So you faggots always claim women ruined the videogame industry but can you provide some facts to support this? Of course not. Videogame now are more diverse and far better than games before now that we have women involved. Just go outside for once.
So you faggots always claim women ruined the videogame industry but can you provide some facts to support this...
>48% when you count Candy Crush
Ha ha nice argument fag. Can you give me an actual example of how evil women destroyed a video game you liked? I guess not.
the problem for statisticians is to hold a line between "true games" and "casual games"
Can you? Guess not.
That's you.
>1.5% of humanity is gay
>2% of developers are trannies
Where the fuck do these people come from?
Keep crying bitch, games are better now and you know it.
don't trigger oldfags boy
My 70 year old dad plays Fallout Shelter, I should get him to post on Sup Forums.
How does that relate?
Who actually gives a fuck
what does sledgehammer make again? Every other call of duty or something?
She can't ruin what was already shit.
Games used to be fun and focused on gameplay and things that matter. Now they're all about "progressive" stories and the SJW agenda.
>48% of players are female
>gaming "journalists" claim the majority of gamers are women
>they also claim most gamers are sexist, bigoted virgins
>thus, women are the most sexist, bigoted audience out there
I mean, that's common knowledge, but it's funny when you turn their own studies against them.
They probably count mobile.
You can't get that figure if you don't.
Still no one can show me an specific example of a gaming franchise that's gone to hell because of evil womuns hur dur
>inequality in the industry
I don't fucking get this. In a extremely capitalist volatile industry what the fuck can you do when anyone can make video games? tell major studios to hire more woman? okay so now what about the indie devs or devs around the world that doesn't care about US social politics? how do you enforce it? I just don't get why the fuck anyone would say there is inequality in the industry and wants change. What the fuck can you do about it?
Didn't an official steam survey report that .7% of steam users were female?
I'm pretty sure the number of guys that pretend to be girls outnumber actual girls on steam, by far.
I dont like the font.
>candy crush/flappy bird
>video games
Threads like these reach bump limit unless the mods squash them, so people do care apparently.
I don't think women ruined the game industry, but it is pretty stupid to just lump all """gamers""" together into one giant blob. The type of people who play conventional games are very different from the types who play mobile/browser games.
>asserts opinion cannot be supported
>hypocritically asserts own opinion
Why are people so damn stupid?
>.7% of steam users were female
I'm surprised it's even that high
there is nothing stopping a female from making her own game other than her own lack of ambition.
yeah this
marxist shills were spamming articles earlier today, probably yuropeens about some 50% bullshit statistic about how MASSIVE amount of people play games, fucking thing said 10 minutes a day, like come the fuck on, thats not gaming
If womyn wanted to make video games, they would work on video games.
Due to biological differences, especially in "first world" countries, most woman choose their career path. Most of them gravitate towards jobs with alot of social interaction: teachers, nurses, social work, etc. That's just how woman are built. They are natural biological nurturers.
Also, as woman are the only sex that can produce offspring, many of them are less ambitious with jobs or leave the work force either temporarily, partially, or fully when they have kids.
Men work to live, women live and sometimes work.
>Videogame now are more diverse and far better than games before now that we have women involved.
On a contrary to what one popular propagandist said, lie that was repeated thousand times will not become truth.
>majority of speedrunners at gdq are overwhelmingly male
>majority of twitch/youtube streamers are male
>majority of video game competitions are 99% male
dunno where is those girl gamers that make up 48% of gamers are at
Its obviously the case that a lot of women play mobile games and a lot of mobile game devs specifically targer the wallets of women and their children with aggressive microtransactinos.
>Look mum I posted the infographic again. Am I a good boy yet?
All this does is support the fact that men, who overwhelmingly are the ones who makes games, are making games that nearly appeal equally to men and women.
>le you can make video games as a female, you just gotta try hard enough LOL!!
>every game dev studio in existence: you're female and want to make games? yeah okay, we'll stick you in the writing team so you can shoehorn tumblr fanfiction for romance options
>wait what do you mean you want to crunch numbers and design levels? fuck off
>So you faggots always claim women ruined the videogame industry
No I don't. I blame it fully on Micro$hit.
I thought majority of speedrunners were tranny? If not, why do trannies get so much air time?
Every 3rd I think
It is done for political reasons. You will trigger SJWs by pointing out that candy crush is not a real game.
What a horrible decade we live in.
>man wants to make videogame
>he makes it
>woman doesn't want to make videogame
>doesn't make it
There's not enough female coal miners either but they seem to be very quiet about that issue.
Society destroying marxist bullshit.
start your own studio.
build your own thing.
A man decided to create a thing.
A woman comes along and instead of also creating her own thing she demands the man give her his thing that he created.
why can't she just create her own thing? why does the man have to hand over the result of his hard work? in this modern age, with the tools available any idiot can make a game.
there's nothing stopping a female from building her own thing other than her own lack of ambition.
videogames attract degenerates. wow shocking!
>but can you provide some facts to support this?
Anita Sarkeesian.
>Videogame now are more diverse and far better than games before now that we have women involved.
Oh I wish I had read the whole thing first. Its bait and/or reddit
Why are these faggots driven to some cushy office jobs?
Thing is we live in a capitalist society and shareholders arent demanding publishers to create games for them, they just want a game that makes most money and those kinds of games were made.
>men are working their arses off for women's entertainment
What exactly is wrong with this? Legitimate question. It's pretty true to life.
Really? Now we gotta hire not only equal portions of women, men, trannies, gays, niggers, and spics, but also make sure we have enough women with manjaws?
>32% of gamers are male
>48% of gamers are female
Where the hell did the other 20% go? Are they bots? Traps? Foreigners?
But 2017 has been the best year for games in 15 years.
Won't get my (you)s with such a weak bait, user.
Nothing, women are biologically designed to always complain as to chase away all the beta males
They only behave when oppressed
Literally no one has ever explained how different genders doing different jobs is somehow a fucking problem. Our species EVOLVED to do that shit and suddenly it's a huge issue apparently, yet nobody even tries to explain what's the supposed bad thing that comes out of only males making games.
that says 52% you mongoloid
>A fucking tranny made it into Esports before a woman did
Women are so incompetent it's laughable
Thanks to Japan, which doesn't have to deal with forced feminism bullshit in their workplace
And those games wouldn't be profitable if people didn't want to play them.
>Please only collate stats for the segments of the gaming industry which I am personally interested in.
>Just go outside for once.
But i just did came from outside
This is bait, right? That's a 5.
>100% of the OPs that make these threads are complete fucking faggots
>0% care about actual discussion of video games on this board
Playing devils advocate here but this was standard western game design before the feminism push a few years ago. Games designed by men and for men which was so boring and narrow focused that it felt like the gaming crash was imminent. Is that the kind of thing you'd like to return to?
Personally I find post feminism designs like Horizon or Life is Strange to be a lot more varied and interesting than the dudebro cover shooters.
>Literally no one has ever explained how different genders doing different jobs is somehow a fucking problem.
Actually, there are quite literally thousands of pages explaining precisely why certain people believe why that is bad. The same people also provide thousands of pages explaining from all kinds of angles why simply claiming that we "evolved" in some way does not justify this situation.
All of those explanations are absolutely fucking shitty, and only work if you also embrace a whole lot of additional and highly suspect assumptions or axioms about most fundamental understanding of social dynamics and history. But they do exist, and most people - at least most contemporary, humanities/social studies educated young people actually accept them as valid.
It's really not like the reasoning has not been made. It's more like that you don't even want to see it.
Check this 7
What's the point of this thread?
At least post good porn
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
>publishers should arbitrarily hire women regardless of skill
>"games are better now, you sexist."
Even if that was true, which it's not, that wouldn't have anything to do with the development workplace. Technology is becoming more advanced and development tools are becoming easier to use.
Okay but one on the left is fanart and the other isn't from the video game itself
It's "prima donnas", actually
*the right
Hey if they want to make shitty mobile games more accessible to be developed by and marketed toward women they can feel free.
>59% of Americans play videogames
>48% of gamers are female
Did they go around asking people if they have ever played Pong? Gaming is seen the same as alcoholism, by most people.
>they should hire more female developers for games which women don't play because of the number that play one game for 10 minutes a day that I don't play
>they should make more games on hardware which women do not own that Target these women, despite the fact that a console is not a cell phone, which is the only reason these women are playing in the first place
>"What kind of country would bother to care about "representation" in videogames-
>American players
Of course
Meanwhile Japan is leading the way by having tons of female players and devs already because they didn't care to begin with and hire based on merit
>Main audience is white men
>White men find other white men more relatable
>White men want to play as white man
So hard to understand
>the burger is at it again
>my mother's mating name
That sounds hot.
He's only proving himself wrong, everything on the right is Japan and everything on the left is western. I don't understand his argument at all.
>Japan, where western feminism doesn't exist, has better character designs
no one has ever said that, nice strawman tho!
what gamers are sayin is the panding company's are doing to women who for the most part dont give a shit about games, people like Anita who are loud about so called sexism in the industry were none exist are the problem, the market usually deals with stupid shit like this any way
my question to u are men ruining my little pony ?
Must be hard being that stupid
I was referencing the western side. I'll cut the image next time to help focus since context clearly wasn't enough.
Just cause 48% of gamers are girls doesn't mean you need to butcher all games. You target the games demographic accordingly. Don't go throw bejeweled mini games into cod just to get the mobile gamer lassies in, especially if their demo is shown to focus more on mobile games or spend less.
>Games designed by men and for men which was so boring and narrow focused that it felt like the gaming crash was imminent
Where do you faggots get these ideas from? I can name as many shitty anime characters that look the same (just like in your bait image. fire emblem and tales of characters are basically the same) as many as you can name bland western characters. You inbreeds actually take those cherry-picked bait images serious.
i carnt spel
that whole post is full of grammatical error and you only correct one
The context clues were there, my bad
Only if you count gaming cancer like Farmville & Candy Crush
Logical reply asking greentext-myn to prove their point already
So...this is the power of the Cell. A person with just a single functioning brain cell. Me thinks this entire thread is just a bait thread.
nobody plays farmville anymore, the new thing are the virtual slot machines that konami put out that are the same exact shit as the ones in casinos.
Meh, women recognize the name at least, and I couldn't name a single one of those casino "games" to save my life.
Hey (you), your newfag is showing.
>women are a minority so how can they ruin the industry
Only takes one bad apple :^)
>cherrypicking this gay
None of those on left look alike also I find it funny how there's Lost and Damned instead of Ballad of Gay Tony.
>Japanese gaming developers have been pandering to female gamers for ages
>gaming industry going strong
>start to pander to the general Western audience of white males
>gaming industry pretty much on its death bed
Really gets the ol' noggin joggin