What the fuck happened to GDQ?

what the fuck happened to GDQ?

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>A new study by trend forecasting agency J. Walter Thompson Innovation Group found that only 48 percent of American 13-20-year-olds identify as "exclusively heterosexual," compared to 65 percent of millennials aged 21 to 34. This makes Generation Z the queerest generation in recorded history.

Face it, society is queer. The sooner you come to terms with this, the better

do you just not remember how gay the early AGDQs were or are you just shitposting

gays are 2% of population, trans like .2%

Needy horny autists gathered together in a closed ambient.

I remember lots of cringe and the crying girl. I remember fallout guy talking about his trans boyfriend. I don't remember an interview between two dudes dressed like women

>my little brother's best friend is now on hormones
>she's 10 years old

What a time to be alive

>I'm triggered the post

You're either new to GDQ, or an over reactionary retard. Time for you and anyone else that makes a thread like this to accept that you're the ones actually triggered

I would unironically give the girl (male) on the left a kiss on the tip of her penis

>asking the opinion of retarded teenagers.

Ask them again in 30 years.

it will be 100% hetero because the gays will have died of aids.

epic haha

what is this picture meant to show?
>oh no, purple hair, humanity is destroyed.

They're both men.

It got too popular, commercialized, and corrupt.

Who's the one on the left? Asking for a friend

>falling for the tranny meme

Just skip the middle step and go right to suicide

All the genders are arbitrary


*girls (male)

only if youre passing

How do you think their dads feel?

Look ma, I posted it again!

>t. faggot

>Sup Forums is literally OBSESSED with trannys


no one dies from aids anymore


One on the left could possibly pass for a 6/10 girl if they plucked their eyebrows and did something with their hair.

Thing on the right doesn't even look like it's trying.


Thank God I'm not American

they disabled the comments on this video, shame

I dont even know what GDQ is and i'm glad.
That's all.

Haha do you think they kissed haha

>watching 2013 highlights
>literally nothing is the same
what went so wrong

Why does Sup Forums care about us so much

When you play video games, what does it matter what your gender is or what your body looks like or what brain problems you have?

there we go.. has everyone dilated today?

Personally I don't mind dudes on drags getting on camera
What bothers me is how the GDQ staff forbidden people on chat to state their opinion

if you mean she as in originally a boy, she can look forward to not being able to be surgically reassigned.

The only reason I brought it here

sounds like a new AGDQ maymay to me user

It's not a coincidence that mentally ill people like speedrunning

When you play games it doesn't matter. Why are two trannies being featured at a gaming event, instead of the games?

>cant get girls
>convince themselves to become the girl they always wanted instead
>wonder why they regret mutilating their penis

>if i put on a bowtie i'm a girl
Isn't this exactly what feminists bitched about with Ms.Pacman?

If it's restricted chat or a deluge of autistic hate, I'll take the former. I don't watch these things for the Sup Forums experience

we need to force people into getting surgically reassigned. it removes them from the gene pool

They are not being featured 'instead of the games'. If it was two regular guys instead of them in every situation nothing would change except the chat wouldn't be trolled to death.

Will this be the new Sup Forums laptop screencap?

pretty true.
you have to be pretty autistic, have a lot of free time, be attention starved and be fine with devoting yourself to one monotonous task that you repeat over and over.

The only speedrunner I've seen who I didn't think was mentally or socially troubled was a fat black guy who did super mario bros.

Speed running is as much about the runners as it is about the games


If you've fapped to futa or traps, you're part of that "not exclusively heterosexual" percentage. Doesn't mean you're going to go out and do something gay off the internet.

>what the fuck happened to GDQ?

We stopped suppressing Sodomites in the 1970's. It all kind of spiraled out of control from there, with giving toddlers sex change operations being considered totally normal and healthy amongst the intelligentsia of our society.

This is all late stage empire shit btw. The West is going through societal collapse.


Why is it always the ugliest men that try to be women?

>mfw I exclusively fap to shemale porn but IRL I'm 100% attracted to females (females)

better be ugly woman than ugly man right?

you don't have to try and argue with an obvious false statistic.
the actual number collected from reputable studies not biased by the left or the right puts LGBT in total around 6.5%

Interestingly there was also a large poll conducted asking what percentage of the population amercian's thought were gay, a surprisingly amount said as high as 35%, with the average respondee over-estimating how much of the population was homosexual.

not surprised 2bh, girls ruin everything


>with giving toddlers sex change operations being considered totally normal and healthy amongst the intelligentsia of our society

Gonna need source on 1) the operation on a toddler and 2) people being unanimously fine with it.

It's funny that the video you linked talks about agendas interfering with reality.

The internet was a mistake

the degenerates will start suiciding soon enough if they haven't already
i mean look at nutjobs like cosmo

Also chris chan

Is it really though?

You tend to see a lot more ugly men with decent looking women than you do ugly women with decent looking men.

>beta nu-males have the weakest mentalities.pdf

Holy fuck dont go to that imgur link

Fucking hell

There's literally nothing wrong with sodomy

Do video games turn you gay?


It's talking about exclusivity, not what they primarily identify as.

Because everyone that's gay is actually brave enough to say it
Most gays/bis are still closetfags


I still find it somewhat doubtful.
then again, trannies are one of the most popular tags with men based on porn site unbiased search data,

Only nintendo games. Literally all of these trannys are obsessed with nintendo.

You have a point here, forget what I have written

I remember when GDQ was great, there was nothing but white men with blue eyes and blond hair, we were only playing good video games, everything was free, everyone was nice...
...and then...
...the jews...

What is a stent?

I've fapped to traps before, but I'm not about to start fucking dudes. Also,
>Lumping trans in with sexual orientation
Make LGB great again


Sup Forums here
we tried to warn you all but you wouldnt listen
now you suffer the consequences

Oh and this is the patrician alternative, Mohammed?

All this shit is happening in America. Only America.

t. sonyBBa

When will trump ban these freaks?

>There's literally nothing wrong with sodomy

Objectively it's killed millions of people through the spread of HIV in Western society.


why don't you look it up user?

>Not showing America being packed to the brim with markers.

its some metal shit, just looked it up its litteraly nothing


The world of speedruners is FILLED with autistis.
nerd autist can't have a girlfriend, they have zero contact with girls. So wat do they do? They become girls.

Wear a condom, idiot


The girl on the right is pretty cute. What's her name?

You can just as easily get hiv normally. Just saiyan

Because your identity group has a shitload of advocates pushing acceptance of a mental illness as a normal expression of gender (or sex, or whatever the fuck). If your brain thinks it is female, but its chromosomes have a Y-chromosome at the 23rd pair, then you are a male with a dysphoria condition, not a female trapped in a male body.


Three words that should never be together, Jesus Christ.

I'm sorry if you believe that

>most reputable surgeon
>in thailand
>no big deal but my labia is falling off from necrosis
this is a horror story


>i-it's just a matter of doing it before puberty, guys!!!!
Aaaaay fucking trannies

>“There’s definitely been a lot of complications in terms of the bottom surgery,” Jennings explained on Tuesday’s PEOPLE Now. “We’ve been talking about it a lot. You’ll see in the show, there’s some problems because I’ve been on the hormone blockers and basically I haven’t had a lot of development — so we’re debating if I have enough material to work with.”

The inside of a tranny's vagina is not the same as a normal vagina. The "walls" are just pubic area skin folded inward and held "up" by some body fab work. Because this skin can grow pubic hair, the skin and areas underneath it are overhauled, otherwise you end up with a vagina that grows hair on the inside of your body (infection prone!). When this extra process is done, you basically get a skin graph for your "neovagina". But this is not a perfect fix as the "stent" can come undone and fall out of the vagina. Also, the body will always try to heal the "wound" so it's important to keep a dildo in it for 4 hours a day every day or it will seal itself up. Lots of maintenance, those neovaginas.