck up and stop being a massive child.

It really sounds like a deep rooted issue I'd say. But really the best things you really can do are try and get friends, and pursue that hobby even if you think your shit. Accept that your garbage and just do it because you love it. user you've accomplished several harder tasks than I have and you're really underplaying it. You've made progress you're just denying it. I "failed" my dream and I've lost all motivation to do anything for almost a year now, you sound like you've got even more severe issues than I do and you've done a fuckton better than me.

That's oddly specific. Did you fall for the marriage meme, user?

Maybe it's the way I wrote it. It wasn't supposed to be an "emotional" speech like the video user linked. I'm being serious here, what in the actual fuck does real life have to offer that isn't boring as fuck and doesn't have to risk of dying? I mean will we ever feel the fear of having a huge dragon right in front of our damn faces and feel the heat from its breath? And know we have to fight it? I mean I want the risk of dying out of the equation but I'm pretty sure I'd crap my pants anyways if I was there. We can't have that in real life. That's why I never understand the people that act like they want virtual reality to fail. I mean yeah it's garbage now, but it's just starting out. At the very least we know that there are people out there working on it.

I think the Beguinner's Guide was more of a take about an artist/vidya dev with depression, instead of a full game about depressionm, kinda like Everything is going to be OK!

professional help is a must with depression, but be sure to go to a nice doctor/psychologist, a cheap/social security/public are just a waste of time.

Whatever you say, Mr. Hardass Thundercock. Now go end yourself already.

Hotel dust & Last window on DS.

Last window ending specially really fucked me up, since i lost my dad a few years ago.

My dad has lived with my his entire life, but all he ever did was sit in his room and drink. My entire family is like that, they just sit in their rooms all day, and now that's how I am too. My mom fed me koolaid instead of milk as a baby. That should say it all.
Yeah I realize that, but I can't seem to jump that hurdle and discard my past like that. I probably just need to move somewhere and start fresh, there's too much baggage where I'm at.
It's exactly like you say, my experiences and fucked up life led me to where I'm at. I've seen a lot of shit and had a lot of fucked up things happen to me that left an impact. Suffering is relative.
>call up old friends
You're funny. I've been trying to make new ones, but I'm just a turn off. I'm a boring blank slate with emotional problems. Nobody wants that.
Everyone says that but I don't see it. Logically speaking, I should feel something, but I don't. I still feel like you're over estimating my "accomplishments"

>boo hoo life is so boring I wanna fight dragons how can normies even live this boring rl shit
>I want the risk of dying out of the equation
you're just a big ol pussy is what you are
if you weren't such a big pussy you'd find there's plenty of exciting things to do in real life but they're way too far outside your comfort zone

I was just thinking of some valid reason to be depressed, i could go on and on like having abusive parents that kick you out of the house or a job that sucks so much, but you have no choice to do it or else you starve and lose your house or even a terminal or crippling illness, i would consider losing my sight worse than death.

People nowadays are complacent as fuck, they are so bored of their own pathetic self loathing life, they find reasons to whine even despite none being there.

get out of town and go on some nature walks
like proper far out so you can't even hear cars and shit in the distance
nothing clears the head more then that sort of peace
just doing something with your day will make it feel less shitty and wasted

While those add to my depression, it's not the source. Seen too much, done too much.

I guess it was a little bit futile to try and reason with someone with very obvious severe depression, but think of it like this. You've lost 100 pounds in 5 years, which even normal fags can't even do, said you've come out of your shell and became more social which some people never do, you have at least two hobbies , actually doing a bit of exercise and have improved you diet a little. You've accomplished more shit in five years than what the happiest of normies refuse to do in their whole life.

Depends on what sort of depression it is. I'm clinically depressed and I don't really find video games enjoyable anymore - just tools to pass the time. Generally the games you're most likely to like in that state are the games you used to enjoy. I'd say JRPGs are good since there's a sense of progression, and usually aren't difficult. "Hard" games like Dark Souls aren't worth the effort if you can't feel a sense of satisfaction.

And while I'm here, can someone recommend me a good VN/JRPG on the Vita? I'm looking for something with good writing, does Persona 2 fit the bill?

>It's exactly like you say, my experiences and fucked up life led me to where I'm at.
Yeah, I think most people don't understand that it's not something actively happening to you that makes you truly depressed, it's years of bullshit that's fundamentally made you into how you are.

You want to rid yourself of depression?

Get a goddamn job.

Work will set you free.As misused as it was on concentration camps, it is true in mundane lives. Staying busy and doing something, no matter how shitty it might be will fill your life with activity and that is the best and only way to cure depression.

Why do Sup Forumsirgins pretend depression isn't real?
It's a proven medical condition that is helped by actual medicine just the same as a fucking headache. Are you arguing that headaches are lack of mannin' up?

Just because teenage retards say they're depressed all the time doesn't mean actual depression doesn't exist. Same with tons of other invisible disorders that people pretend to have for attention.

shh only memes now

Don't go to the therapeutic jew. And anti-depressants like SSRIs and the likes are literal chemical lobotomies, if you take them stop right fucking now.
Try to find some sort of hobby/activity/occupation that gives you a sense of fulfillment. I'm in the same boat you are, and it's tough, but do your best to pull yourself out of it.

The motivation for all of that was because I stopped caring though. It feels like I had to kill myself on the inside, losing myself in the process, just to meet those goals. That's why I don't see them as accomplishments, because now I just feel like a completely different person and that I'm out of touch with myself. That's what growing up has felt like, just learning how to let yourself die piece by piece so you can live. I don't cringe at myself anymore, but by extension I also don't feel anymore either. It's like my brain only works in extremes. I'm either on or off.

The closes I've been to dying is standing on the edge of a cliff when I went with some friends to the beach. It was as boring as I thought it'd be because I knew I could easily die if I jumped off it.

If you want to show you're not a pussy by risking dying like that be my guest. I'm not risking it.

But I do want to know what you consider to be so exciting in real life, maybe I've been missing out.

this is fucking Sup Forums of out of all places, 70% of people here are just shitposting trying to bait people.

yeah sure because of the few actually clinically depressed people I know, all of them were totally fine after taking meds, that totally happened

face it, actual REAL depression is a mental disorder, not something you can easily fix by taking a few pills


Not always the case user. I'm 26 and have been following this mentality since I was 19 to try and get over mental health issues. Just get a job, keep my head down and get on with it. I've ended up losing every job I tried after a year or so because I couldn't keep up with the pressure of work alongside day to day life and managing a mental illness. Hit rock bottom where the only work I could manage was a paper round, but I forced myself out the house every day because I really believed that I could just work myself normal. Eventually I realized that I should look at the evidence right in front of me; I'm not well enough to work. Now I keep everything running at home while my wife works, we basically just swapped places. Having that bit less pressure has had a really positive impact on our lives and I've been able to get myself well enough to work part time again.

Different strokes for different folks, pressuring yourself if you have a serious mental health problem isn't always a good idea. I'd say if you're just a bit down in the dumps then push yourself out of it for sure, though.

Changing is a part of human nature though, why would you think it's losing sight of your old self? We learn and react to new experiences day by day, which change us fundamentally as humans. Though I understand the feeling in a way, the attempt sometimes feels hollow to me too because I feel like such a failure in my life that it just does nothing for me sometimes.

You sound like a retarded boomer. I know you arent, so why act like one?

>>Tfw I met a guy with actual depression but he didn't want to take pills because he would stop being himself. He knows he wants to die, but prefers to live his life to the fullests until that happens.

the cat lady


valiant hearts

this war of mine

to the moon:

always sometimes monsters

Offer your remaining life to a higher being, manifested from your lack of role-model, which orders you to do stuff. Serve that imaginary entity with all your will to wander the path of the cosmic guidance.
Set yourself free by offering the thing that got you into depression in the first place, your freedom.

So, how certain are you that your wife is having multiple affairs going on?

He's right, though. Kid or not.Depression is an actual thing, especially in the modern ages, but it is very much mitigated by having a purpose that a job provides.

Monster Hunter actually saved me from depression many times now

Because I had hopes and dreams then, but they had to be silently buried. I just feel like I'm slipping down the wrong path, and the stumbles I'm making are the wrong ones. It feels like I'm becoming a person I shouldn't have been, and that if I had continued to become the person I wanted to be, maybe I would have had a happier life.
This is how I sort of feel about meds. It was my last resort, but considering everyone's response to me, I don't think they would work. I still want to try them again, it's the only thing I can think of.

Because 90% of people that say they are "depressed" are just cry babies that don't wanna own up to the fact that pethedic and suck at life in general.

Also the fact that people with real depression (AKA no one in this thread) are almost unable to feel apathy for others because they're so stuck up in you're own ass.
Normal people have problems too, some even bigger then whatever shit you whinny about.
It's one of the mosts faked conditions for a reason.