Umbrella Corps

>tons of keys being given away
>can't find 3 people online for a lobby


>expecting normalfags to stop playing a game designed for them in order to play a game designed for nobody

Bought the Bundle for RE0 amd REmake, literally every other game save Strider went immediately into my Steam Junk folder.

And that's only because I know nothing about it, and have yet yo confirm if it's as terrible as DmC, RE6, or Umbrella Corps.

You have a pretty strange concept of "terrible" don't you? Those games are mediocre at worst, Strider included, i can't say about UC because literally NOBODY is playing it.

Strider would be cool if it wasnt one of the only non-bethesda games that crash at any moment.

Even for free this game would be a waste of time and HD space, fuck off.

give me a key and I'll play

>"hurr durr this game that i didn't even play is bad because everyone says so"
got a key here this morning, it's not that hard, expecially for this game

keep eating shit I guess, that's not my problem

>hurr my tastes > your tastes


>got a key here this morning, it's not that hard
well I guess I'll just leave my email in case someone hase a spare key. include your steam name if you wanna play together or something

[email protected]

You're an idiot, re6 had more extra content in its vanilla form than umbrella corps has at all

CCIZ4-xxxG9-xZNYG -> YAL T

Shit Corps.

got it mate thank you


RE0 killed RE. it's the worst in the series. Moreso than 6.

>buying shovelware

l m a o

>come and join a real game

umbrella corps is fucking garbage, even when compared to pubg

REmake> DmC>Strider>RE6> RE0>>>UC
you just got bad taste

The game is fucking dogshit. I thought it was gonna be one of those quirky hidden gems like Lost Planet 2 with fun gameplay and wacky jap shit, but it's honestly awful

The mouse controls are vomit worthy too, can't aim for shit

It's shit and dead, don't bother.

im playing it right now and the controls and gameplay are good
you just suck at shooters user

>the controls are good
unless they've patched it they certainly ain't. playing on the mouse was like trying to control a tank gun

Not him but they are, felt a little floaty at first but i had no problems after 2 minutes.

RE0 was reviewed well and moved a very solid number of copies.

RE4 is what killed the series.

Not by being bad, but by being so good and so popular that Capcom went insane trying to recapture the lighting in it's bottle, ditched everything that made Resident Evil great, and milked the new action formula to death.

Only good thing about UC is that the melee weapon has a cool design.

DmC is a trainwreck that appeal to only edgy teens and casuals who know nothing about character action games. It is by far the worst game in the Devil May Cry series by a wide margin.

And yes, I'm including DMC2.

RE6 is a clusterfuck that almost killed Resident Evil second time. It's the textbook example of "Too many cooks in the kitchen", and is all over the place in terms of quality. They had no idea what kind of game they wanted to make, and pumped a shit load of money into making a massive mediocre mess that ended up somehow being worse than the franchises previous low RE5. Bigger =/= better.

Controls are competent but more rigid than pubg. Gameplay is extremely derivative and barebones. Everything else like animations and AI are also barebones and boring. It's not a good game.

I've never understood the hate for Resident Evil 0. I've played through it twice on the gamecube and Steam and always thought it was a solid but average entry in the series on par with RE3 or CVX. Not as good as REmake or RE2, but nothing about it stands out as terrible either.

>I've never understood the hate for Resident Evil 0

A few reasons.

- The story is shit even by RE standards
- Character switching amounts to nothing but a gimmick for the sake of a gimmick
- Lack of item boxes
- Lack of inventory space
- Eliminators are extremely annoying enemies
- It was supposed to be Rebecca's game yet she's completely useless in it and you always want to play as Billy since he's just better

There are worse games in the franchise, but not many. Also it came immediately after the Gamecube remake of 1 I believe, which is like getting treated to a Michelin star dinner the first day and dog food the day after.

Not even going to bother installing it, honestly. Just because it's nearly free doesn't mean it's worth playing.

It feels like a very unskilled designer had "the ingredients" for a Resident Evil game, and copious fan notes of bad ideas "DUDE JUST LET US DROP STUFF ANYWHERE, DUDE CRAFTABLE WEAPONS LMAO" but didn't have the instructions.

>no co-op missions
>WTF FOV TP camera
>generic grunt avatars / no RE stalwarts
>ORC much better (a scathing indictment)

-Every Resident Evil game has terrible writing, if you're playing for the story unironically then you're doing it wrong. Still, what about it's story stands out as awful?

-Character switching is far from the series most intrusive gimmick, and lends itself to a a couple of fun moments and puzzles.

-I personally don't mind the lack of item boxes and bigger focus on item and resource management, but I can understand why it might frustrate someone so fair enough.

-Eliminators are annoying, but arn't ever present enough to ruin the entire experience.

-Billy is awesome though, and him being a wanted criminal makes one of the most interesting and unique RE protagonists from a flavor perspective. Having QT Rebecca around to tag along is an added bonus.

Everybody is playing ranked, so choose that list.

If you can't find anybody in Multi Mission or One Life switch to the other one and vice versa.

If you are stilled boned wait for 10 minutes and switch again.

I'm getting on now OP.

Played a few of the single player missions, I think its decent enough so far. Why is it hated so much? Was it the price? Honestly I think this game would've been better off tacked onto RE6 as a game mode or something

>generic grunts
Honestly I like that. Plus I love the design tickles my spec ops mall ninja fantasies

>Dead Rising 2 in higher tier than Dead Rising 2 OTR

>developer: CAPCOM